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回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1801. How do we weather today’s financial storm and avoid the the mistakes most traders make? 我们如何躲避金融风暴及避开那些大部分行家都会犯的错误?weather 作动词,意思是躲避风暴。It is not easy to weather a downturn. 要想躲避下滑很不容易。They adopted a new approach designed to allow the company to weather a period of slow growth in the computer industry. 他们采取了一个新的路线,可以让公司避开电脑行业一段时期的缓慢增长。
  1802 The state-run companies tend to fancy themselves as immune to broader economic turmoil. 国营企业总是幻想着自己对更深更大的经济困境有免疫力。immune to 对。。。有免疫力
  1803 There are numerous pitfalls in your life and achieving success requires avoiding them. 你人生中充满了陷阱,要想成功就得避开陷阱。
  1804 How is your portfolio in this rocky market‏? 你的投资策略在这险恶的市场表现如何?rockey 又可用shaky来替代。
  1805 Bear with bear markets. 在熊市中坚持下去。第一个bear是忍受,第二个bear是熊,bear market 熊市,相反是bull market。
  1806 Bear markets usually occur when the economy is in a recession and unemployment is high, or when inflation is rising quickly. 熊市通常在这几个状况下发生:经济衰退;失业率严重以及通货膨胀迅速攀升。
  1807 A bear market is when the stock market falls for a prolonged period of time, usually by twenty percent or more. It is the opposite of the bull market. 熊市的特征是股票市场长时期下跌,通常跌过了20%或更多。是牛市的反义词。for a prolonged period of time, 很长一段时间(prolonged 是 longer than long)
  1808 prolonged的一个同义词是extended, Bull market is an extended period of rising prices for stockes. 牛市就是股市价格在较长的一段时间里不断上扬。
  1809 Wall Street has fallen on its side,and stocks have gone sideways for well over two years now. 华尔街摔得都起不来了,股票也一蹶不振。 fall on its side, 摔倒了,go sideways, 搞砸了,我们学过的一些同义词有:belly-up, go bust, go haywire, all botched up,还有一个词:tits-up,等等。
  1810 The market is going south. 市场一路看跌。“向南”在地图上就是向下的方向,也就是跌。也可以说 go down the tubes。


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1811. At the airport checkpoints, they are asked to show their ID. 在飞机场安检处,他们被要求出示身份证。checkpoint 安检,也可以说:inspection booth。整个的案件区域为Inspection Area. No Photo In Inspection Area. 安检区内禁止拍照。
  1812. is a kind of a wait-and-see game. 除开等着瞧也别无他法。There has been exponential increase in wait times. 大家得花更多的时间去排队等候了。wait times 等候的时间,Wait times for the appointments typically exceed 3 to 4 weeks. 预约一般得提前三到四周的时间。这里的wait times 也可以换成waiting times。
  1813. I can sell it for anywhere between 200 Yuan and 500 Yuan. 这个产品我至少可以在200元到500元间卖了。anywhere between 在。。。之间。It costs anything between 100 Yuan and 200 Yuan.
  1814. The state-run companies have the unfair edge over the private companies. 国有企业比私营企业有着很不公平的优势。unfair edge 不公平的竞争优势
  1815. He tackles this problem head-on. 他正积极着手处理这个问题。The two cars collided head-on.那两辆小车迎头相撞。head-on 迎头。
  1816. These companies are in big trouble. 注意,trouble 是不可数名词,所以不用a 或者 the;a lot of/ much trouble。
  1817. These problems have serious ramifications for investors. 这些问题会对投资者产生严重的后果。You will find it useful to understand the ramifications of this problem. 了解这个问题所引发的潜在后果会对你有很大的帮助。ramification 本意是,分流,分支。
  1818. Even tap water invariably contains a variety of poisons such as chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper, mercury, and lead. The best way to remove all these contaminants is by distilling. 就是自来水也必定含有各种有害物质,如氯、氯胺、石棉、杀虫剂、氟化物、铜、铅等。消除这些有毒物质的最佳方法就是把水进行蒸馏。
  1819. It has fewer calories, and fat, along with much less sodium. 这道菜只有少许卡路里、脂肪,钠也不多。
  1820. This food/ This restaurant has zero grams of trans fat per serving. 这食品/餐厅每一道菜都没有任何反式脂肪。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1821. course, 课,轨迹
  a) When we do things well we say we are "on course." 如果我们干得不错,我们就说我们“上正轨”了。on course, 走上正轨。British rowers are on course to win World Cup hat-trick. 英国划船选手迈向了第三次夺得世界杯的道路。hat-trick 帽子戏法,第三次。
  b) steer a course,
  c) stay the course 保持原方向,实行原政策,
  d) change the course, 改变方向
  e) navigate a course 沿着方向走
  f) chart a course 制定方向
  g) Policy as "stay the course." is not a stay-the-course policy. “按既定方针办”实际上并不是如此。
  h) reverse its own course 完全改变方向,180度的改变,His instruction has reversed the course by 180 degree. 他的指示带来了一个180度的转变。
  1822. After the Bell is an after-school program for elementary school students. “课余补习”是专为小学生放学后所设的一个计划。after the bell 指下班铃声,特别是指华尔街的最后的铃声,表示收市。又可称为closing bell.
