斯坦福 IT



回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1621. In this day and age, we are always looking to save money. 这个年代,我们总是想方设法搞节约。This is the way tradition and the modern day merge in this city. 传统与现代就这样在这个城市交汇在一起。
  1622. Are you trying to give me a hard time? 你是不是想找我的茬?My wife will give me a hard time if I am home late. 我回去晚了。老婆会跟我过不去的。 Bureaucrats today have a hard time distinguishing the genuine public interest from the private interests of the Party. 今天的官僚分不清什么是真正的大众利益,什么是共党之私利。注意比较复数hard times的用法,You need to learn how to manage your money during hard times. 经济萧条时,你得学会管理好自己的钱财。
  1623. Hu Yaobang’s death signifies the end of an era. 胡耀邦的去世象征着一个时代的终结。
  1624. Many students take a gap year after university. 许多学生大学毕业后会修整一年。a gap year, 大学毕业后,先不忙着找工作,而是花一年去旅游、作义工等活动。
  1625. This is a historic day, a watershed event. 这是具有历史意义的一天,这是划时代事件。
  1626. This has been locked in stone. 这事已经完全敲定。这是铁钉钉板的事,改变不了啦。
  1627. 口语里,“boss” 也有"awesome" or "cool"的意思,作形容词用: Have you seen Mark’s new car? It’s so boss! 你见到了马克的新车吗?太牛了!
  1628. This is a really good book. You won’t put it down until you finish it. 这本书真的好,你会爱不释手,一口气读完。a page turning book 这部书引人入胜。This is an utter page-turner. 这本书叫你一口气翻完。This is a dynamite read. 这本书很有震撼力。
  1629. Give me all you’ve got or I’ll blow you away. 把钱都掏出来,否则要你的小命。这是土匪抢钱时用的话,你不妨跟自己的男朋友开玩笑时说说。
  1630. I have zero direction. 我完全迷路了。We should have zero tolerance of corruption by the Party members. 我们绝对不能容忍党员搞腐败。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1631. The march toward democracy is coming to this country, and you can either be a part of it or stand in the way. 民主正浩浩荡荡进入我们这个国家,你可以贡献力量,也可以阻拦。stand in the way 挡道。Please don’t stand in the way. 请让一让。
  1632. rock 石头的几个口语用法:
  a) Aha! My rock beats your scissors! 我的石头(锤子)赢了你的剪刀。I lost to the rock!我输给了石头。石头(锤子)、剪刀、布游戏中的石头(锤子);注意,中文里的布,英文是paper。He is one of the best RPS athletes. 他是玩锤子剪刀布的少有的高手。
  b) rock-bottom price, 触底价Some felt that house prices had reached rock bottom in their area but closely, but some felt the worse was to come.有些人觉得房子价格已经到底了,但也有人觉得更糟的情况还没有到。
  c) rock-solid 坚实的,We want to have our kids to have rock solid ethics, strong self-esteem, and bubble over with confidence and enthusiasm. 我们要把我们的下一代培养成有坚实的道德、顽强的自尊、因自信与激情而生活得快乐。
  d) The on-line college is rocking. 网上大学很流行。
  e) She is rocking the red carpet. 她太得意了。(直译是,她在红地毯上只摇晃。)
  f) Don’t rock the boat. 别惹麻烦!(不要把船给整翻了)
