

I was issued two violation tickets and fines after I had paid for parking properly at the meter at a Public Pay Park in Vancouver operated by EasyPark on Jan. 09, 2024. One ticket was given at 18: 18 and the other at 18: 25 on January 9, although I had paid for parking with a receipt time-stamped at 18:15. Easypark posted photographs of my car on their website parked in the same location for the two tickets with two fines from different parking lots.
I appealed the tickes and reached out to a Vancouver City Councillor to get the tickets ancelled. With intervention from a city councillor, they cancelled the tickets within a couple of days.
Ticketing customers after they have paid for parking seems to be a systematic problem with EasyPark in Vancouver. I have recorded my experiences and what I have found about this type of problems in my personal blog.




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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