  1823. yield 屈服,投降 Our nation will never yield to the imperialist pressure. 我们民族绝不屈服帝国主义的压力。yield还有好些其他的意思,这里只介绍“屈服”一意。
  1824. KowTow 此词是少数几个进入了英文的中文词汇,就是“磕头”,英文中Kowtou只有一个意思,就是向邪恶势力退步,既是可数也是不可数名词。It is a shame that the democratic countries will KowTow to dictators. 民主国家向独裁者磕头真是无耻。This is not unusual for famous academic or knowledgeable scholars to kowtow powerful dictators. 赫赫有名的学界或博学的学者向权倾一时的独裁者磕头也不是什么新鲜事。
  1825. The disciples of Confucianism believe that we should not cave in to outside influences. 儒家弟子认为我们不能向外来文化让步。cave in to 让步,屈服
  1826. They are bowing to the political pressure. 他们在政治压力下屈服让步。
  1827. We are not going to give in to pressure. 我们不会向压力屈服。Why do teenagers give in to peer pressure? 为什么青少年都会往往屈从同伴的压力?give in to 也可以说是 give up to。
  1828. surrender 投降,让步 He surrendered to pressure. 在压力下,他作出了让步。
  1829. succumb 这是个书面语味道较浓的词,屈服,让步。Tony succumbed to greed. 图尼为贪婪所困。Bob let his true self succumb to the expectations of others. 巴博为了满足 他人的期望,不得不收敛自我。
  1830. capitulate 认输,屈服,投降I will be conquered; I will not capitulate to pressure. 我可以被征服,但绝不屈服于压力。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

 1831. The present is the product of the past, while the future is the fantasy of the present. 现在是过去的产物,未来是现在的幻想。
  1832. All it often takes for a business to come grinding to a halt is for one of those components to malfunction. 一个企业停产的原因可以很简单,只要众多的组成部分有一个出差错就会停工了。
  1833. But in practical terms their business is reduced to a standstill. 讲实话,他们的业务已陷于停顿。
  1834. This administration fee is driving another nail in the coffin of her business. 这项行政费用成了毁掉她生意的严重打击。
  1835. A decision to temporarily shut down the market came as a bolt from the blue for the vendors. 临时关闭市场的决定犹如晴天霹雳,让商贩们不能接受。shut down 关闭,将两词合用,就是名词了:the shutdown of the last three restaurants 关闭了这最后三家餐厅。
  1836. They have to close off the stores. 他们不得已只能关闭掉这些商店。
  1837. If they run low on cash, the game is over. 如果他们的现金流通不畅的话,他们就会玩完了。
  1838. sight 是个常用的词,如果将与sight相关的几个词一起记忆的话,会很有帮助。
  a) Becoming mentally self-sufficient would, for each of us, vastly improve the quality of foresight. 心理上自信能使我们更清楚地看到未来远景。foresight 看到未来,远见。
  b) Hindsight may be clearer, less distorted, but unfortunately hindsight can only show us where we’ve been...not where we are going. 做马后诸葛亮或许能更清楚无碍地看发生过的问题,但不幸地是,马后诸葛亮只能告诉我们以往我们所走过的道路,而不能指示我们将要走的道路。 hindsight后视镜,后见之明
  c) His thought is filled with remarkable insights. 他的思想充满了真知卓见。This will provide enough insight to why we do what we do to. 这将让我们深入地知道我们现在行动的理由。
  d) short-sighted, 近视,也可以说near-sighted, 正式的名称是myopia,political short-sightness, political myopia 都是“政治上近视眼”的意思。也可以这么说,short sighted political solution 短视的政治解决方案
  e) farsighted, 远视,We have large goals that required farsighted policies. 我们的目标宏大,所以需要前瞻性的政策。
  f) long sighted, 与far-sighted 同义,正式名词是hyperopia 远视眼,这个词不太像far-sighted有寓意的成分。
  g) oversight 监督,疏忽 Oversight and monitoring in government research have long been recognized as essential. 监督追踪政府的研究一直以来都被视为必不可少的部分。 By an oversight, I forgot to mail your letter. 因为疏忽,我忘记了寄你的信。
  1839. She tugs at the hearts of two men. 她夹在两位男士中间不知道要选哪一位才好。
  1840. She falls for Steven. 她爱上了司提反。是fall in love with 的简略说法。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1841. Your plan is under the microscope. 正在对你的计划进行仔细研究。microscope 显微镜。The boss is putting every applicant under the microscope. 老板对来报名的人进行严格挑选。
  1842. He is the full-throated opponent of the plan. 他是这个方案的强烈反对者。full-throated, 大声呼喊,完全的,强烈的,He is a full-throated conservative. 他是个铁杆保守派。比较深喉 deep throated。
  1843. The Party members infighting dogs the plan for democracy. 党内成员的内斗使得实行民主的计划一波三折。
  1844. In the current climate, we fear doctors will stop short of saving our lives. 在目前的大环境下,我们很担心医生会不尽全力来抢救我们的生命。
  1845. Yet those kinds of changes take time, several years or even the better part of a decade. 这类似的改变是需要时间的,需要数年甚至七八年。
  1846. After several days together, they have found out that they have little common ground. 他们在一起呆了几天后,发现他们共同点太少了。common ground 共同点。
  1847. It has long been gossip fodder. 这成了街头闲话的机器。These relationships become fodder for the gossip mill. 这些关系成了流言蜚语的最好原材料。
  1848. Don’t shut the barn door after the horse is stolen. 亡羊而补牢无甚用也。也可以说成:Don’t close the barn door after the horse runs away. 以前学过的一句:Your barn door is open. 有谁记得?
