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回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2001. A tried-and-true technique to improve your English is to learn how to read fast. The faster you read, the more likely you are to remember what you’ve read. On the other hand, slow readingplodding along word by wordinhibits understanding. 事实证明,快速阅读是提高英语的一个有效方法。你读得越快,你就越能记住所阅读的内容。另一方面,慢速阅读,就是一个词一个词地抠着去读,会阻碍理解。
  2002. Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.政治家就如同尿片,二者要时常更换,原因一样。
  2003. It’s important for people not to hold a high opinion of politicians. The danger begins when people start admiring politicians. China and North Korea have definitely been such examples in the recent history.重要的是,人民对政治家不应有过高的评价,如果人民崇拜政治家,社会就开始面临危险了。中国和北韩是现代最为典型的例子。
  2004. 这是个老套的句子:Behind every successful man, there is a woman. 有人看中国的富人们,如此说:Behind every great fortune there is a crime. 每一笔巨大的财物后必有一桩罪恶。有人也这样自我解嘲:Behind every successful man, there’s a lot of unsuccessful years. I am still having my unsuccessful years. 每位成功的男人背后是年复一年的失败。而我仍旧在经历失败的年份。
  2005. Yunnan, his hometown, is closest to his heart. 最叫他眷恋的是云南,他的家乡。
  2006. Yunnan is full of great things to see and do (or Yunnan offers a lot of attractions), and what is more, a fun and affordable stay is always just around the corner. 云南到处都是好看好玩的地方,而且随处可以找到便宜的旅馆。
  2007. No Guilin tour is complete without a visit to Yangshuo. 不去阳朔,枉来桂林。
  2008. There is more to history than meets the eye. 所有展出的物品后面都有深厚的历史。more (to somebody/something) than meets the eye,表面现象的背后。There must be more to him than meets the eye, or else why would she be interested in him? 他这个人肯定不那么简单,否则她为什么会对他感兴趣?than这里相当于一个关系代词。
  2009. This is the center piece of the museum. 这是这家博物馆的镇宝之物。Is this your centerpiece? It is more like a side dish to me. 这就是你的主打项目吗?我看好像不过是道配菜。side dish 配菜,次要的东西。
  2010. 关于arms的三句歌词:Your arms feel like home, feel like home.你的膀臂就是我的归属,我的归属。另一句:I just died in your arms tonight. 今晚在你膀臂中我已销魂。Your arms are my castle, Your heart is my sky. 你的膀臂就是我的城堡,你的心灵就是我的天空。其余的歌词是 They wipe away tears that I’ve cried The good and the bad times, We’ve been through them all. You make me rise when I fall.


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2011. “枯燥”最常用的莫过于boring,这些表达法也常用:I’m not surprised that he can’t find a partner. He’s as dull as dishwater.他找不到伙伴这没有什么可大惊小怪的,他这人如潲水一样乏味。Mr. Black’s speech was as dull as dishwater. 布来克先生的讲话枯燥透顶。
  2012. Life has become bland.生活变得索然无味。He is a bland young man. 这个年轻人很单调。
  2013. Our marriage has become flat and distant over time. 随着时间推移,我们的婚姻已变得平淡无奇,两人貌合神离。
  2014. Their marriage is passionless. 他们的婚姻冷若冰霜。
  2015. tasteless 虽然也是“没有味道”的意思,更多的时候是“低级趣味”“没品位”的意思,a tasteless remark, 低级趣味的发言。distasteful 令人讨厌的。He is a big zero. 他什么也不是,乏味。
  2016. He is from an itty-bitty town of Hongshi. 他来自红石,一个很小的镇。I like this itty-bitty computer. 我很喜欢这个小巧玲珑的电脑。itty-bitty 小巧
  2017. The company needs more than a band-did to fix its problems‏. But is there a prescription that can help this ailing company? 小打小闹解决不了这家公司的问题,但是要救这家问题缠身的公司有处方吗?band-did 创可贴,解决问题的简单办法。
  2018. 有人说,我们要来个“360度的根本转变”,正确的说法是,“180度”:We need a 180 degree change in our policy towards minority peoples. 对少数民族政策我们应该来个根本的调整。“360 degree”后,又回到了原点,也就没有改变了。也可以说,180 degree turn,用平常话说就是“a complete change”。一个类似的说法是,U turn 或者u-turn:You need to make a u-turn in/with your life. 你的人生应该有个根本的转变。360 degree 是“全方位”的意思。
  2019. God is in the details. 神在乎的是细节。有人不信神,就说The devil is in the details. 强调要注意细节时说的话。
  2020. The Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. 神啊,赐我平安的心,去接受我无法改变的;赐我坚定的心,去改变那可以改变的;再赐我智慧的心,分辨出两者的不同。Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. --Reinhold Niebuhr 活在当下的每一天,享受当下的每一刻,把困苦当做通向安宁的道路。坦然承受此罪孽世界,按其现实本相,而非照我所愿。怀抱信念,相信神,我只需归顺您的意志,凡事定会归正修直。如此,我可欢度今生,来世也将与神同在,永享无上安乐,阿门。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2021. That will just send her into an even greater tizzy. She is thrown into a tizzy. Don’t get into a tizzy. 不要忘乎所以!This month has thrown me into a tizzy. 这个月有点叫我手忙脚乱。
  2022. Don’t shoot the messenger. 两国相交,不斩来使。
  2023. Don’t feel so bad. Actually it is a good time for you to sit down to regroup and revamp. 不要太伤心了,事实上,现在是很好的时机,你可以坐下来好好策划,如何从头再来。regroup and revamp, 从头再来。
  2024. Let me see what I can cook up. 让我看看能想出什么办法。
  2025. Whenever she meets him, she is careful to keep things on an informational level. 她不管什么时候遇见他,她都只跟他谈公务。(她小心翼翼,将关系保持在交换信息的层面,即不与他发生感情方面的交流。)Do you want to know him on a personal level? 你想与他建立起私交的关系吗?