  1633. I am here to get you there. 我到这里就是为了帮你能到达那里。我的目的是为了帮你能达到目的。
  1634. Whenever I’m in a funk, I feel grumpy and disengaged from life in general.我只要遇上低沉的时刻,就容易沮丧,生活一团糟。
  1635. Stop feeling sorry for yourself 不要再那里自怨自哎好不好!
  1636. A compassionate society should care for the least, last, lost and left-out. 一个富有同情心的社会应该关照那些弱势、社会地位低微、失意的以及被抛弃的人群。
  1637. I’m fully aware that depression could get its ugly grip on me if I don’t turn the corner. 我完全清楚,如果我不赶快振作的话,我会被忧郁给整疯的。ugly grip on 狠狠地钳制、窒息,turn the corner, 改变局面。Our company has successfully turned the corner. 我们公司已成功地度过了难关。
  1638. He has made a sizable living for years on the contracts with the government. His uncle holds considerable sway. 他这些年靠与政府的合同赚得盆满钵满。他叔叔很有影响力。make a sizable living 赚了不少,hold sway 有影响力。The company had a sizable loss. 公司产生了巨额亏损。
  1639. Your child has a good ear for sound. 你的孩子有很好的乐感。I have no good ear for music.我不太懂欣赏音乐。
  1640. You have got a baby with taste in music.你的这个娃娃很有点音乐天赋呢。 How is your taste in music? 你喜欢什么样的音乐?


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1641. 有个理发店有个俏皮广告:从头做起。英语文化里也有类似的俏皮话:A Cut Above. Cut就是理发,A cut above 表面上看就是从上面开始理。但是a cut above 也是个成语,意思是,非常棒,be a cut above something or somebody, 比其他的事或人更胜一筹。His work is a cut above. 他的作品非同一般。I love this restaurant. It is a cut above. 我蛮喜欢这家餐厅,菜做得很好。
  1642. Jump the shark, 不妙的转折,Things haven’t been looking rosy for the company lately, but the boss totally jump the shark when he said ’no big deal’ after half the best employees quit on the same day. I gotta get a new job - quick.
  1643. Has the market bottomed out? 市场触底了吗?
  1644. have a thing for or about, 对什么有种特殊的感受,这个感受可能是不喜欢,也可能是喜欢。Kelly has a thing about Tim. She simply hates him. Kelly对Tim不感兴趣,她实际上恨死了他。I have a thing for men in uniform. 我对穿军装的男士都有种特殊的好感。Elaine has a thing about strawberry ice cream. She can’t get enough of it. Eleine特别钟爱草莓冰淇淋,她怎么吃也吃不够。
  1645. In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. 做决定的时刻,你能够做出的最好的事就是去做正确的事。
  1646. I could give an opinion off the cuff, but I’d rather think about it. 我也可以即兴发表一些意见,但我还是宁愿再多想想。off-the-cuff remarks 即兴的言辞,
  1647. Here is an answer off the top of my head. 这是我没有经过好好考虑的一个答复。这是我的一个即兴的答复。
  1648. It was just a shot in the dark. I had no idea I was exactly correct. 这只是我的胡乱猜想,我也搞不清楚我是否真的就对了。
  1649. She was whistling in the dark. She has no idea of what’s going on. 她完全是在猜想,她根本就不知道目前的局势。
  1650. A: Do you know how old I am? 你知道我们多大了吗?
  B: I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say….35? 我只是随便猜猜,大概35岁?
  A: I’m 17! 我才17岁呢。What is your stab-in-the-dark prediction for economics? 你随便预测一下,经济将会是怎样的走向?


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1651. We loved each other. We had no bones about saying it. 那时我们热恋,也从不忌讳告诉每一个人。make/have no bones about 公开地说。
  1652. This is the view that we accept with our mother’s milk. 这个看法打从我们从娘肚子里出来就形成了。We take in the fact that the world is not all it seems with our mother’s milk. 我们从打出生那一刻起就学习要透过现象看本质。
  1653. every scrap and speck of this 全部,所有的细节,scrap 和speck 都是粉末的意思。Do you deny every scrap and speck of this? 难道你要彻底否认这一切吗?或者这么说:He flatly / categorically denied the charges.他完全否认了所有的指控。
  1654. This is all a snare. 这完全是个圈套。
  1655. good在口语里有时候作副词:Eat good and look great. 吃得好,长得帅。类似的有:talk big, 吹牛,It didn’t take long. 只费了一点点功夫。
