大多伦多 Daniel’s MPV 公寓 Brampton, 仅5%首付 Brampton是大多伦多过去几年涨幅最大的地区 30万起 价格和户型图

David Zhu


Daniel’s MPV 公寓 Brampton, 仅5%首付​

Brampton是大多伦多过去几年涨幅最大的地区 30万起 价格和户型图​

Brampton, Daniel's MPV

Exterior photo of Daniels MPV

Brampton 是大多伦多过去几年涨幅最大的地区,
Brampton 是会是未来几年大多地区涨幅最大地区。
Exterior photo of Daniels MPV

1700 Bovaird Dr W Brampton, ON L7A 0H8
Located at Bovaird Dr W & Creditview Rd

Exterior photo of Daniels MPV

Connectivity around Daniels MPV

Connection is essential at MPV, from culture and community to commuting. Bringing you anywhere you want to go in comfort. Designed as a transit-oriented urban village with direct access to the Mount Pleasant Go Station. Take advantage of convenient services, such as the 400 series, to get to downtown Toronto in less than an hour. Brampton also boasts one of the fastest-growing transit systems in Canada. In addition, the new Züm rapid transit bus service improving local travel.

  • Five minutes from the GO and Brampton Transit station
  • Züm rapid transit bus service
  • A short drive from the 400 series highways
  • Diverse local amenities are fully walkable
Brampton Is a Thriving, Urban Community

Stroll through the heritage streetscapes that lead to Mount Pleasant Civic Square, the village’s focal point. A public park with art installations, a children’s playground, and a pond that acts as an ice rink in the winter. The landmark cultural and educational center, which includes a new two-story library, is located right next to the square. There is also an elementary school inside the restored CPR train station.


Brampton is a nature lover’s paradise, with over 4,000 acres of parkland, over 90 kilometers of trails, and 400 parks. A city is a vibrant place of leisure at its heart, with more than 100 sports facilities such as curling rinks, tennis courts, camps, and clubs.

Just minutes from MPV, the Save Max Sports Centre hosts fun for the whole family with indoor and outdoor turf fields, gym, basketball courts, and more, plus a 90-meter running track coming soon. Add to this over 185 hectares of preserved nature running adjacent to Daniels MPV made up of woodland trails, acres of parkland, natural wetlands, and wildlife.





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