


I am 33 years old and don't even have a job career or never gone to college. Is there really something wrong with me? I don't have a life. Am I alone? I haven't done anything in my life.


You, my friend, are the norm (average). But “haven‘t done anything” is almost certainly not correct.

Are you a husband? Father (your question seems male to me for some reason)? Friend?

I am guessing you are American (as we don’t see this preoccupation in much of the world). Being a member of a family is considered in most cultures, to be MORE than contribution enough. It’s very, very easy to get warped and wrapped up in the ego arms race that is The Culture of Success.

If you have failed to invest time and energy in your relationships then you haven‘t done anything in/with life. If you don’t care if you work badly, and don‘t take pride in what you do (even if it seems menial in the popular media), then you‘ve not done anything in life.

Life isn’t a merit competition. When you love a child. Or a plant. Or a dog. You contribute something even many MIT PhDs and Iron Mans fail to. You make the world better.

Be better than yesterday. And you will never worry again about life. The only person - at any age - you need to compare yourself is … you guessed it!




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