Menkes再接再厉,即将推出218 Dundas East! 46 层
混合用途公寓大楼 价格和人户型图Coming Soon
步行 10 分钟到瑞尔森大学
步行 8 分钟到登打士地铁站
步行 10 分钟到伊顿中心
5 分钟到圣劳伦斯市场
218 Dundas East Condos:开发信息
目前的计划要求 218 栋登打士东公寓楼高 46 层,
包括 588 套住宅套房。单位组合如下:
- 135个一居室单位
- 298个一居室+书房单位
- 96个两居室单位
- 59个三居室单位
此外,一个四层的地下停车场将容纳 116 个停车位,
而 596 个自行车位将位于夹层。
Filmores 酒店的历史外观将被保留,
地址 218 Dundas Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 1Z6
类别 公寓, 零售
状态 施工前
建筑物数量 1
高度 437 英尺 / 133.20 米
楼高 41
单元数 495
开发商 Menkes Developments
建筑师 Giannone Petricone Associates
遗产建筑师 GBCA Architects
景观设计师 NAK Design Group
工程 Stantec , Theakston Environmental , HGC Engineering Inc
法律 戴维斯豪律师事务所
规划 戈德堡集团
现场服务 Rady-Pentek & Edward Surveying Ltd
交通和基础设施 LEA 咨询
218 Dundas East 周围的社区拥有各种零售设施、
- 在伊顿中心是一个短的步行或乘坐电车到西部,
- 并继续成为多伦多最重要的购物目的地之一。
- Yonge-Dundas 广场的活动和其他文化活动也很方便。
- 瑞尔森大学就在步行距离之内,
- 这使得这个新社区非常适合学生或教职员工。
- 从这里可以轻松到达乔治布朗学院和多伦多大学。
- Metro 和 Loblaws 的旗舰店都在附近,
- 而一系列独立的杂货店则分布在附近。
- 附近的艾伦花园和帕姆麦康奈尔水上运动中心
- 提供休闲和娱乐的机会。
而75 Sherbourne 巴士向东仅几步之遥。
1 号线央和大学的登打士地铁站位于步行范围内,
可轻松连接到 2 号线 Bloor-Danforth、
所有 GO Transit 铁路线和 Union-Pearson Express。
骑自行车的人可以利用 Sherbourne 街上受保护的自行车道。
与此同时,高耸入云的 218 Dundas East Condos 将实现新旧完美对比。
Menkes Developments Ltd
Upon its founding in the middle of the 20th Century,
Menkes Developments was focused on the planning
and construction of single-family homes.
While the company continues to develop this form of housing,
they have also embraced ongoing trends
in the GTA real estate market. In particular,
they have in recent years shifted towards the creation
of mixed-use communities-ones that are based
on walkability and excellent transit access.
Menkes Developments has been owned and operated
by the Menkes family throughout its existence,
and they continue to have an active role
in its day-to-day operations. The company has made
the inclusion of environmentally-friendly features
in their buildings a top priority (with several
of their buildings receiving LEED Platinum
or Silver certification),
and has received numerous industry sustainability awards.
Finally, the Menkes family recognizes the importance
of giving back to the communities and neighborhoods
of which their company is a part. To that end,
they have donated to an array of local charities
and nonprofits throughout the region.
Previous Projects
Gibson Square. This 42-story, 441-unit complex is located
at the heart of North York City Centre.
Within walking distance, a diverse array of restaurants
and an eclectic mix of shops can all be found.
A host of parks and recreational spaces can also
be found in the surrounding area.
In terms of transit service North York Centre station
on TTC subway Line, 1 is just steps away
and offers direct access to Downtown Toronto.
In addition, the bus terminal at Finch Station
(just a short distance to the north) provides connections
to a wide swathe of the York Region as well as destinations
throughout the GTA.
Dwell City Towns. Consisting of 196 townhome units,
Dwell City Towns is within close proximity
to the ever-widening variety of amenities available
in Etobicoke and Mississauga.
Pearson Airport is just minutes to the north,
while Centennial Park and Sherway Gardens are also
both nearby.
David Zhu(647) 202-8676
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