

为了方便大家, 让我们一起准备资料吧。所有相关问题汇集于此。大家互帮互助。我来开个头
  1. 父母目前在国内, 请问照片如何让准备?尤其是照片后面要求的信息如何提供?
    • :giggle:我在南京找了家照枫叶卡照片的,可以背后盖章且为英文。照片出来后,父母签字,然后背面扫描和照片电子档一并发邮件过来
  2. 父母结婚证需要公证吗?还是拿复印件,自己翻译一下就行
    • :giggle: 父母结婚证应该需要公证
  3. imm0008 national identity document 身份证是长期的怎么写 能不能用护照代替?
    • 通读了Guide后, expiry Date 我留的是空白
  4. 还是imm0008 dependant you must list all your children even if they are already payment resident or citizens of Canada 那我作为担保人要不要写?
    • 取决于你是不是 22岁以上, 还是不是dependant。 是的话,就要。否则, 不要
    • Dependant type​

      Type A

      The dependant is under the age of 22 and single (not married and not in a common-law relationship).

      Type B (Important: This dependant type applies only if your child’s age was locked in before August 1, 2014)

      The dependant has been continuously enrolled in and in attendance as a full-time student at a post-secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority and has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22.

      Type C

      The dependant is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22, and is unable to provide for themselves because of a medical condition.
  5. 公证的文件有没有有效期 比如出生证明 结婚证等 要用最新的还是旧的也能用?
    • 我用的是十几年前自己移民时的公证件
  6. 请问你照片背面扫描是PDF 格式还是JPG这样的图片格式,分辨率多大? 谢谢。 我们那里不提供英文信息和图章
    • Accepted file types: Only PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, and DOCX are accepted.
    • Accepted file size: File size should be 4mb maximum and photos should be 420x540 pixels minimum
      The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information
最后编辑: 2021-10-01
请问你照片背面扫描是PDF 格式还是JPG这样的图片格式,分辨率多大? 谢谢。 我们那里不提供英文信息和图章
大家好我有 3个关于表格的问题
1 imm0008 national identity document 身份证是长期的怎么写 能不能用护照代替?
2 还是imm0008 dependant you must list all your children even if they are already payment resident or citizens of Canada 那我作为担保人要不要写?
3 公证的文件有没有有效期 比如出生证明 结婚证等 要用最新的还是旧的也能用?

最后编辑: 2021-10-01
请问你照片背面扫描是PDF 格式还是JPG这样的图片格式,分辨率多大? 谢谢。 我们那里不提供英文信息和图章
  • Accepted file types: Only PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, and DOCX are accepted.
  • Accepted file size: File size should be 4mb maximum and photos should be 420x540 pixels minimum
The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information
想法可以理解。 JULI说的对,最好还是本人签名的好




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