  1849. He is a very easygoing kind of person. 他是个极为容易相处的人。
  1850. 有时候,名词+ to 后面接动名词,而不是不定式:
  a) We need to continue our dedication to serving the less fortunate. 我们应该继续全力以赴地服事那些不幸的群体。
  b) Face reality and tackle each hurdle to changing your life one step and one day at a time. 你得面对现实,采取行动,一天一步地来解决你生命中的难题。
  c) I am looking forward to seeing you. 期待你的到来。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1851. As with so many things in life, you can’t just look at the surface of something, but to truly understand it you must dig deeper. 就如同生活中的许多事一样,你不能只看表面现象,如果你想真正明白,你就得进行较深入地了解。
  1852. Don’t get sucked in by what you see and read. 不要因你看到了、读到的就去轻信。
  1853. Certain ideas have stuck around for decades like old wives’ tales. 有些谣传可以数十年经久不衰。old wives’ tales, 老妇人的传说,谣传,迷信。
  1854. A. Do you know that savvy travel shoppers can fly for less than $10 on budget airlines? B. Never, Only when pigs fly. 甲:你有没有听说精明的旅游淘家可以买到10美元不到一张的廉价机票?乙:绝无可能,除非猪张翅膀飞起来。budget airlines 廉价航空公司。
  1855. I don’t know how people could even fall for this scandal, it’s so outrageous, but many thousands of people have. 我真不知道这些人是怎样掉入这个骗局,这太令人不可思议,但的确成千上万的人陷进去了。
  1856. This is a fable from simpler times. 这是来自遥远单纯岁月遗传下来的童话。simpler times 很久以前,
  1857. Poppycock! 胡说八道!
  1858. You can trust him. He knows what he is talking about. 你可以信他,他很在行的。否定说法就是:He can’t trust him. He doesn’t know what he is talking about. 你不能信他,他完全是在胡说。
  1859. The worldwide slump has thrown all such generalities out the window. 全球经济萧条已让这些规矩烟消云散了。
  1860. It is not difficult at all to debunk all these myths about communism. 要解开这些有关共产主义的迷信并不难。Debunk the myths of the costly hospital, 解开医院天价之谜。debunk myths, 解开谜团。myth 又叫folklore, rumors, or misinformation。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1861. There is no new thing under the sun. ( Ecclesiastes 1:9 ) 太阳底下无新事。当你看到什么你不以为然的事时,特别是一些不好的事时,可以说的一句话。
  1862. Period. 就这样,我要讲的都讲了,无需再讲。period的意思是句号,也就是我讲完这句话后,不再解释。You have to pay me back. Period! 你得还我的钱,就这样。
  1863. You are the man! 非你莫属!He is the man! 就是他了。
  1864. I signed on in stealth mode so no one could tell I was logged on. 我是以隐身方式登录,所以没有人可以看出我在线。
  1865. bean bag 豆袋,懒人沙发,引申为闲聊。Our meeting is not bean bag. 我们的会议可不是闲聊。
  1866. “踢毽子”的英文是hacky sack, They are playing hacky sack. 他们在踢毽子。
  1867. An old hand vs a green hand 老手PK新手。
  1868. They may not be Einsteins, but they are smart. 虽然他们不是天才,不过也蛮聪明了。
  1869. He is among the students at the head of the class. 他名列班上前几名。
  1870. They are at the top of their game. 他们都是这一行业的佼佼者。比较这句:She cracked the top 10. 她进入了前十名。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1871. My heart today is burst with gratitude. 今天我心里只有感激之情。
  1872. My heart still skips a beat when I see him. 我看见他时,心脏仍旧会要激烈跳动一下。直译是,“我见他时,心竟然有一刻停止了跳动”。Every time he smiles at me my heart skips a beat. 每次他对我一笑,我就感到销魂。也有用boom的说法:My heart skips a boom.
  1873. borderline 边界线,界限,The borderline between love and hate is often thin. 爱与恨常常只有一线之隔。borderline poverty 贫困线边缘。He is a borderline nuts. 他有点神里神经 。
  1874. She was rhapsodizing about her awesome boyfriend. 一谈到她那酷得不得了的男朋友,她就眉飞色舞。rhapsodize, 讲话时很激动的样子,注意:h不发音,像rhetoric一词一样。Sam and Sue rhapsodize over the results of the experiment. 萨姆和苏怡谈起实验结果就激动万分。
  1875. Actually she was dating a dirt bag. 其实她那个男友不过是垃圾。a dirt bag, 垃圾袋
  1876. tramp 第三者,指女性,水性杨花的主,Did you hear that Laura messing around with like, three guys? She’s a total tramp. 你有没有听说罗娜同时跟三个男人混,真是个臭不要脸的。类似的词还有skank, slut, 等。
  1877. You need to soak up all the great times you have together. 你就尽情地享受这一起到时光吧。soak up 享受,soak up the sun, 晒太阳。
  1878. When he talks to me, my world seems to click into place for a few seconds. Those feelings are great. 他跟我说话时,有那么片刻,我的世界顿时美好起来。那种感觉妙极了。click into place, 喀嚓一下就装上了,例如,打印机的油墨合,你套就套上了,就叫click into place。
  1879. clunker, 旧车Cash for clunkers. 旧车换新车。破旧车也叫a rattletrap car;junk car 指基本上报废了的车;vintage cars, 古董车 (上个世纪20年代30年代的车。)
  1880. The brakes are squishy. 刹车有点不灵了。My car drives shaky. 我的车开起来有点晃动。


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1881. Government is not the answer to our problems, government is the problem. 政府不是问题的答案,政府本身就是问题。许多人一遇见问题,就把政府拖出来提供答案,政府要解决的问题越多,政府就会越庞大,也就不可避免地滑向专制。类似的里根句子有:The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much. 问题不是公民纳税太少,而是政府花费太多。