  2026. I play by the rules. 我是个守规矩的人。
  2027. That is what bugs me. 这事叫我烦。
  2028. The food doesn’t fill. 这种食物不饱肚。
  2029. boondoggle, 作秀工程,That is a boondoggle for the local government. 这只是本地政府的一个做秀的工程。
  2030. The rainbow is a token of God’s covenant established with Noal. 彩虹是神与诺亚立约的记号。原句出于创世纪9:16:Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. 虹必现在云彩中,我看见,就要记念我与地上各样有血肉的活物所立的永约。Retailers make the rainbow connection to raise sales. 零售商广结人缘来促销。make the rainbow connection, 与各色各样的人都交往,rainbow alliance 联合战线,意思类似于共党的“统战”概念。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2031. It is a no-win situation for us. Let us give it up. 我们不可能赢了,放弃吧。It will be win-win for both of us.我们两会获得双赢。
  2032. But two wrongs don’t make a right. 错错并不能得正。这句话从此句发展而来:Two negatives make a positive. 负负得正。Two negatives don’t make a positive.负负不得正。
  2033. 关于rich的几个用法:
  a) rich可以做名词用:Discover the road to riches. 发现致富之路。Today I am going to talk about three roads to riches. 今天我要谈三条致富之道。Riches can fade anytime. 财富随时都会消退。
  b) the rich 是个集合名词,像people一样,动词用复数: The rich in China have to start paying their fair share of taxes. 中国的富人阶层必须缴纳他们该缴的合理的税收。The Chinese rich are not generous, on average. 总的来说,中国富人并不慷慨。Let the rich pay! 让富人买单!富的定义也因人而异(It is elastic.),所以这个词一般指别人。
  c) She has some gems that are rich and rare. 她的珠宝特别珍稀。Her thoughts were real gems, rich and rare, and when she spoke there was the flash of diamonds in her sentences. 她的思考如珍珠,特别珍奇,她一开口,每句话都像钻石般闪闪发光。
  d) rich from the neck up 打肿脸充胖子She can’t afford the rent and just bought herself a state-of-the-art computer system on credit. She’s rich from the neck up. 她连房租都付不起,却用信用卡买了台最新款式的电脑,她在打肿脸充胖子。
  e) 现在中国有钱家庭的小孩飚车,胡来,这叫Rich Kid Syndrome富家弟子综合症. That kid definitely suffers from Rich Kid Syndrome, he drives Mercedes 500, never has worked a day in his life, but now is vice-president in his dad’s company. 这个少爷肯定患有富家弟子综合症,他开着奔驰500,从没干过一天活,现在在他老子的公司却当上了副总裁。
  2034. Usually the poor have grown up underprivileged and can’t seem to break free of the cycle of poverty. 穷人成长时许多生存的条件被剥夺,所以总是难以摆脱贫困的循环。The acronym for the word poor is “passing over opportunities repeatedly”. 贫困(poor)是“屡失良机”的缩略。(Poor stands for Passing. Over. Opportunities. Repeatedly.)一个人老是不能把握良机,当然只能是贫穷了。
  2035. That decision is both heartbreaking and hope-filled. 这个决定既叫人感到伤感,又充满了希望。
  2036. You need to go the extra mile to help her. 你得再多费点周折来帮助她。
  2037. If you like science fiction, this book will be right up your alley.如果你喜欢科幻小说,这本书一定会对你的胃口。up/ down one’s alley, 对路,合拍,正中下怀。You should apply for that job. It is right up your alley. 你应该去申请这个工作,正合你的意。
  2038. A. Would you like a glass of wine? B. No, thanks, that’s not my speed." 要来杯酒吗?不,我不喝酒的。说不愿做什么,可以说That is not my speed. 这句话只能用在否定式。也可以说,No, thanks, that’s not really my cup of tea.
