
我的电脑是MacBook Air,前段时间,Google Chrome打不开家园论坛,根据家园朋友的建议,改用Safari,现在可以使用家园论坛了。

但是,Google Chrome和Safari都有一些网站打不开,甚至连维基百科都打不开了(iPhone手机可以打开),电脑大师们可以告诉我问题在哪里吗?


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检查电脑上的防毒軟件设置. 我曾试过打不开Amazon, YouTube.后来在AVG防毒软件的设置里增加这两个网站的exception, 就可以打开了.
我用 iPad safari Google chrome 都可以打开Wikipedia. 或者你Google Wikipedia, 然后根据谷歌给你的网址, 看能不能打开.
iPhone和 iPad都可以打开维基百科,MacBook Air两种浏览器都打不开,而且一些其它网站也打不开
我的电脑是MacBook Air,前段时间,Google Chrome打不开家园论坛,根据家园朋友的建议,改用Safari,现在可以使用家园论坛了。

但是,Google Chrome和Safari都有一些网站打不开,甚至连维基百科都打不开了(iPhone手机可以打开),电脑大师们可以告诉我问题在哪里吗?


我也用MacBook Air,你可能hsts设置被修改了,导致不能建立https链接。
If you are receiving a privacy error when trying to visit a particular website and the same site is accessible from another browser or device, there’s a strong chance that you have a problem with how the HSTS settings are configured. If that’s the case, the solution would be to either clear or disable HSTS for your web browser.

Below you have a collection of guides that will help you clear or disable your HSTS settings. Please follow the guides associated with your particular browser and feel free to follow whichever solution is most applicable to your particular scenario.

If you’re experiencing the same behavior, follow the steps down below to delete the HSTS cache from your Chrome browser:
  1. Open Google Chrome and paste the following in the omnibar.chrome://net-internals/#hsts
  2. Make sure the Domain Security Policy is expanded, then use the Domain box (under Query HSTS/PKP domain) to enter to the domain that you’re trying to clear the HSTS settings for. You will be returned a list of values.
  3. Once the values are returned, scroll down to Delete domain security policies. enter the same domain name and click the Delete button to clear the HSTS settings.
  4. Restart Chrome and see if you are able to access the domain that you previously cleared the HSTS settings for. If the issue was related to the HSTS settings, the website should be accessible.
检查Chrome Safari 是不是最新版本, 有没有updated. 我刚才取消了防毒软件中的的Amazon, YouTube的 exception, 仍然可以打开了。我是用Windows 10, 对iMac不熟悉.
我也用MacBook Air,你可能hsts设置被修改了,导致不能建立https链接。
If you are receiving a privacy error when trying to visit a particular website and the same site is accessible from another browser or device, there’s a strong chance that you have a problem with how the HSTS settings are configured. If that’s the case, the solution would be to either clear or disable HSTS for your web browser.

Below you have a collection of guides that will help you clear or disable your HSTS settings. Please follow the guides associated with your particular browser and feel free to follow whichever solution is most applicable to your particular scenario.

If you’re experiencing the same behavior, follow the steps down below to delete the HSTS cache from your Chrome browser:
  1. Open Google Chrome and paste the following in the omnibar.chrome://net-internals/#hsts
  2. Make sure the Domain Security Policy is expanded, then use the Domain box (under Query HSTS/PKP domain) to enter to the domain that you’re trying to clear the HSTS settings for. You will be returned a list of values.
  3. Once the values are returned, scroll down to Delete domain security policies. enter the same domain name and click the Delete button to clear the HSTS settings.
  4. Restart Chrome and see if you are able to access the domain that you previously cleared the HSTS settings for. If the issue was related to the HSTS settings, the website should be accessible.
我的电脑是MacBook Air,前段时间,Google Chrome打不开家园论坛,根据家园朋友的建议,改用Safari,现在可以使用家园论坛了。

但是,Google Chrome和Safari都有一些网站打不开,甚至连维基百科都打不开了(iPhone手机可以打开),电脑大师们可以告诉我问题在哪里吗?


我也用MacBook Air,你可能hsts设置被修改了,导致不能建立https链接。
If you are receiving a privacy error when trying to visit a particular website and the same site is accessible from another browser or device, there’s a strong chance that you have a problem with how the HSTS settings are configured. If that’s the case, the solution would be to either clear or disable HSTS for your web browser.

Below you have a collection of guides that will help you clear or disable your HSTS settings. Please
follow the guides associated with your particular browser and feel free to follow whichever solution is most applicable to your particular scenario.

If you’re experiencing the same behavior, follow the steps down below to delete the HSTS cache from your Chrome browser:
  1. Open Google Chrome and paste the following in the omnibar.chrome://net-internals/#hsts
  2. Make sure the Domain Security Policy is expanded, then use the Domain box (under Query HSTS/PKP domain) to enter to the domain that you’re trying to clear the HSTS settings for. You will be returned a list of values.
  3. Once the values are returned, huscroll down to Delete domain security policies. enter the same domain name and click the Delete button to clear the HSTS settings.
  4. Restart Chrome and see if you are able to access the domain that you previously cleared the HSTS settings for. If the issue was related to the HSTS settings, the website should be accessible.




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