环球邮报有关数字货币的两篇文章,其中一篇提到“2021 年 2 月,加央行宣布了三个团队为其 Model X 挑战提交详细的提案,以帮助塑造数字加元的设计、技术和愿景。” 这篇文章很长,如果加央行和其它G7 的央行发行加元,美元等数字货币,将会对目前的数字货币产生重大影响。
另一篇观点文章的标题是“Why central banks will crush bitcoin”,作者是前国会议员和财政部长的国会秘书。
另一篇观点文章的标题是“Why central banks will crush bitcoin”,作者是前国会议员和财政部长的国会秘书。
The future of money: The digital currency revolution is here, and may sweep away 5,000 years of monetary history
There is a coming storm in the world of finance as governments around the world engage in a global contest to digitize their currencies
Opinion: Why central banks will crush bitcoin
Their concern is that the use of private digital currencies to buy real stuff could, over time, crowd out the official currency, which gives central banks their raison d’être