  2039. It was a horrible fire, and he needs skin grafts for the burns. 这场大火太可怕,他需要为烧伤的部分做植皮手术。
  2040. God, lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth, from despair to hope, from fear to trust, from hate to love, from selfishness to compassion, from a coward to a bold soldier of yours. Let your love and justice fill our heart, our church and our nation. 神啊,把我从死亡引向生命,从谬误引向真理,从绝望引向希望,从恐惧引向信赖,从仇恨引向博爱,从一个懦夫成为你的英勇战士,让你的爱与公义充满我们的心,我们的教会与我们的国家。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2041. It’s a really exciting project I can’t wait to sink my teeth into it.这个项目实在叫人心动,我都迫不及待地要投入了。
  2042. We are well positioned to provide the service excellence. 我们做好的充分准备来提供最佳服务。be well positioned to 做好了准备,the service excellence 最佳服务,这是一个固定搭配,一个服务行业的用语,虽然也可以说,excellent service,但是味道不一样。
  2043. I’m afraid she’ll have a cow. 我担心她会克制不住的。Don’t have a cow. 不要生气呀。
  2044. I made one last-ditch effort to get her to stay. 我作了最后的努力要留下她。It was a last-ditch effort. I didn’t expect it to work.这是孤注一掷了,我觉得不会有什么效果。
  2045. back的几个用法:
  a) I owe three months back rent. 我拖欠了三个月的房租没交。
  b) 有人用a while back来替代a while ago,
  c) Woods is five shots back. 伍兹落后五杆。
  2046. Don’t be carried away. 不要太得意忘形了。He is carried away by his own joke. 他自己讲了个笑话,自己被陶醉了。
  2047. lulu 头脑好使的人,很难确定,A real lulu told me how to solve this problem. 有个行家告诉了我如何解决这个问题。That story is a real lulu.这个故事有点悬。
  2048. rubber necking, rubber neck, 好奇看车祸,伸出脖子看车祸。Crews pulled the wreckage off the highway, but drivers continued to rubberneck and cause delays. 消防人员已经把撞坏的车拖到了公路旁边,但是开车的人都还是争相观望,造成了塞车。
  2049. lookie loo 1. 光看不买,Agents call lookie loos "time wasters."地产商称“光看不买的人”为时间浪费者。2. 司机开车时在公路上看车祸,Traffic on the beltway has come to a standstill because of the lookie loos. 因为司机的好奇观望使得环城公路上的交通瘫痪。
  2050. My God, I pretend to nothing upon this earth, except to be so firmly united to you by prayer that to be separated from you may be impossible; let others desire riches and glory; for my part, I desire but one thing, and that is, to be inseparably united to you, and to place in you alone all my hopes of happiness and repose. (St. John Climacus) 我的神啊,对这世上的富贵我视而不见,只求透过祷告与你完全合一,不可能再离弃你;让他人去追求财富与光荣,而我只求一件事,那就是与你完美地合一,把我对幸福与安宁的所有盼望都寄托在你的身上。 pretend to nothing 对一切无所求。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2051. Live Free or Die Fighting!或为自由战死,或自由地活!
  2052. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. 政府如果不先从一个人口袋里拿走财富的话,就不可能给任何人任何财富。
  2053. His poll ratings are in free fall. 他的支持率在做自由落体运动。
  2054. The politicians don’t connect with us. 这些政客与我们走不到一块。或者说,These politicians are disconnected with people. 这些政客与人民完全脱节。
  2055. The leader in my unit acts as judge, jury and executioner. 我们单位的领导即是审判官,又是陪审团,也是执行者。(意思是,一切都是由他说了算,一切都由他所包揽)
  2056. This is where science and politics intersect. 这里科学与政治可以结成联盟。
  2057. 奥巴马的口才端的了得,不过他有时也有矢口的时候,这是他讲的一句话:My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it. “朋友们,我们现在生活在一个世界历史上最为伟大的国家,我盼望你们能够加入我,一起来改变这个国家。”如果现在这个国家已经是最为伟大,为什么要改造它呢?奥巴马的意思是,这个国家遇到了麻烦,所以要改造它。
  2058. He won’t take a no for an answer. 他不达到目的誓不罢休。I won’t take no from you. 你不答应我我就不走。
  2059. I’ve been ill, but soon I’ll be back in the swim of things. 我病了,但是我会很快恢复来打理业务的。I can’t wait to settle down and get into the swim of things. 我迫切想要安顿下来好投入到业务里。
  2060. Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶,因为国度、权柄、荣耀,全是你的,直到永远,阿们。这是耶稣的一段祷告词,又叫主祷文,是西方最有名的祷告词。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2061 This is a planted question. 这是事先安排好了的问题。有中央领导下去参观学校、或村庄,便有小孩或村民提问题,我们要知道这些问题都是事先安排好了的,包括新闻发布会,中国记者的问题都是事先做好了的,这样的做法叫to plant a question, 也可以说:It is all just a staged show. 这都是事先排好了的秀。This kid was a plant, to ask the predetermined query du jour. 这个小孩不过是个提问工具,问的问题是那天事先安排好的。 The government planted fake reporters among the pro-democracy advocates. 政府在民运人士中安插了一些假记者。
  2062. Mao-bama is up to his old Marxist tricks. 毛巴马意图实行过时的马克思主义伎俩。奥巴马实行社会主义的国营方式,被人讥笑为毛巴马。up to one’s old tricks, 企图故伎重演。She’s up to her old tricks, telling her parents one thing and her teachers another. 她又故伎重演,给爸爸妈妈编个故事,给老师编另一故事。