  1882. Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born. 堕胎的推手都是那些自己已经出生了的人。
  1883. All great change in America begins at the dinner table. 美国所有伟大的改变都开始与餐桌。这句话的意思是,大的改变都是始于老百姓。
  1884. How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin. 你如何判断一个人是不是共产主义者?答案是他是一个读马列书的人。你如何判断一个人是不是反共人士?答案是他是一个懂马列的人。
  1885. Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.人们普遍相信,政治是第二个最为古老的职业,我发现,政治与第一个最古老的职业非常相似。第一个最古老的职业是妓女。政治与妓女这一行当相似,因为都要出卖自己,一个出卖自己的肉体,一个出卖自己的灵魂。
  1886. The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. 政府对经济的策略可以用简单的几句话来概括:如果它动,就让它纳税;如果它动不停,就立法限制它,如果它不动了,就给它补贴。it指企业。
  1887. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.英语里九个令人生畏的词是:我是官员,让我来帮你。这句话的意思是,如果让政府部门来干预私人生活领域,情况只会越来越糟。
  1888. If the Soviet Union let another political party come into existence, they would still be a one-party state, because everybody would join the other party. 如果苏联允许第二个政党成立的话,苏联仍旧是一个一党制的国家,因为人们都去跑去加入第二个党了。这话是讽刺第一个党的腐败无能。
  1889. There are no easy answers’ but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right. 答案不易,但答案简单,那就是我们必须有勇气来从事我们确信道德上正确的事业。
  1890. Within the covers of the Bible are all the answers for all the problems men face. 在圣经封面下你可以找到人类所遇到问题的全部答案。


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1891. American people are not the problem, American people are the answer. 美国人民不是问题,美国人民是答案。这是奥巴马的话,但有着里根的痕迹。(在中国,人是问题,所以要把人消灭于萌芽状态。)
  1892. Teacher X’s political view often causes a stir. 信老师的政治观点常常引起风波。也有用commotion来替代的:The dog ran through the church and caused quite a commotion. 那条狗在教会横冲直撞,大家一时惊慌失措。
  1893. He is good at diverting focus of talks. 他很擅长转移话题。divert attention 转移注意力。Ruling government is frantically trying to divert the focus on the massacre to other directions, for obvious reason. 因为显而易见的原因,现政府正拼命试图转移人们关注大屠杀的视线而去扯其他问题。
  1894. Their attempts to sweep the scandal under the rug were not very successful. 他们企图遮盖丑闻,但并不成功。They are trying to sweep the real issue under the rug. 他们试图掩盖真实的问题。
  1895. He is good at the attorney’s rhetoric, which masks the real issue. 他熟悉律师的那套辞令,就是把真正的问题掩盖过去。
  1896. We are in a full-court press trying to get more cash. 我们正全力以赴争取更多的现金。Obama is doing full court press with the Health Care. 奥巴马全力以赴要让医疗改革过关。 a full-court press, 是篮球防守术语,一般含义是“全力以赴地去做”。
  1897. Rents: " How is University?"
  You: " It is full on, I have 2 assignments due tomorrow and a 4 hour lab this evening, exams next week, a cold coming on, no money, no food in the house and everything is just full on!" Rents: 大学生活怎样啊?你:一言难尽,明天要交两门作业,今晚四个小时的实验,下周几门考试,又患了感冒,身无一文,家里揭不开锅,什么事都被我遇上了。full on 全有,尽全力。She was a full-on platinum blonde by 20. 她20岁时最向往的就是一头淡金色头发。
  1898. full name 全名,英美人的全名一般有三个词,first name 名, middle name 中间名, last name 姓,例如布什总统的全名是:George Walker Bush,你称呼一个人时,要不然就直接说出名(第一名字),要不然就在姓前加个抬头,很少称呼人的中间名,如果有人把一个人的名字-中间名-姓一同称呼出来,那就是警告的口吻说话了,中文有时也有这样的味道。John William Smith, you get your butt down here this instant! 约翰威廉史密斯,你马上给我滚过来。Lily Ann Williams, what do you think you are doing young lady? 莉莉安威廉,你到底在干什么,我的姑奶奶!
  Person A: I gotta go, my Mum just used my full name Person B: Ouch, hope you aren't grounded for long. A:我得走了,我老妈刚喊我全名了。B:那不得了,但愿你不被罚站太久。be grounded 受罚关在房间不许出来,罚站。
  1899. These are the core values I hold: integrity first, service before self, excellence in all I do. 这是我坚守的核心价值观:诚信第一;先人后己;任何事都要干得出色。
  1900. Our school has three pillars: character development, academics and athletics. 我们学校办学有三大原则:品格培养,学习及体育。


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1901. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 神说要有光就有光。(创世纪1:3)
  a) Light provides the energy necessary for life. 光生命提供了必要的能量。
  b) Star Trek fans longing to travel at warp factor 9, faster than light(FTL). 星球大战的影迷们幻想能以超光速的速度去周游宇宙。
  c) In light of what you have told us, I think we must abandon the project. 根据你给我们提供的情况,我觉得我们必须放弃这个项目。In light of the clerk’s rudeness, we didn’t return to that shop. 因为有个营业员粗鲁无礼,我们不再光顾那家商店。
  d) I see the situation in a different light.我对这个局面有不同的看法。
  e) Can you throw some light on the question? 能不能就这个问题给点提示?
