
Rain Dirties the White Skirt

David Du

Snow, wearing the white skirt dancing,

As if she wants to expose her splendid skill that

Has been to buried whole winter,

Snow, wearing the white skirt dancing,

As if she wants to make up the withered grasses,

And put on a crown of sliver.

Snow, wearing the white skirt dancing,

As if she waves the sliver ribbon and draw a beautiful picture

On the floor, fill in flower.

Suddenly another player shows up in the sky,

He throws a damp over, then

The white skirt is damaged, teared, even twisted… cry...

Finally it falls off

Only the dirty shrivels in the new player-rain,

Gradually, gradually.
我非诗人,但空余时间基本就是玩诗,中文,英文,新诗,词,曲全玩,而且乐此不疲,有当地人问我:你以前在国内是教英语的,我说不是,我以前在国内甚至就没正经八经学过英文,我讲了20多年日语,很遗憾,那个时间天天忙生意,没时间玩诗, 所以,从来没写过日语诗。 来加拿大,没生意可做,总得找点玩乐,于是爱上了诗, 现在写英文诗不像从前,还要翻字典查中文,现在基本可以做到一蹴而就了。
player 就是演员, 表演者, rain是雨, 我这首诗是説雨讲雪全部摧毁,我讨厌雨,喜欢雪,所以,我把雪物化,变成一件白色的裙子,雨,就像一个刽子手将雪扼杀。我用的破折号。链接Player— rain。感谢小苏给我的“配角”诗一个超赞!
player 就是演员, 表演者, rain是雨, 我这首诗是説雨讲雪全部摧毁,我讨厌雨,喜欢雪,所以,我把雪物化,变成一件白色的裙子,雨,就像一个刽子手将雪扼杀。我用的破折号。链接Player— rain。感谢小苏给我的“配角”诗一个超赞!
谢谢详尽的解答 :wdb11: :wdb17:
Rain Dirties the White Skirt

David Du

Snow, wearing the white skirt dancing,

As if she wants to expose her splendid skill that

Has been to buried whole winter,

Snow, wearing the white skirt dancing,

As if she wants to make up the withered grasses,

And put on a crown of sliver.

Snow, wearing the white skirt dancing,

As if she waves the sliver ribbon and draw a beautiful picture

On the floor, fill in flower.

Suddenly another player shows up in the sky,

He throws a damp over, then

The white skirt is damaged, teared, even twisted… cry...

Finally it falls off

Only the dirty shrivels in the new player-rain,

Gradually, gradually.




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