  2063. Man, I am broke! I am looking under the couch for spare change. 老兄呀,我身无一文了,我趴在沙发下看能不能找到一个钢蹦。
  2064. You need to slow down a little bit, you know, just collect yourself. 你得慢下来一点,知道吗,就是自己放松放松。I feel the need to collect myself. 我觉得得放松一下了。collect oneself 放松,与前面的kick back, loosen up, 等一个意思。
  2065. In this media-drenched, multitasking, always-on age, many of us have forgotten how to unplug and immerse ourselves completely in a moment of leisure. 在当今这个时代,媒体在时时刻刻进行着轰炸,我们要同时做几件事,时刻处在连线状态,我们很多人都忘记了怎样休息,完全地去享受生活。We have forgotten how to slow down.我们都不知道如何才能慢下来。
  2066. This fast-forward culture is taking a toll on everything from our diet and health to our work and the environment.这个快节奏的文化给我们的生活各个层面都留下严重的影响,例如我们的饮食、健康、工作和环境。This is a quick-fix culture.这个文化强调一切要立竿见影。
  2067. Anything is possible. Keeping thinking. 总会有办法的,再好好想想吧。
  2068.There is no need to cut down on salt. There is no proof that high blood pressure is linked to salt. 没有必要减少盐的用量,因为没有证据显示高血压与盐有什么关联。Salt spices up our food.盐能让菜好吃。spice up 给菜有好味道。
  2069. French health watchdogs recommend reducing exposure to mobile phones and other portable wireless devices. 法国健康监督员建议,要减少暴露在手机辐射下的时间,以及其他的无线装置。
  2070. Day by day, O Lord, three things I pray:To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more closely, day by day. 主啊,我每天为三件事祷告,更加清楚地认识你,更加亲密地爱你,更加紧密地跟随你,每天都如此。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2071. Obama says he takes the criticism with a grain of salt. 奥巴马说,他对批判并不会照单都接受。I took the news with a grain of salt. 对这消息我半信半疑。
  2072. low down, 可耻的,可悲,肮脏的内幕,That is a low down dirty trick. I just think that we’re letting a hero go down with a whimper, not even being allowed to defend himself. I think it’s really raw. It’s really low down
  She hooked me up with the low down on why they meet up after work everynight and now I see that its all business.
  2073. We are all looking for the next home run. 大家都在等待下一轮的股票高涨。home run是棒球得分时代用语,转义为赢了。the next home run stock, 会涨的股票。If you’re going to invest in small-cap rocket stocks, please avoid the whisper-stock party tips.如果你想投资那些小型优质股,你得避开那些道听途说的情报。small-cap rocket stocks, 会猛涨的小型股,whisper party tips,聚会时听来的消息,也就是小道消息。
  2074. Ltd 是Limited Company的简写,中文是“责任有限公司”,这个概念主要是指,股东的债权责任只限于股权的所有额。例如,如果一个人在一家公司投资了一万元,但公司的债务是一百万,那么这个投资人的债务最多就是一万元。
  2075.During boom times, most eyes will be on inflation and the consumer price index(CPI) as people watch for signs that the economy is overheating and during tough times, the employment numbers (i.e. non-farm payrolls) are center stage for economists. 市场良好时,大家都会关心通货膨胀以及消费者物价指数,因为这是经济是否过热的指标,市场疲软时,就业人数(指非农业人口收入)是经济学家主要的参考指数。
  2076. Consumer price index(CPI)is also called cost-of-living index.消费者物价指数又叫生活费指数。指日常生活的一些用品物价,例如housing, electricity, food, and transportation and so on.
  2077.Regardless of if you follow the markets passively or actively, make sure some blockbuster economic reports are always on your radar lest you run the risk of getting blindsided by market sentiment.不管你是主动地或被动地关注股市,你一定要常常读这几份有分量的财经报告,这样你就可以不会因市场波动而情绪用事了。blockbuster有分量的,重要的,电影中的大片也叫blockbuster。blindsided盲目,market sentiment,市场情绪,指你的情绪随股市起伏而起伏。
  2078. This week for the stock market is nothing short of a roller coaster ride. 这个礼拜的股市犹如过山车,起起伏伏。nothing short of 就像。
  2079. The local governments often give up the store in their negociations with the foreign companies, and will find it difficult to get it back. 地方政府在与外国公司谈判时,常常吃亏吃大了。give up the store, 吃大亏。吃大亏也可以说:They are giving up ground and lose too much.
  2080. Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love;
  where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;
  where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
  主,将我陶铸成和平工具。那里有仇恨,让我播送爱。 那里有伤创,有主宽恕。有猜疑处,愿有信心。失望之处,给人希望。 那里有黑暗,放射亮光。那里有悲伤,散播喜乐。


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2081. The pen is mightier than the sword. 文字强于刀剑。(这是为什么网警要时刻警惕来删贴。)I am unsure whether I'm for or against this old proverb "the pen is mightier than the sword."