  f) This journalist is brave and he brought the Sanlu scandal to light. 这个记者很猛,他把三鹿丑闻爆了光。
  g) light 打火机;Please pass the light to me. 请把打火机递给我一下。
  h) After a 12-hour shift, nurse Trudy came home and she was out like a light in no time at all. 值班12个小时后,楚蒂一回到家倒在床上就大睡起来。(她入睡速度如同光速。)
  1902. Yaoming is basking in the national spotlight as the best player. 姚明是最佳球员,红遍全国。
  1903. He studied this subject for ten years, and finally it gets its moment in the limelight. 他潜心研究这个题目十年了,终于成果引起了轰动。
  1904. We should respect the dignity in the twilight of life.我们应该维护老年人的尊严。
  1905. The company is highlighting its unique service and its own comprehensive system. 这家公司特别向大众展示出其独特的服务,以及他们完善的售后系统。One of my highlights during my recent trip to Suzhou is to have visited the grave of Linzhao, a saint in my heart. 我最近去苏州之行的一个亮点是去吊唁圣女林昭的墓。
  1906. 几种颜色的灯光
  a) green light, 绿灯;We have got the green light from the authority. 当局已经批准我们的方案。
  b) red light That’s the red light district. I wonder why Mayor is hanging out down there? 那里不是红灯区吗?市长跑到那里干嘛呢?另外red light house, 就是妓院,现在很多地方的发廊晚上也是亮着红灯,想必也是此意。
  c) flashlight, 手电筒。前面学过the light at the end of the tunnel, 去复习一下。
  1907. If you don’t want to be in the public eye, you should not be an official. 如果你想逃避公众的监督,你就不应该当官员。
  1908. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. 该做就得做。该出手时就出手。
  1909. If you don’t use your rights, then you lose your rights. 如果你不使用你的权利,你就会失去这些权利。当涉及到人权范畴内的权利时,一般用复数rights。civil rights 公民权利。
  1910. This email address will be going away soon. Pls use my new one. 这个电子邮件地址很快就会停止使用,请用我新的地址。


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1911. It is one of those days. 人总有倒霉的一天。你要宣布不好的消息时说的一句话。
  1912. I didn’t understand everything in the article, but I got the gist. 这篇文章我不能全明白,不过主要的内容还是搞懂了。If you go and look at our website, you will get the gist of what our school is like. 你去看看我们的网站,你就会大致明白我们学校的概况。
  1913. My handwriting has gone down with using the computer so much.用电脑太多,我的字写得不成体统了。
  1914. If you don’t use your English regularly, it will get rusty. 你如果不常用英语,就会生疏。My English is rusty now. 我的英语都生锈了。也可以说:I’ve gotten a bit rusty.
  1915. You should stop trying to be everything to everybody. You should play to your strengths. 你不要面面俱到,你要发挥自己的特长。
  1916. Math is my weak spot. 数学是我的弱项。
  1917. It is lonely at the top. 高处不胜寒。位高无朋友。
  1918. When it comes to loneliness, it’s not just how many friends you have, but also how supported you feel. You can have a lot of people around you and still feel lonely.说道孤独,并不是说你有许多的朋友就不孤独了,而是你从这些人中能得到多少支持,你周围或许会有好些人,但你仍旧感到孤独。
  1919. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 暂别更生爱慕。距离更生情爱。很多人翻译此句为“小别胜新婚”,当然可以,但是,说这句话时,很多时候,相恋的人并没有结婚,说小别胜新婚就有点不合适了。这句话也可以这么说,Absence makes thy heart grow fonder.因为用了thy(尔,君),让这话听起来更典雅。
  1920. Be good and you will be lonely. 行善者必孤行。这是马克吐温说的一句话。


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1921. Two Americans are talking. One asks: "What’s the difference between capitalism and communism?" "That’s easy" says the other one. "In capitalism man exploits man! In communism it is the other way around!" 两个美国人在聊天,一个人问,资本主义与共产主义有何区别?另一个人回答,“那还不简单,资本主义社会是人剥削人,共产主义社会是倒过来的。”
  1922. 1st Eskimo: Where did your mother come from? 第一个爱斯其摩人问,你妈妈什么地方人呢?
  2nd Eskimo: Alaska 第二个人回答,阿拉斯加,(但是他发这个音时,听起来像了a’l ask her. 我去问问她)
  1st Eskimo: Don’t bother, I’ll ask her myself! 所以第一个人就说:不用麻烦了,我自己去问她吧
  1923. An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: "woman without her man is nothing The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.
  The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."
  The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing." ".
   一个英语老师在黑板上写下了这些词,woman without her man is nothing ,然后叫大家正确断句,男生都这么写的:女人,没有男人的话,就一钱不值。女生都这么写的,女人!没有她,男人就一钱不值。
  1924. I don’t know how to be around people. 我不懂如何与人打交道。He is pleasant to be around. 他很有人缘。
  1925. Do you bring your brown bag lunch to the company? 你带便当到公司吗?These are "brown bag" events; audience members are encouraged to bring a lunch and enjoy it during the event. 这次演讲会是自备餐形式,所以听众可自带午餐,会议中有用餐时间。另一个类似的词组是,lunch box。
  1926. You need to know that the great opportunity is ahead of you, not behind you. 你应该知道,好的机会就在你身前,而不是在你身后。
  1927. feel and feelings, In Lijiang, you can get a feel for the country’s past and future. 在丽江,你可以感受到这个国家的历史与未来。Do you understand my feelings for you? 你能明白我对你的感情吗?
