IMM3903E 中:
Appendix A
Document Checklist - Immigrant
Include for yourself and each of your family members Copy 2 of the Medical Report-Section A that the DMP will sign and give to you when you undergo the medical examination. See Appendix D for additional information.
Appendix D
Medical Instructions
The following instructions apply only to
*persons who are members of the family class, specifically the spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child of the sponsor, and whose application for permanent residence is processed at a Canadian visa office;
*their family members.
If you are not a person described above, DO NOT use this form. If you do, the results of your medical examination will not be valid. You will have to undergo a new examination and pay associated fees. If you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, you do not need to undergo a medical examination.
If you are a person described above, you and, if applicable, each of your family members must complete your own copy of this instruction sheet. Make enough photocopies for your needs before you start filling the boxes below.