大多伦多 Red Oaks on Bayview 绝佳位置 独立屋项目即将发售 at Bayview & Elgin Mills Offering 38′ – 60′ Lots 价格和户型图

David Zhu


Red Oaks on Bayview 绝佳位置 独立屋项目即将发售​

at Bayview & Elgin Mills Offering 38′ – 60′ Lots 价格和户型图​

Red Oaks in Richmond Hill

列治文山Bayview/Elgin Mills

Located at Bayview Ave & Elgin Mills Rd E, Richmond Hill.

L4S 0A6
Located at Bayview Ave & Elgin Mills Rd E

Coming This Fall to Richmond Hill

Thank you for your patience awaiting
the highly anticipated release
of Red Oaks on Bayview.
Stay tuned for more exclusive details coming soon.

Red Oaks is a collection of luxury single-detached homes
at the north end of Richmond Hill. Located
at Bayview and Elgin Mills,
this stunning new neighbourhood offers the height
of suburban living in the Greater Toronto Area.
A selection of Detached homes that are set moments away from parks,
green spaces, local shops and big box stores.
It's also a stone's throw from the 404,
connecting you to downtown Toronto
and all the province's major motorways.

Both tranquil and active, the area offers plenty of schools,
sports leagues, golf courses and recreation space.
Like the sturdy and dependable wood after which it’s named,
Red Oaks is a place where young
and established families can expect to thrive for years to come

David Zhu(647) 202-8676
51新楼花专家 美资房企高管 懂房子
懂投资 精研学区房 新楼花 豪宅买卖
微信:zliquan89 约克钻石经纪




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Brightwater最新一期公寓 最新一期镇屋开始预订 绝对稀缺,户型图和价格coming soon 优先内部签约 内部价格 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)

Union -village 第二期-B 最新豪华独立屋 开盘在即 New Detached Homes 全部户型图在手 下周即将有价格信息 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)

89 AVENUE ROAD CONDOS公寓 钻石般的品质 极尽奢华 而且落落大方 450万至2500万 每层仅4个单元(都是concer户型) – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)

33Yorkville Condos 多伦多市中心最尊贵地段 象征着这座城市最上流的豪寓 地位等同于纽约的第五大道 价格和户型图   – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)

Concord Sky 一種在城市璀璨之上,環幕皆景的愜意自在 傲立雲端的天際線 95层 多伦多未来的新地标 2028入住 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)
【AVGS 爱神谷南村】2025交房 Walkout 地下室 独立屋 镇屋 价格和户型图-发布43 Lot的户型 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)
NO. 31 Condos- 2% 现金折扣 首付15% 最新户型放出 多伦多市中心湖滨的地铁公寓 未来的浦东陆家嘴 上海新外滩 无敌湖景和City View – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)




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