  1928. Down Under = Australia, 对于北半球的人来说,澳大利亚是在下面。There are many good golf players from Down Under. 澳大利亚有不少高尔夫球好手。
  1929. worth one’s salt, 货真价实,物有所值,We decided that you are worth your salt, and you can stay on as office clerk. 我们认为你还是有点真本事,你可以留下继续做办公室秘书。You’re not worth your salt. Pack up!你简直就是滥竽充数,打包走路吧。I will pay you only if you are worth your salt. 你真有两把刷子,我肯定会付钱给你。
  1930. A:Hunteryellow starts the same thread every day, ranting and raving about the same tired stuff. 黄心译每天都在那里顶自己的贴,反复唠叨一些无聊的东西。
  B:Ya, Hunteryellow, get a blog. 是啊,黄心译,去开一个自己的博客吧。去开自己的博客,其真实的意思是,不要再在这里瞎掰了。所以一个人就是有自己的博客,你也可以说这句话。


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1931. “追求梦想”的几个说话:
  a) Keep chasing your dream no matter when. 任何时候都要不断追求你自己的梦。
  b) Grab your dreams.抓住你的梦想。
  c) Go after your dream. Never give up. 去追求你梦想吧,绝不言放弃。这里的after也可以换成for, go for your dream. 或者说run after your dreams.
  d) Get your dreams off the shelf! Put your goals in front of you, and follow them. 不要将梦想束之高阁!把目标要清楚地放在眼前,然后猛追。
  e) Follow your dream. It is the meaning of your life. 追求你的梦想吧,这是你生命的意义所在。
  f) Don’t abandon your individual dreams. Pursue them. 不要放弃那些具体的梦想,要去追求!
  g) May your dream come true. 愿你梦想成真。
  1932. the pursuit of happiness 追求幸福,美国人把“追求幸福”视为最基本的人权,美国独立宣言(the United States Declaration of Independence)开篇说,“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”。《独立宣言》说的是“生命、自由、与追求幸福”的权利。最近有部很好看的电影,Will Smith主演,片名就是The Pursuit of Happiness. 绝大部分人都采纳了“当幸福来敲门”的中文片名,但这是很蹩脚的翻译,因为“追求”是你主动的,要付代价的,要做出牺牲的,而“来敲门”则有“馅饼从天而降”的味道。中国人普遍不懂“追求幸福”是基本的人权,更不懂权利只有靠争才能得到,权利绝不可能从天上自己掉下来(不会自己来敲你的门的),你可能可以中彩,但独裁者绝不会把权利让给你。
  1933. Don’t trust that guy. He is juggling multiple women. 不要相信那个家伙,他同时在和好几个女人好。
  1934. You mean the world to me. 你就是我的全世界!
  1935. I locked myself out. Can you jimmy a lock? 我把自己锁在门外了,你能开锁吗?
  1936. Get over yourself! 想开点吧!不要老是纠缠这事了!
  1937. Is that dang hard? 这事就那么难吗?这里的dang是用来代替粗鲁词damn。
  1938. God forbid you get hit. 小心!不要伤着了!
  1939. They treat us just exactly like excrement. 他们把我们简直就是当狗屎。用“shit”很多时候不好听,就采用书面的词excrement.
  1940. The economy appeared to be "leveling out." 经济似乎开始平稳起来。The road leveled out after a while and driving was easier. 过了一会,公路开始平缓起来,车也好开起来。


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1941. 牛皮哄哄的,牛皮十足,虚的多,实的少,像黄心译这类的人,写的的文章没任何实的,英文的说法是:Big hat, no cattle. 或者All hat, no cattle. 由此衍化出的类似的句子还不少:All bark and no bite. All foam, no beer. All shot, no power. All talk and no action. 牛皮也叫fish story,钓鱼迷钓了一条两寸的鱼往往会说自己钓了一条两尺长的鱼,所以叫fish story。
  1942. You are doing that again. Just because you have a loud voice it doesn’t mean you are right. It only proves you are a loose cannon. 你又是这一套,不会因为你声音大,就意味着你是对的。这只证明你喜欢乱轰大炮而已。
  1943. They fall into the trap of thinking that if they shout it loud enough, then they will intimidate people into swallowing their lies. 他们落入了一个陷阱,以为只要喊得声音够大,就可以恐吓人民来接受他们的谎言。
  1944. Democracy will lead to chaos. These are just scare tactics by the government propaganda. 民主会引起混乱,这不过是政府宣传所采取的恐吓伎俩 We should reject fear-mongering. 我们应该拒绝恐惧症。
  1945. bone的一些用法
  a) The Party is totally corrupt, all the way to the bones. 这个党完全腐败了,里面都腐败透了。
  b) She isn’t fat, she is just big boned. 她不胖,只是体型魁梧而已。这句话是说人胖的委婉语。
  c) It is bone-chilling cold. 寒风刺骨。chilled/frozen to the bone, 刺骨地冷。
  d) I feel it in my very bones. 我彻骨地体会到了这点。
  e) He is bone idle. 他无所事事。He never did any work at all and was sacked for being bone idle.他什么活都不干,懒得要命,因此被赶走了。
  f) lazy bones 懒骨头
  g) She is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. 她是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉。(这是男人表示爱自己妻子的说法。)
  1946. spineless 没有脊梁,没有骨气,Those so-called eight Democratic Parties are totally spineless. 这八个民主党都没有脊梁骨。这话也可以这么表述:These eight Democratic Parties have had their spines surgically removed. 这八个民主党都做了手术,把脊梁骨给除掉了。
  1947. Her hair is jacked up. 她的头发都竖起来了。
  1948. Man, Jeremy’s losing a lot of weight. You think he’s riding the white horse? 真是啊,杰米瘦了好多,他是不是在用白粉呀?ride the white horse, 是吸毒的意思,不要联想到白马王子。
  1949. One thing I cannot understand is that why Chinese people enjoy the government to run their life. 有件事我就搞不明白,为什么中国人喜欢让政府来管理他们的生活呢?