  1656. 现在年轻人表示惊讶喜欢说“哇噻”,这是从英文wow发展而来,中文喜欢双音节,加了一个尾音。wow也可以作动词:He is always doing something to wow you. 他总是做些让人掉眼镜的事。There are several things we can do to wow our buyers. 我们可以做些工作来让买方对我们敬佩不已。
  1657. Her expressions are still a bit wooden. 她的神色有点呆滞。(有点木纳)
  1658. I would like to clear the air about the controversy. 我想对此问题作出一些澄清。
  1659. The problem stems from the misunderstanding. 这个问题源于误会。
  1660. Guangzhou is a high-volume station. 广州是个客流量大的站。类似结构的词有:high-end costumers 高端客户, high-energy, 充满活力,High-energy food is good for boosting your immune system. 高能量食品对于提高免疫系统有好处。high energy children, 一刻都不停的小孩。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1661. My phone is ringing off the hook all day/all day long. 我的电话整天都一直响个不停。cell phone, mobile phone 手机,land phone 座机 cordless phone, 无绳电话。中国人伸出小指与拇指,收缩中间三个指头意思是“六”,而这个动作在英语世界里是指给我打电话。
  1662. turn the table 翻盘,You can turn the table on the guy with the question such as why he would not take any action. 你也可以反问这个家伙,当时他为什么不采取任何行动。也可以说,turn things around,
  1663. I’ve read the article, which I take with a grain of salt. 我已经读了那篇文章,对于里面的内容我是持保留态度的。with a grain of salt, 不完全接受。
  1664. He wears two hats. First, as known to public, he is a professor. Second, as mostly unknown, he is a secret police, collecting information on pro-democracy activists. 他身兼两职,一是大家知道的,就是他为教授,二是,大家所不知道的,他实际上是秘密警察,收集民运分子的消息。wear two hats, 身兼两职。有关hat 的口语很多,以后介绍。
  1665. back-slapping 拍人的背,表示庆贺,友好,He is always backslapping his colleagues at staff meetings. 员工大会时,他总是对每个人都拍肩表示友好。He threw a party for the team as a post championship back slapping. 他为球队召开了一个酒会,庆祝获得冠军。
  1666. Stocks kicked back into rally mode Monday, ending a week-long slump. 股市周一大幅反弹,终止了一周的疲软。rally 聚集,集会。The supporters rally around the activist. 支持者们聚集在活动家旁边,以示支持。比较以前的stand behind, back up.
  1667. He set his sights on the championship. 他把目标定在了冠军。
  1668. He cannot take his eyes off her. 他是目不转睛地盯着她看。
  1669. I’ll sleep. I’m wrung out. 我得去睡了,我已经精疲力竭了。类似:worn out, tired.
  1670. stats and facts 数据与是事实 stats 是statistics 的缩写,These are some stats and facts on poverty you should know. 这是你应该知道的一些有关贫困的数据与事实。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1671. Steal the show He liles to steal the show. 他最爱出风头。
  1672. She has two classes away from a bachelor degree. 她只要再完成两门课就可以拿本科毕业证了。
  1673. He is suffering from mood swings and tried to kill himself. 他情绪起起伏伏,曾经有过自杀的经历。swing 荡秋千,mood swing 情绪不稳,也可以说,emotional swing, 或者moody, 描述情绪不稳的词有:depression, a swing state, 美国投票时,有可能把票投共和党,也有可能投民主党的州,所以都是两党必重点争夺的州。个人的话就是a swing vote。John just couldn’t seem to get in the swing of things. 约翰老是与大家不合拍。
  1674. Chinese people are increasingly out of sync with the Beijing establishment. 中国人越来越不认可北京的既得利益者。
  1675. Look before you leak. 不要随地大小便!(直译就是小便前得看看场合)。leak 口语里是小便的意思,一般指男性。I have to take a leak! 我得小解一下。正规的词是urinate
  1676. Sometimes when an artist’s album has been leaked, they release their album earlier than planned for fear of the bootleggers. 有时候歌手的演唱碟被遭遇泄密,于是他们就干脆早点公布,以防盗版的出现。bootlegger 盗版者
  1677. bowlegged, 罗圈脚 He is bowlegged. 他是个罗圈腿。
  1678. We all need to give ourselves some TLC from time to time. There are some affordable ways to pamper yourselves. 时不时我们得给自己一点关爱,有很多不用花费太多的法子让自己的享受一下。(TLC stands for tender, love , care.)
