Raw Video Transcript (unedited):
“Oh! Turkey Republic of Muslim people, we are a country connected by the Islamic solidarity. The words solidarity with us means “non-master of all things”, except only for Allah, [PBUH, Muhammad is his Messenger」.
I tell you, those Chinese Buddhists, their small eyes, flat noses ...
Judgment day will not come, until we attacked them. Judgment day will not come, until we slaughter them. Judgment day will not come, until our war with them and attacking them.
I say to those Chinese Buddhists: you broke all the rules - even if it is accepted by the animals. We ask you to join Islam, you're killing us.
We invite you to get to Paradise Road, you set fire to our children. We ask you to join Islam, and you refuse to give us peace.
Name of God, we will take good care of you - in fact, killing and slaughtering you are a good thing. We are Muslims, and you are the enemy, Oh!
Buddhists in China, we will do you good. Kill you, spill your blood, cut off your head is a good thing.
We're killing and slaughter you with a vengeance. We are going to cut you, piece by piece. You are liars, Oh! Eating apes and pigs, Oh! Eating worms and whales, Oh! Eating worms and snakes.
May God curse you and all like you. We are people who love death as you love wine and woman of the country. AnLaruo (?), we will come. We want to kill the Buddhists of the East and the West. Killing and slaughtering you are a good thing.
On the orders of Allah, purify your filth off the floor is a good thing. You will soon see. We pray God bring you tortured, with his ability, through the Mujahideen and to destroy you.
[Chinese translation]
2014年2月24日,土耳其斯坦伊斯蘭黨發佈了題為「佛教徒,我們即將到來」的視頻錄製的消息。該消息是由謝赫·阿布·塔爾‘阿扎姆(Sheikh Abu Dhar ‘Azzam)表達的,他頌揚東土耳其斯坦的聖戰者,並呼籲穆斯林以金錢和人支持他們。阿布·塔爾對「中國佛教徒」講話,說因為他們對穆斯林和伊斯蘭的罪行,警告他們會有可怕的懲罰,並說,殺害他們和灑他們的血是「好的」。
最后编辑: 2014-03-09