  1950. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the tanks in the TianAnMen square was to run, run as fast as I could. Man, you cannot fight tanks just with your flesh. 我在天安门看到坦克时,首先想到的就是逃命,逃得越快越好。老兄呀,你不可能用自己的血肉之躯去跟坦克干吧。the first thing that comes to one’s mind, 首先想到的


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1951. A guy named 尴尬者 is a showy type of person. He writes well but he enjoys making sensational statements and pseudoscientific claims. He wants to promote himself by putting down others. To me, he is suffering from low self esteem. 有个名叫“尴尬者”的家伙是个喜欢作秀的人,他能写,但是他喜欢发表一些耸人听闻和伪科学的言辞。他透过踩别人来抬举自己,在我看来,他自尊心很低。Look at what he said: 全中国人异口同声地撒了一个自欺欺人的大谎!When only a small handful of people are studying English, how could you say that every Chinese is lying? 你看他造的句子,全中国人撒谎,但只有为数不多的人在读英文,你如何扯到全中国人在撒谎呢?Sensationalism is a good way for attention grabbing. 搞噱头总是引人注目的好办法。
  1952. So many things popped up recently, and I am out of pocket. Sorry for that. 最近发生了好多事,我跟大家失去联络了,对不起。out of pocket, 失去联络,外出。Can you cover for me? I’m gonna be out of pocket for a while. 你能顶我一会儿吗?我要出去一下。
  1953. After a guy is told that he has swine flu, a lot of questions zip through his mind.当一个人得知他患了猪流感后,他脑海里就会翻滚出一系列问题。
  1954. When I am sick, I have a dulled appetite. 病了后,我吃什么都没有胃口。
  1955. This disease is life-threatening. 这个疾病能致命。
  1956. After he dumped her, she has locked up her heart, convinced that no one would love her anymore. 他把她甩了后,她就一直封闭了心门,不再相信还会有人会爱上她。If the computer is locked up, you can start it again. 如果电脑死机了,你可以重新启动。
  1957. Everyone who knows John knows of the torch he carries for Ashley. 认识约翰的人都知道他对艾斯丽怀着单相思。
  1958. Do you mind if I tag along? 我跟你一起去好吗?(口语一点的翻译:我作你的跟屁虫好吗?)tag along, 一种累赘性质地跟着。
  1959. Do not approach her, you have no chance. Don’t even get your hopes up, there is no way she’d even consider it. She is a Touch-Me-Not. 休得打她的主意,你不会得逞的。你想都不要想,她根本不会考虑(嫁给你)的,她是个冷美人。get your hopes up, 燃起希望,touch-me-not 那种拒人于千里之外的人。
  1960. 比较make a life and make a living: We girls nowadays want to make a life for ourselves. 我们现代的女孩要独立创造生活。It is rather difficult to make a living with only minimum wage. 最低工资很难维持生活。


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1961. What then? 后来呢?
  1962. So what? 那有怎样?You are not happy. So what? 你不高兴,那又怎样?
  1963. A guy named 尴尬者 has tried to trivialize Teacher X’s work, but Teacher X’s post has got the most readers. What can he do? 有个名叫“尴尬者”的人想着法子要贬低信老师的文章,但是信老师的帖读者最多,他又能怎样呢?
  1964. How come? 怎么会这样?When you disagree with Beijing authorities, how come they act like it is our problem? They say you are the problem. 如果大家与北京当局的看法不一样,怎么他们会觉得是我们的不是?他们说,人民才是问题。
  1965. Don’t steal. The government hates competition. 切莫偷窃,政府最恨的是竞争。(这句话的意思是讽刺政府才是最大的偷盗者。)
  1966. Grumbling and strong social critique are two different things. The former is someone’s personal dissatisfaction with a social issue while the latter offers insights into the root of social problems.抱怨与对社会的强有力的批判是两回不同的事。前者是出于个人对社会某个问题的不满,而后者则是对社会问题在根源上提出深入的探讨。
  1967. This robot can self-sustain, reproduce and learn from experience. That is scary. It means it can control us humans someday. 这个机器人能独立生存、繁衍后代,并且不断从经验中学习。这真是太可怕了,这意味着这机器人有天会控制我们人类。