  1679. Let’s noodle over this problem for a bit and discuss it at our next meeting. 我们都来想想这个问题,下次会议上讨论。We noodle over what we should get rid of. 我们来整理一下思路,看有什么我们是可以纠正的。
  1680. You’d be hard pressed to find a more beautiful city than Guilin. 你要找到一个比桂林更漂亮的城市实在是不容易。hard pressed to 不容易。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1681. Our notoriously weak laws against corruption are a product of 30 years of the Party lawmakers who favored perps over victims. 这个党的法律制定者搞了三十年,搞出了一套臭名昭著、对腐败完全没有任何力度的法律,保护的是坏人,而不是受害者。perp 是 perpetrator 的缩写形式。favor 这里做“保护”解。
  1682. You are prophetic. 你真是料事如神。
  1683. Our government is trigger-happy. It took over the power by violence so it never hesitates to suppress people’ uprising by violence. 我们的政府最喜欢枪杆子,这个政府靠暴力夺取了政权,所以也就会毫不犹豫地用暴力来镇压人民。trigger-happy, 喜欢动不动就使用枪杆子的人,好战。trigger 枪的扳机,引发。It can trigger depression. 这会引发忧虑症。
  1684. After the outbreak of the bird flu and swine flu, I’ve become a germophobe. 禽流感、猪流感爆发后,我变得成了一个细菌恐惧症者。phobia, (phobe ) 恐惧 ,几种常见的恐惧症:acrophobia 恐高症,hydrophobia 恐水症, autophobia 恐孤独症
  1685. Trailblazing vs traditional 创新与传统,,blazing 燃烧,trailblazing 先锋留下的路标,比喻为披荆斩棘,锐意创新。Indeed, history has shown that the most persecuted eventually becomes the trailblazers to a more positive way of life, such as democracy.确实,历史显示,遭遇迫害最厉害的人最终都是革命家,带来一种更为有益的生活方式,例如民主。 
  1686. get one’s fingers burnt 或者burn one’s fingers, 失手,He got greedy he wanted to have the whole enchilada now he has had his fingers burnt. 他变得贪婪,想要把利润统统吞下,结果却是损失惨重。Many investors burn their fingers when they are tempted by get-rich-quick schemes. 很多投资者受到了一夜致富的诱惑,结果血本无归。burn one’s fingers, 直译是烧了手指头,意译是损失很惨。
  1687. The dry spell killed the crops. 干旱使作物颗粒无收。dry spell, 干旱,又有“低谷,没有果效”的意思。Their hopes to break its dry spell were dashed when the market was crashed. 他们期待走出低谷的愿望完全破灭了,因为市场垮掉了。dry spell date, 无疾而终的约会,a dry spell relationship,没有激情的关系(比如不死不活的夫妻关系)
  1688. above the law, 高于法律 beyond the law, 法律无可奈何,against the law,违法The Chinese bully secret police are above the law. 中国的秘密警察简直是横行霸道,无法无天。If the cops are allowed to act like street toughs and thugs, then the civilians have no choice - they can either accept that the cops are beyond the law, or more Yang Jia will be bred. 如果允许警察像街上的流氓混混,那么平民百姓则别无选择,要不然接受警察是法律制裁不到的特权阶级,要不然就会有更多的杨佳出现。
  1689. You cannot bend the law just to benefit the Party. 你不能为了一党私利而枉法。
  1690. Your behavior is simply beyond the pale. 你的行为完全是违法的。(pale是一道线、墙,不能越过的线。)狄根思的小说The Pickwick Papers (《匹克威克外传》)有这么一句话: “I look upon you, sir, as a man who has placed himself beyond the pale of society, by his most audacious, disgraceful, and abominable public conduct”.