  2082. play possum,装死 Thinking fast, we played possum hoping the bear wouldn't bother us. 急中生智,我们装死,想骗过这熊放了我们。
  2083. Sam jumped on Bill for being late for work. 萨姆对贝尔工作迟到一事大发雷霆。 Susie jumped all over Michael for coming home drunk. 苏丝对麦克醉醺醺回家气得不得了。jump on 和 jump all over 事一个意思。类似的表达法还有:to jump down someone's throat 勃然大怒,The teacher jumped down Billy's throat when Billy said he did not do his homework. 比利说,他没有做家庭作业,老师听了很是生气。
  2084. Her reason for spending so much on clothes: she is in the fashion industry and has to look the part. 她在衣着上大把花钱的理由是,她在做服装生意,所以得看上去像个做这一行的。You'd never guess he was a security guard he doesn't look the part at all. 你根本就猜不到他是秘密保镖,他看上去不是干这一行的。look the part 看上去像。
  2085. We don’t want to lose you through any cracks. 我们可不想因为疏忽而失去你。What will happen to so many people slipping through the cracks of our health care system? 我们的医疗保险制度太差,很多人保不到,这些人该如何办呢?
  2086. Cash only and no plastic. 只收现金,不收信用卡。
  2087. Did you get her digits? 你问她要了电话号码吗?
  2088. They will stop at nothing in their race to be the best. 他们会尽全力跑出最好的成绩。stop at nothing, 尽全力。
  2089. Chinglish is a portmanteau word combining Chinese and English. Chinglish 是一个合并词,由Chinese与English组成。 Smog is a portmanteau word from smoke and fog. smog一词由smoke与fog组成。
  2090. Give us, we pray, the power to discern clearly right from wrong, and allow all our words and actions to be governed thereby, and by the laws of this land. 神啊,我们祷告,求你给我们力量来辨别是非,并由此来表达意见与行动,也同样让我们的一言一行都合这个国家法律。


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2091. Sometimes stocks can start on good terms but other times they can quickly head south. 有时候股票会势头良好,但也有很多时候,股票会跌得一塌糊涂。on good terms, 形势不错,条件不错,关系不错,The couple is not on very good terms and they don't speak to each other much. 这对夫妻关系紧张,他们彼此互不说话。
  2092. When the stock market is losing steam, he is doing well. 当股市在失去势头时,他还做得不错。
  2093. on Nov. 10, 2001, and the following day, Taiwan's membership was approved too. the World Trade Organization 的简称为:WTO, 世贸组织。
  2094. He undertook the new job with great resolve. 他以坚定的献身精神接受了这项新的工作。注意,resolve 决心,是不可数名词,如果要说某个具体的决心,用resolution,例如,My New Year's Resolutions:reduce my weight, give up smoking, find a better job or do better on the one I have。我新年决心:减肥,戒烟,找份更好在活,或者把现在的工作做得更好。resolve也可以是动词,I resolve to improve my spoken English in the New Year.我决心要在新的一年里提高英语口语。
  2095. 请提出宝贵意见。Your opinion is appreciated. 或者Your opinion is very much valued.
  2096. Warren Buffett is calling a bottom now. He is making an all-in wager on the economic future. Let's hope it is a bet that he will win. 沃伦巴菲特觉得萧条已到底了,他认为未来的经济将会全面好转,但愿他的赌注会赢。wager 打赌,all-in 全面的,bet 与wager是同意词。
  2097. The Great Wall runs in toto about 4500 miles(7300 km) .长城全长4500英里(7300公里)in toto 拉丁文,全部。也可以说,4500 miles in total length。或者,The total length of the Great Wall is 4500 miles.
  2098. Something had blown up. 发生爆炸了。The house is blown to smithereens. 房子被炸得支离破碎了。His home blew sky high. 他的家被炸飞了天。The house is reduced to debris.房子已成废墟一片。注意,debris是单数。 There was just debris everywhere.到处都是残砖碎瓦。
  2099. The guy is in the rubble, and amazingly he is still alive after the explosion. 那个人在废墟堆中,不可思议的是, 爆炸后他竟然还活着。
  2100. Live simply.Love generously.Care deeply.Speak kindly.


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 2101. Someone from the Internet sent me a malicious virus and he got my screen name & password! What is more, my hard drive has crashed. I have learned a lesson and I need spam protection!网上有个家伙给我发来一个恶意病毒,他偷走了我的网名和密码,更糟糕的是,我的硬盘也遭到了破坏。我是学了一课,我需要防毒保护。
  2102. Investing decisions driven by emotion rarely pay off. Set and stick with a sensible, long-term plan. It’s one of the best ways to build wealth. 因冲动而作的投资决定会往往得不偿失,所以你得做一个长期、理智的计划,并且持守不变。这是积累财富的最好之一的办法。
  2103. There are three factors you need to take control of for your investment: define your goals, time frame, and risk tolerance. 投资时,有三个因素你得把握:明确目标,投资的期限,以及对风险的承受力。
