去年(2020)抽签没中, 大家知道2021年什么时候移民局会邀请提交申请意向吗?
W woodharbor 37 2021-06-18 #4 2019的交上去两年了都还没审。 移民局不理会2018, 2019的积案,转头又收了2020的。 我看这个移民项目要回到从前那种积压很多年的状态了。 别抱太大希望。
flgdy 772 2021-07-20 #7 just saw a news: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...he-2021-parents-and-grandparents-program.html
flgdy 772 2021-07-20 #8 Invitations to apply will be sent over the course of 2 weeks, starting the week of September 20, 2021.
Invitations to apply will be sent over the course of 2 weeks, starting the week of September 20, 2021.
S sunnysnow 250 2021-07-21 #9 flgdy 说: Invitations to apply will be sent over the course of 2 weeks, starting the week of September 20, 2021. 点击展开... Hi Flgdy, I just saw the news. I don’t understand. Can we submit the 意向表today? Where is the form?
flgdy 说: Invitations to apply will be sent over the course of 2 weeks, starting the week of September 20, 2021. 点击展开... Hi Flgdy, I just saw the news. I don’t understand. Can we submit the 意向表today? Where is the form?
Z zhuww1214 4,482 2021-07-21 #10 sunnysnow 说: Hi Flgdy, I just saw the news. I don’t understand. Can we submit the 意向表today? Where is the form? 点击展开... 2021年没有意向表格,是从2020年池子里面抽。如果你2020年没有交过意向表格,那么2021就没有机会了,要等2022年
sunnysnow 说: Hi Flgdy, I just saw the news. I don’t understand. Can we submit the 意向表today? Where is the form? 点击展开... 2021年没有意向表格,是从2020年池子里面抽。如果你2020年没有交过意向表格,那么2021就没有机会了,要等2022年