Residency Refund Option for Economic Nominees
As of October 12, 2007, there is a new post-landing option called the Residency Refund available to Economic stream nominees who have landed in Canada and are living in Nova Scotia.
Nominees approved under the Economic stream of the NSNP are currently entitled to a six-month employment contract/mentorship with an approved Nova Scotia employer at a middle management level for a minimum salary of $20,000. This opportunity made available after landing in Nova Scotia is called the Business Mentor Program.
The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration is pleased to introduce a new option for Economic nominees which may better meet the needs of some nominees and assist with their settlement in Nova Scotia. Economic nominees now have a choice. They can select the Business Mentor Program or they can choose the new Residency Refund option.
The Residency Refund option enables Economic nominees to qualify for a refund of the $100,000 economic contribution, without interest. Nominees must provide satisfactory evidence that they and their accompanying dependents have resided in Nova Scotia on a full-time basis for 12 consecutive months (within 18 months of landing) and that they are still living in the province.
Economic nominees can only select one option. Nominees who have already started (i.e. signed an employment contract) or completed a Business Mentor employment contract cannot participate in the Residency Refund option.
The PDF documents linked to below provide further information about the Residency Refund option.
As of October 12, 2007, there is a new post-landing option called the Residency Refund available to Economic stream nominees who have landed in Canada and are living in Nova Scotia.
Nominees approved under the Economic stream of the NSNP are currently entitled to a six-month employment contract/mentorship with an approved Nova Scotia employer at a middle management level for a minimum salary of $20,000. This opportunity made available after landing in Nova Scotia is called the Business Mentor Program.
The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration is pleased to introduce a new option for Economic nominees which may better meet the needs of some nominees and assist with their settlement in Nova Scotia. Economic nominees now have a choice. They can select the Business Mentor Program or they can choose the new Residency Refund option.
The Residency Refund option enables Economic nominees to qualify for a refund of the $100,000 economic contribution, without interest. Nominees must provide satisfactory evidence that they and their accompanying dependents have resided in Nova Scotia on a full-time basis for 12 consecutive months (within 18 months of landing) and that they are still living in the province.
Economic nominees can only select one option. Nominees who have already started (i.e. signed an employment contract) or completed a Business Mentor employment contract cannot participate in the Residency Refund option.
The PDF documents linked to below provide further information about the Residency Refund option.