  2104. Let’s have a roundtable on this issue. 我们来开个圆桌会议来解决这个问题。又作:a round table conference.
  2105. There will be meteor showers in our region next week. 下周我们这里会有流星雨。
  2106. He is a poor college student, always on the prowl for a free meal. 他是个穷学生,老是想蹭饭。
  2107. Whooshing down a snow-covered mountain at high speed exhilarates me. 风驰电掣般地冲下雪山真叫我过瘾呀。whoosh 飞快冲过。exhilarate 就是excite,要记得这里h不发言。hilarate 与hilarious 同一词根。
  2108. Many people believe that Obama’s reckless monetary policies will cause hyperinflation. 很多人都相信,奥巴马的无节制的金融政策会导致恶性通货膨胀。chronic inflation 长期通货膨胀。
  2109. I am a grown-up. Why have I still got spots? They really blow my confidence. My self-esteem suffers too. 我都是成年人了,为什么我还会有青春痘呢?这些斑斑点点真是打伤我的自信心,我的尊严也受损。
  2110. We need to have faith even when our prayer goes unanswered. 就算我们的祷告不蒙应允,我们也应该有信心。


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2121. The swine flu is over exaggerated and over hyped. What happened? Across the globe, 429 people died. Yes, that’s unfortunate, but compared with the 36,000 people that die each year from regular flu it wasn’t a serious threat.猪流感的危险性被大大地夸张了,真是有点耸人听闻。有那么严重吗?全球范围内,有429人死于猪流感。是,这的确不幸,但是与每年有36000人死于正常的流感相比,这算不了什么威胁。
  hype 炒作,across the globe, 全球,across the nation, 全国。
  2122. Overnight, a compliant media spread this alarming news far and wide. Parents were scared out of their wits. Schools were closed. Millions with flu symptoms flocked to doctors and hospitals! 一夜之间,一向无精打采的媒体将这警报播到四面八方。做父母的吓得手足无措。学校也关了门。成千上万的人只要有感冒症状都洪涌去医院看医生。far and wide, 四面八方,be scared out of wits, 吓傻了,flu symptoms,感冒症状。一般情况下,人们是不会这么迫不及待到医院去的,很多时候是自己买点药,或挺一挺就过去了。
  2123. Who are exaggerating the case then? People on the pharmaceutical and government payroll, that’s who. They said it was the most unusual virus they had ever seen, that it could kill in large numbers. 谁在兴风作浪呢?都是那些拿政府工资和拿制药厂工作的人,就是这些人。他们说这是他们从未见过这种不同寻常的病毒。这病毒会导致人大批死亡。on the government payroll, 吃皇粮的人。
  2124. Everyone is in a panic. They run out and get a flu shot. They are told that was the answer. But if you take some simple precautions-not flu shots, you can ward off winter sickness easily. 大家都吓得惊慌失措,跑去打疫苗,以为这就是预防的办法。但是,只要采取一些简单的预防措施,不用打疫苗,你就能轻易地防止冬季的疾病。ward off,不得,挡住。
  2125. The flu (influenza) vaccine actually suppresses your immune system. Any medicine has side effect. If you can, you should steer clear of this hyped-up answer to avoiding the flu. 流感疫苗实际上会削弱你的免疫系统。是药三分毒。你要尽可能不用这些炒作的答案来防止流感。
  steer clear of
  2126. People over 55 who receive a flu shot every year for five years increase their risk of Alzheimer’s tenfold. 55岁以上的人,如果连续五年打防止感冒针,患老年痴呆症的几率要增加十倍。
  2127. Flu vaccinations contain a full dose of mercury, the most toxic substance known to man.防感冒的疫苗内含有汞,这是种对人体毒性最大的物质。
  2128. Despite this, you and your loved ones don’t have to be sitting ducks for this winter’s cold and flu season. 尽管如此,在这冬季流感季节,你和你所爱的人并不必坐以待毙。sitting duck,坐以待毙,a sitting duck president 即将卸任的总统。
  2129. He’s out there in the trenches, spreading the truth about simpler, cheaper, and safer ways to prevent disease. 他一个人在那里战斗,要告诉大家一些更简单、花费更少、更安全的方法来预防疾病。out there in the trenches, 在战壕里。
  2130.Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so "Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t." 人生苦短,不要早晨起来时充满了遗憾,所以“对你好的,就爱他们,对你不好的,就为他们祷告。”


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2131. Parents of other players complained that the coach was unfairly mollycoddling the team’s star player. 众选手的父母都在抱怨,说教练太偏心只照顾球队里的尖子球员。mollycoddle 偏心,宠爱,溺爱,娇生惯养的男人、男孩。mollycoddle由两个单词组成,一个是molly,一个是coddle,coddle的意思是慢慢用温火煮鸡蛋,后发展出宠爱的意思,同义词为pamper。molly是Mary的昵称。
  No matter what pacifist "flubdubs and flapdoodle mollycoddles" might say, the President [Teddy Roosevelt] knew that if there were a general war then America could well be drawn into it. 不管那些和平主义者有多少空话大话梦话,罗斯福总统知道只要世界发生大战,美国就很可能会要卷入进去。flubdub, flapdoodle, 都是些不切实际的空话大话。
  2132. utilize and use: 有些人越来越多地使用utilize来代替use。这两个单词虽然是同义词,但并不完全是一个意思。utilize是很好地使用,全面利用。Can I use your pen to write a note? 我能用你的笔留个言吗?He likes to use others for his own end. 他老是利用他人牟利。The businessman is fully utilizing his wealth to influence government officials. 那个商人总是尽可能地利用他的财富来影响政府官员。
  2133. The U.S. government is careening toward a "debt payment shock" in the not-too-distant future. 在不久的将来,美国政府就会不可避免地面临偿还债务的恐怖。另一个“不久的将来”说法是:in the near future。