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1691. He is a tightly wound man. 这里的wound不是受伤,而是wind(上紧发条)的过去分词。所以这句的意思是,他是个老是绷得很紧的人、很严肃的人。也要注意发音。
  1692. He enjoys a reputation as a strict by-the-book officer。他是一位严格照章办事的官员,
  1693. The lawyers talk about the bad blood at the division. 律师谈到这个部门内部的争斗。the bad blood, 斗争、互不信任、愤怒、仇恨,That guy and me have bad blood between us. 我和那个家伙有矛盾。
  1694. The unions in China all wear their party affiliation on its sleeve. 中国的各级工会都是归党所管。wear something on your sleeve 亮出你的身份,立场。Wear your heart on your sleeves. 你就大胆去表白你的爱吧。
  1695. 现在常出现的几个科学名词:black hole, 黑洞,wormhole虫洞,whitehole, 白洞,quantum mechanics, 微量子学说,此词最近因007电影而被推广Quantum of Solace. 大破量子危机,这个翻译叫人不知所云,其意思是,微量的安慰,或者说,不值安慰;relativity theory 相对论, 黑洞拥有无限的引力,没有什么物质能逃脱它的吸引力,连光也逃脱不了。虫洞又译为时间隧道。白洞时与黑洞相反的概念,是物质的开始。这些词偶尔也会作为比喻用在日常生活中,具体意思你得看上下文去理解。
  1696. H seems as neat as a pin. 他很干净利落。
  1697. The number can be counted on one hand. 屈指可数。
  1698. cloak and dagger, 风衣与剑,比喻为阴谋,间谍。undercover agent 秘密间谍,口语词就是spy。This spy story is an old-school spook. 这个间谍故事有点老套了。
  1699. 关于标志,名片的几个常用词:hallmark: The tobacco is an industry that is hallmark of the province. 烟草业是这个省的名片。 landmark: Taipei 101 is a landmark skyscraper in Taipei. 台北101是台北的摩天大厦地标。benchmark 基准标记The Red Flag is one of the auto history benchmarks in China. 红旗牌轿车是中国汽车史上的一个里程碑。 milestone, Liu Yujiao’s settlement may mark a milestone in human rights advocates’ struggle to use websites to force Chinese authorities to protect the weak. 刘玉娇案子将会成为一个里程碑,标志着人权维护者利用网络来迫使中国执政者来保护弱势力。
  1700. Hello, Kiddo, 小朋友好!He is a marvelous kiddo. 这个小朋友很棒。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1701. Control all the media, internet, and newspaper. Fascists believe that a lie repeated one thousand times becomes truth. The only way to achieve this is to kill any voice that can expose lies. So censorship practice is essential. Example: Net--Gestapo’s job is to do nothing but delete posts on Guangtian. 控制舆论,网络和报纸。法西斯相信,一个谎言重复一千次就是真理,而要达到这个目的就得消除所有能揭穿这个谎言的声音,所以必须实行新闻检查制度。例子:网-盖的工作就是删帖。
  1702. Secret police. In this way, Fascists can bypass the law to arrest people. Example: G. Zhisheng disappeared, and many like him. 秘密警察,法西斯可以绕过法律来直接捕人。
  1703. Invoke an external and internal threat to ban anything they don’t like. 声称有外来或内部威胁,这样可以禁止任何他们想要禁止的东西。 Example: D-lai L-ma wants to split the country.
1704. Develop a paramilitary force. 发展准军事力量,例如民兵,保安,城管,等。Example: Para Soldiers, security guards, city management officers, and so on.
