大多伦多 HOME Condo楼花,金融区Adelaide/Parliament 高级公寓 紧邻Vogue最潮街区皇后街 10%首付

David Zhu


HOME Condo楼花,金融区Adelaide/Parliament 高级公寓​

紧邻Vogue最潮街区皇后街 10%首付​


48 Power St Toronto, ON M5A 3A6
Located at Adelaide St E & Parliament St
2 Years Free Maintenance

Home Power Adelaide Condos Amenities Map

10% Down Deposit Structure
$10,000 on Signing
Balance to 5% in 30 Days
5% in 180 Days
5% on Occupancy

Parking: $75,000
(Available to Select Models Only)

Locker: $6,000

Occupancy Date: Early 2022


由著名开发商The Great Gulf集团最新开发的贵族公寓楼花Home On Power Condos已闪耀登场——无敌的地段、便利的交通、革新的创意、一流的设计、完备的设施,更不用提其优雅的环境以及由此而来的精致充实生活。位于多伦多市中心48 Power St,这座集商业与住宅一体的新型混合式公寓,计划将建造21层共530间住宅单元,和超过6万平方尺的零售商铺。有1到3睡房不同户型选择,价格30余万起。预计2020年12月交房。由Core Architects设计的U形建筑风格,中间是7层高的裙楼,包括零售商铺和公寓公共设施,两边向上是南北两栋15层大楼。
金融区Adelaide/Parliament 高级公寓HOME Condo楼花,紧邻Vogue最潮街区皇后街 photo 4

地理位置绝佳,几乎就在DVP高速的出口和入口。北边是Richmond Street,西边是Parliament street,南边是 Adelaide Street。近George Brown学院,公交、公园、商场、餐厅和购物。与皇后街仅一路口之隔, 多伦多的皇后街荣登世界著名时尚杂志《Vogue》刚刚评选出全球15大最潮街区排名第二位;
步行指数 97/100,交通指数 98/100,自行车指数100/100;
周边多所公立学校,如Nelson Mandel Park PS、Jarvis CI;
快速到达市中心多处商业和娱乐区,如St.Lawrence Market,中国城;
附近多处公园 如:Corktown Common, Regent Park, Queen’s Park 及Moss Park等。
金融区Adelaide/Parliament 高级公寓HOME Condo楼花,紧邻Vogue最潮街区皇后街 photo 5

Exterior photo of home. (Power + Adelaide)

成立于1975年的Great Gulf,自成立以来已从当初一家地方性的建筑商发展成为北美举足轻重的房地产开发集团。Great Gulf的开发项目不仅遍布大多伦多地区,更在美国的七大城市留下足迹,从亚特兰大到丹佛都能看到Great Gulf的杰作。作为顶尖的开发商,Great Gulf在多伦多建造了多项精品佳作,其承建的项目类型繁多,有高层公寓、度假屋、会议中心、办公大楼、商场等。Great Gulf一直走精品项目开发路线,在精致的基础上添加文化氛围。Great Gulf开发的公寓项目包括布鲁尔街1号(One Bloor)、摩根大厦(The Morgan)、约克维尔18号(18 Yorkville)、X Condo 、Charlie大厦等。而在独立屋项目领域,Great Gulf 也颇有建树。
Living at home, you’re in the centre of one of Toronto’s most vibrant neighbourhoods. You’re close to downtown, uptown, the Beach, waterfront and an incredible assortment of leisure and lifestyle perks. And now, it’s about to get even better with a dynamic new hub of activity and opportunity coming soon at East Harbour!
A city within a city, a brand-new neighbourhood, a bustling economic epicentre, a wonderland of natural green space and a world-class transit hub. Welcome to East Harbour! Located on a 60-acre site directly east of Toronto’s downtown core, on the site of the former Unilever Soap Factory where the Don River meets Lake Shore Boulevard East Harbour is the largest commercial project currently planned in Canada.
East Harbour is Toronto’s newest destination destined to redefi ne the downtown core. From one-time industrial lands to a future pedestrian hotspot, here you will discover a diverse mix of offi ce and residential, restaurants and retail, cultural and entertainment spaces, with parks, walking trails and more all threaded within a highly walk-able, bike-able environment. Architecturally, the project will combine preserved historic buildings with beautiful modern design and interconnect spaces so that visitors can move freely between them without going outside. East Harbour is also a registered EcoDistrict, which means its developers are committed to ensuring a low carbon footprint.
Toronto’s job market is booming with a growing number of companies popping up downtown. With the population of the GTA estimated to reach 9.4 million by 2041, Toronto needs a major new employment node to maintain a competitive advantage in the global competition for talent. Once complete, East Harbour will provide about 10 million square feet of new office space and bring over 50,000 new jobs to the east side of downtown.
East Harbour Development is in its beginning stages. The Province and City are working together to create a provincially led, expedited process for review and public engagement.




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