  2134. I think I have overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated. It is not fair. 我想我工作超时,工资超低,无人欣赏。这太不公平。
  2135. Some officials can make millions of dollars without lifting a single finger. 有些政府官员啥事也不干就能赚百万千万。without lifting a finger, 一个指头都不愿动,啥事也不干。注意,不要说moving a finger。You can generate more traffic to your blog without you even lifting a finger. 你可以啥事也不做,就能提高你博客的点击率。比较without breaking a single sweat, 不费吹胡之力。
  2136. “着迷”的几个口语说法:a. What makes women go gaga over a guy? 男人得有什么样的气质才能使女人着迷?go gaga over 对某事某人疯狂。b. He is potty about her. 他对她着迷。c. Mothers all go gooey over their babies. 是母亲都对自己的孩子着迷。
  2137. brace 这个词应该记得。现在小孩都带牙套,就是此词。可以单数,也可以复数:I just got my braces. It is not easy at all. 我刚戴上了牙箍,真的不方便。Everyone has to wear braces for different lengths of time, but most people usually wear braces for about 2 years. knee brace 膝盖支架. I have to wear a knee brace. 动词是“支撑”的意思,也作要做好准备以防不测:President Barack Obama is bracing for a tough sell of his apparent decision to commit tens of thousands of new U.S. forces to the stalemated war in Afghanistan. 奥巴马总统得做好准备,推销不受欢迎的决定,向阿富汗增派数万军队打破战争的僵局。
  2138. In July 2008, gold, oil, and many other commodities were at the highest levels ever recorded. In a few short months, just about every commodity plummeted: 30%, 40%, 50%, and more. The $64 trillion question for investors is: Will the commodity boom continue, or will it stall out? A huge new commodities boom is probably just ahead with potentially tremendous profits for those who invest in the right way. 2008年7月,黄金、原油以及很多其它期货都达到了有史以来最高价位。但几个月过后,几乎所有的期货都猛跌,跌了30%,40%,50%或更多。投资者要面临的一个64万亿的问题是,期货的繁荣还会继续吗?或许一个新的期货繁荣马上就要降临,对那些能做出正确投资决定的人来说,将会获得巨大的收益。
  2139. First and foremost, you need to have inner confidence. 最为重要的是,你要有内在的自信。
  2140. I sincerely desire to see clearly my shortcomings, my faults, my sins. I earnestly pray to be humble, obedient and loving , to be worthy to walk with Thee. 我真切地期盼能清楚地认识到我自己的缺点、错误以及我的罪。我真诚地祷告成为一个谦卑、顺服以及有爱心的人,成为一个值得与你同行的人。


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2141. Party crashers were allowed into a White House State Dinner without being on the guest list is an embarrasement to the Homeland Security. 晚宴蹭饭者能未被邀请而获许进入参加白宫的国宴叫国土安全局尽失颜面。
  2142. The children worked for a pittance at the factory in subhuman conditions. 这些儿童在非人的条件下为这家工厂打工,工资微乎其微。pity 与pittance同享词源。It's a pity when you haven't anything but a pittance. 你只有微薄的家产真是太可怜。与pity还有一个同源的词是piety,虔诚的。
  2143. less是个常用词,但也容易常常出错。less用于不可数名词:less bread, less thought, less intelligence,如果是可数名词,则用fewer:fewer people, fewer hours, fewer是few的比较级,而less则是little的比较级。能够用little时,才能用less,little hope, less hope, and so on. You need to make fewer errors. 这里不应该用less。
  2144. 这四个词很容易混淆:immanent, imminent, eminent and prominent。先看immanent: 内在的;固有的;无所不在的。An immanent evil is a pervasive evil fully integrated into humans. 原罪是人类与生俱来的一种罪。We need to consider all immanent factors and external influences. 我们必须考考虑所有的内在因素以及外在的影响。immanent的一个同义词是internal。
  2145. imminent 即将发生。Your death is imminent.你是死到临头了。A storm is imminent. 暴风雨马上就要到了。
  2146. eminent 卓越的,著名的,an eminent historian, 一位著名的历史学家。
  2147 prominent 重要的,与上面的词是同义词。a prominent man,一位显赫的人物,前面提到过口语“大腕”,例如big shot, 等等。还有一些类似的表达法: a big figure in the movement 这场运动的重要领头人物,a big man on campus 校园里风云人物,He's very large in financial circles. 他在金融界是个赤手可热的人物。
  2148. China has increased their gold holdings by over 16 million ounces. The action taken by China is a vote of no confidence for the U.S. Dollar.中国为增加黄金储备,购进了一千六万盎司黄金,这一措施表明中国对美元投了不信任票。
  2149 There's a part of me - a big part of me -- that wants to study English well. 我有点想,非常想要把英语学好。Every part of me is excited about you. 一想起你我就全身激动。A big part of me will always have feelings for you. 我总是会常常思念着你。
  2150. As dead flies give perfume a bad smell,so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. Ecc 10:1 死苍蝇使做香的膏油发出臭气。这样,一点愚昧,也能败坏智慧和尊荣。dead flies in the perfume 已成为一个固定的成语,相当于一粒老鼠屎打坏一锅汤。


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2151. I am truly an independent thinker. I carry no one's water. I'm aligned with no interest group, no organized political party.我独立思考,不替人背书。与利益集团没有任何瓜葛,也不结党结派。
  2152. I like to speak my mind freely. 我喜欢的是能自由自在地表达我的意见。No one is supposed to speak their mind in China. They are all supposed to agree with the Party.在中国,没有人能自由表达自己的思想,都只能做党的应声虫.