  1705. Education by indoctrination. 洗脑式教育。Example: Everyone is brainwashed with communism from elementary schools to college. 例子:人人都得从小学到大学接受共产主义洗脑。
  1706. Ban citizen’s groups. Deny the freedom of society. 禁止民间组织,禁止结社自由。Example: Li Taiyuan was arrested for his organizing a wedding party for 13 young couples. 例子,李太元因组织13对新人结婚而被捕。
  1707. Cast normal criticism as "espionage" and dissent as "treason" or “attempt to overthrow the government” 把正常的批评打成“间谍罪”,不同意见打成“叛国”或者“企图推翻政府”。Example: police chasing a post-writer across the nation. 警察跨省追捕网上写帖人。
  1708. Subvert the rule of law. 破坏法治
  1709. Stir up the flame of nationalism:煽动极端的民族主义。Nazi and Japanese aggressors were based on nationalism. 纳粹和日本侵略者都是建立在民族主义之上。
  1710. Survey ordinary citizens. Arbitrarily detain and release citizens. Target key individuals. 监视普通公民。任意拘捕、任意释放公民。重点布控一些关键性人物。


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1711. This group hews more closely to Democrats than Republicans. 相比起共和党,这一群人更倾向民主党。This generation doesn’t hew to the party line. 这一代人不再以党的路线为行事标准。hew to 坚持,hew to the line, 服从纪律。
  1712. Anyway, you have got to admire that he keeps pushing himself, keeps daring to try and fail, and isn’t just taking the safe route by making the same move over and over again. 不管怎样,你得佩服他不断勇于向自我挑战,勇于尝试,不怕失败,不只是重复一些虽安全但老套的法子。push oneself, 向自己挑战,超越自己,take the safe route, 走没有危险的路。
  1713. tack 大头针,I hammered a tack into the wall and hung a small picture from it. 我在墙上钉了一颗大头针,挂上一张小相片。“tack(大头针)”有点像中文里的“纲举目张”一词里的纲,是“牵一发而动全身”的那根发,所以意思又作“行动方针”解释。We are going to have a new tack on the policy. 政策方面我们将做新的调整。They will tack a safe and popular course. 他们会采取一个既安全又受欢迎的方法。He changed tack on China. 他对华的观点发生了改变。
  1714. When a corporation issues a bond, there is a chance the firm could go belly up, but as long as that doesn’t happen, it will pay you your interest and principal. 如果一个公司发行债券,有种可能,那就是公司会倒闭,只要这种情况不发生,公司就总会付你利息及本金。go belly up, 破产,鱼的肚皮朝上时鱼肯定是要死了。
  1715. They are entitled to a share of profits that might grow and grow but also might turn to dust.他们有权利分享股份的利润,而且这利润会不断成长,但也有可能股份会化为灰烬。turn to dust, 归于尘土,归于零,死。We humans will all return to dust. 我们人都会最终归于尘土。
  1716. I never thought the whole national real estate would burst. 我绝没有料到全国的楼市都会破灭。burst破灭,指the bubble of the whole national real estate破灭。
  1717. The company is short-staffed, so they all work hard, but they are not paid overtime. 这公司人手不够,所以大家都拼命干,而且加班也没有加班工资。short-staffed, 缺人手,overtime 加班。
  1718. He is running this business on the side. (在正式工作外)他兼职经营这生意。
  1719. You won’t get confused once you get the hang of it. 一旦你掌握了诀窍,就不会再糊涂。After three weeks of using this computer I think I’ve finally got the hang of it. 摆弄了这台电脑三个礼拜后,我想我已经掌握得很好了。
  1720. Holy crap. 我的天呀!


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 1721. dial back 取消,dial 是“拨电话”,You can dial this number to find him. 你可以拨这个电话号码找到他。但是dial back不是回电的意思,而是取消。 There is no indication that Iran will dial back its nuclear program. 没有任何迹象表明伊朗会取消其核计划。请给我回电:Please call me back.