  1968. Hi, did I catch you at a bad time? 喂,现在给你电话不方便吗?
  1969. 前面介绍了一个说“胖女人”的委婉语:She isn’t fat, she is just big boned. 她不胖,只是体型魁梧而已。另两个“胖”的委婉的说法是full figured:She is a full figured woman. 她是个十分丰满的女人。还可以说plus size,大号,实际上这是指超大号。Where can you find some plus size women clothing? 你在哪里可以找到超大号女士衣服?千万不要说某女人很fat,或big,小心她杀了你。
  1970. Be serious. This is no laughing matter. 严肃一点,这可不是闹着玩的。


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1971. Time is life. If you waste your time, you waste your life. You waste others’ time, you waste others’ life. When you give someone your time, you are giving them your life. 时间就是生命,你浪费自己的时间就是浪费自己的生命。你浪费别人的时间,就是浪费别人的生命。你为谁舍时间,就是为谁舍命。
  1972. “One of these days” really means “none of these days”. “日后有一天”实际意思是“不会有这一天”。人们常说的一句话是:One of these days, I will do…日后总有一天我会去做。。。这样的话都是给自己今天不行动找借口。 “Tomorrow” is Satan’s favorite word.“ 明天”是魔鬼的口头禅。
  1973. Do first things first. 先完成重要的事。或者说,Set your priority straight. 孰重孰轻,先要弄清。
  1974. The summer vacation is winding down now. Get serious with your study. Don’t read newspaper. Glance at the headlines or listen to the radio to keep up on news. 暑假很快就要过去了,要认真读书了,不要阅读报纸,看看标题即可,或者听下收音机,大致了解一下新闻即可。
  1975. Eliminate television entirely from your home. You will be amazed at how much more time you suddenly have and how little you miss it. 把电视机从家里扔出去,你会惊讶你的时间忽然充裕,而且你也不会留恋看电视。
  1976. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is that the successful ones do the jobs the unsuccessful ones don’t like to do. 成功者与失败者的区别就在于失败者不愿干的活,成功者都愿意去干。
  1977. To win you have stay in the game. 要赢就得不退场。
  1978. Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back. 时间是免费的,但它又是无价的。人不能拥有时间,但却能使用它。人不能保存时间,但却能花费它。时间一旦失去,便一去不复返。
  1979. You can’t change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future. 你不能改变过去,但你却可以因过度忧虑未来而毁了现在的生活。
  1980. Time goes, you say? Ah no!
  Alas, Time stays, we go. 你说,时间在消逝?根本不是!时间永存,我们在消逝!
  (人们常说,Time flies! 时间飞逝!实际上,这是错觉,是我们的生命在飞逝。)


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  1981.   The Bixby Boys
    It was the first day of class and Mrs. Feldman had two identical-looking pupils, Ben and Chris Bixby, sitting together in the first row.
    "You two are twins, I take it?" she asked.
    "No," they replied in unison.
    But a check of their records showed that they had the same parents and were born on the same day. How could this be?
    the first day of class 开学第一天
    identical-looking 长相一样的
    in unison 齐声
    a check of their records 查他们的档案
  1982. What month has 28 days?
  1983. What city has no people? What table can you eat?
  1984. There were two ducks in front of a duck and two ducks behind a duck, and one duck in the middle. How many ducks were there in total?
  1985. What flowers do you always wear?
  1986. A doctor is about to operate on a little boy. “This boy is my son,” exclaims the doctor. The doctor is correct, yet the doctor isn’t the boy’s father. What’s going on?
  1987. Which is correct: “Nine and seven is fifteen” or “Nine and seven are fifteen?”
  1988. Two men play five games of checkers, and each wins the same number of games. There are no ties. How can this be?
  1989. A rope ladder hangs over the side of a ship. The ladder is twelve feet long, and the rungs are one foot apart, with the lowest rung resting on the surface of the ocean. The tide is rising at six inches an hour. How long will it take before the first three rungs of the ladder are underwater?
  1990. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1991. One mayor once said: “Parks are the breathing lungs and beating hearts for all great cities.” But we don’t have any park in our city. 有位市长曾说过:公园对于所有辉煌的城市就是呼吸的肺、跳动的心脏。但是我们城市却没有公园。
  1992. Part of our knowledge we obtain direct, and part by argument. by Keynes.有部分知识是我们直接获得,有部分是透过辩论获得。(这是为什么辩论十分重要。)
  1993. Don’t believe everything you hear, and only half of what you see. 不能全信所听,只能信一半所见。
  1994. No man will work for your interests unless they are his. 除非你的利益也是他的利益,否则没有人会为你的利益去做事。(David Seabury)
  1995. People ask for criticism, but they only want praise. 人们都征询批评,但只接受赞美。
  1996. Give without remembering. Take without forgetting. 奉献无需记忆,受惠不能忘却。你帮助别人了,就及时地忘记,不要老说,你欠了我,但是别人对你的帮助,却不要忘记,中文也说,滴水之恩当涌泉相报,大概也是这个境界。
  1997. When we do good, no one remembers. When we do bad, no one forgets 行善之时无人记得,失误之时无人忘怀。相当于“好事不出门,坏事传千里”之意。注意,在这个结构里,good后面省略了things。You talk crazy.也是如此结构。有位英语翻译黄心译觉得crazy是主语的表语,这是不正确的理解。如果crazy是主语的表语的话,这句话就要翻译成:你这疯子在说话。
  1998. Within any important issue, there are always aspects no one wishes to discuss. (George Orwell) 任何重要的问题都会含有我们不愿面对的局面。
  1999. A man’s treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character-- how he makes it and how he spends it. (James Moffatt)对一个人最大的考验莫过于他如何处理金钱:他如何去赚,他如何去花。
  2000. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。(约翰福音3:16)

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