  2153. He cut the deadwood from his staff. 他精简了一些人浮于事的工作人员。deadwood,朽木,没有用的人,多余的词汇。That means that about 10 percent of all registered voters are "deadwood" voters.这就意味着,百分之十的登记了的选民都是不存在的。There are too many deadwood phrases in your writing. 你文章里用来太多的赘语。
  2154. This is a subject close to my heart. 我特别关心这个议题。
  2155. You will know him by the people he surrounds himself with. 你透过他周围的那些人就能清楚地认识他。
  2156. Stay away from this company. It appears to be heading for a crash landing if it does not receive an injection of capital.. 不要碰这家公司,这公司如果没有资金注入的话就快要彻底破产了。
  2157. Business Week predicts Cleantech stocks will make huge profits for investors in the months and years ahead. I am convinced that Biopack Environmental Solutions, Inc. (BPAC) is destined to be one of the biggest winners in the Cleantech sector. You can buy its stocks. 商务周刊预测,清洁技术股在今后的几个月或几年中将为投资者带来丰厚的利润。而我确信,在清洁技术版块,生物环保包装公司(BPAC)必定成为最大的赢家之一。买这家公司的股票没错。
  2158. They are “breaking into” the largest vault on the planet!他们买中了股票,这次真是发了。break into the bank vault 钻进了银行保险库。另一个类似更普遍的说法是,hit the jackpot,撞了大运。
  2159. He did nothing good but added gasoline to the fire by calling their names. 他没有帮任何忙,却是火上加油,把他们骂了一通。也可以说成add fuel to the fire好些语言都有“火上加油”这一说法。是把事越弄越糟的意思。但是,英文里并不都是贬义,例如:National stars pour fuel on fire in once-obscure upstate NY congressional campaign.国家级的明星云集纽约上州无名小镇为竞选加油。
  2160. Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers. 人们或许会不理会我们的要求,拒绝我们的信息,反对我们的观点,蔑视我们的人格,但是他们在我们的祷告面前却无能为力。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

2161. humor是大家都熟悉的词,就是“幽默,诙谐”,但这词还有一个意思,是“体液,脾气,” He makes me so mad that all my humors boil! 他激怒了我,我血管都要爆了。mood这个词用烂了时,可以换个说法:What is your humor today? 今天情绪怎样?只是humor此意思越来越少用了。
  2162. He's a hoot. 意思是,He is hilariously funny. Hoot这个词我们以前学过,作动词用。
  2163. A. No offense to you. B. None taken. A. 没有想要冒犯你。 B. 一点也没有。
  2164. 说“成功的机率”很低,简单地说是,little chance, He stands little/slim chance to win. 还可以说,That is an outside shot. 或者:That is a hundred-to-one shot.
  2165. Before you know it, you are in, deep in. 你不知不觉地就陷进去了,而且陷得很深了。
  2166. flea 跳蚤,flea market, 跳蚤市场,自由市场,flea 基本意思是跳蚤,然后有便宜的意思。flea market 卖的都是便宜货。fleabag, 廉价旅馆,廉价旅馆还有几个其他说法:a run-down hotel, 破烂旅馆,a seedy hotel 很破的旅馆, flop hotel 便宜旅馆,flop 是翻身的意思,就是在这个旅馆只翻个身,打个盹,又可以说成 flip flop hotel, flop house。
  2167. It seems like every time you turn on the TV, you're likely to see commercials claiming to treat everything from soup to nuts. 每次一打开电视,你就会看到广告,声称什么病都能治好。from soup to nuts 什么都有
  2168. I will like you to assist me with a soft loan urgently with the sum of $2,500 (USD) to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home as soon as possible.请尽快借$2500钱给我,我会付点利息的,我要这笔钱来付旅馆账单,尽快打道回府。soft loan 帮忙性质的借贷。sort out 付款。
  2169. Whence comest thou? 君自何方来?whence 哪里,I know whence he comes. 我知他是何方神圣。Return whence you came. 哪里来,你就回哪吧。
  2170. Many politicians feel they can do as they please because of who they are. They feel they are exempt from the rules that govern everyone else. 许多政客都觉得他们想干什么就可以干什么,他们不必遵守那些约束每个人的法律法规。

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