  1722. touchy feely 亲密的,平易近人的,肢体接触,He has a touchy-feely image. 他有着平易近人的形象。touch 与feel都是“碰、抚摸”之意。Ah sick! that guy’s playing touchy-feely with that unconscious girl. 恶心,这个家伙对那个毫无提防的女孩动手动脚的。touchy 敏感的,June is a touchy subject. 六月话题有些敏感。(把这个月后面的那个日期给删了,便于发表)
  1723. would-be 原本的,有此打算的,Would-be home buyers will have a somewhat easier time getting loans. 那些想要买房的人现在可以比较容易地拿到贷款了。
  1724. just for kicks 只是好玩啦。如果有人问你为什么干一件事,你并没有什么特别的目的,只是打发时间,取乐,就说Just for kicks. I did it just for kicks. 我做这事就是为了耍一下。也可以说,Just for the fun of it. Just for fun. Just for the heck of it. 都是这个意思。
  1725. He is a rabble-rouser who doesn’t shy away from criticizing the corrupt leaders. rabble-rouser 是 那种极具鼓动性的演讲家。对于那些贪官,他从不畏惧,而是大声疾呼严词声讨。
  1726. whistle-blower 吹哨的人,多指那些揭露腐败真相的人。也可以用动词搭配:blow the whistle. Mr. Wang is a whistle-blower, who exposed a top corrupt leader. 王先生是位敢于揭露阴暗面的勇士,他将一位腐败的高官揭露了出来。
  1727. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. 我现在有点稀里糊涂。这也是一首歌的歌词:Having you around, I don’t know if I’m coming or going, since I fell for you. 你在我们身边时,我就如坠云里雾里,因为我已深深地爱上了你。
  1728. Jack of all trades, 这一成语大家都知道,有个俚语是根据这发展出来:Jack of all tirades, tirades是长篇讲话,犹指骂人的讲话,拼写上,tirade有点像trade。所以jack of all tirades是指那种满腹怨言的人。I can’t hang out with Brian anymore, he’s become the jack of all tirades, nothing but negativity, a real bummer. 我不想再跟布兰交往下去了,他一天到晚就知道抱怨,真是个扫兴的人。
  1729. You have to drive all the way uptown to get him? Man, that’s a drag. 你要开车到城郊区接他,那真的不容易。Larry is a drag. Larry这个人没有味道。(相对于上面的bummer。)drag 在俚语中还有一个意思,是穿异性的衣服:Xiao Shenyang is a drag. 小沈阳的癖好就是穿女性衣物。
  1730. It was a doozy. 表示强调,一般表示难,不寻常,Man, that English test was a doozy. I think I failed. 老兄,这英文考题太难了,我想我没有考好。I just had a doozy of a fight with my friend. I feel so sad now. 刚才我跟朋友狠狠吵了一架。我太难过了。


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1731. bummer可以单独地列一条。a real bummer也算常用:That movie is a real bummer. 这部电影太烂。
  1732. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look no further than the Communist Party for the evidence! 权力导致腐败,绝对的权力绝对导致腐败,只要看看的证据就足够了。
  1733. It is a far cry from 与。。。完全不一样。Chinese news industry is a far cry from genuine journalism. 中国的新闻行业与真正的新闻报道相距甚远。(或者说,二者根本不是一回事,逯军的故事就充分说明这点)。
  1734. a exit strategy 退路, Most organizations or individuals don’t have a clear exit strategy when they are in a financial quagmire. 大部分的机构或个人面临财务困境时都没有一个清晰的退路策略。
  1735. Who is behind North Korea’s nukes? 谁在背后支持北朝鲜的核武器?nukes, 核武器。
  1736. I am omnivore - I love food and will eat ’almost’ anything. 我是万食家-我喜欢吃,什么都吃。点菜时,如果有人问你,你喜欢什么呀,或者你有什么忌口的没有呀,你就可以说这句话了。omni表示所有的,omnipotent, 无所不能,omnipresent 无所不在,
  1737. I have no formal training in this field/ this subject. I am feeling my way along. 我在这个领域/ 对这个题目并没有正规的训练,我只是摸着石头过河/走一步看一步/ 边做边学。
  1738. Most of women have a bit of a shoe fetish. 女人对鞋有种特别的狂热。fetish 狂热,痴迷,恋物癖。
  1739. We have turned the neighborhood around. 我们已经完全改变了这小区。We have successfully spruced up its image. 我们成功地改变了小区的现形象。提升形象 也可以说:boost its image。
  1740. It should be a shoo-in. 这是瓮中捉鳖,十拿九稳的事。shoo-in 肯定能成功的事,轻而易举的胜利。赢得不容易则是a narrow victory。有人将shoo-in乱拼写成shoe-in,这是不能接受的。


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1741. He had the target in his cross hairs. 他已经锁定了目标。cross hairs 瞄准器中十字架的中点,意即成为了攻击的对象。This project is in the cross hairs of the company’s budget crisis. 公司财务吃紧后,这个项目成为很有可能要砍掉的目标。也可以说是in the center of
  1742. He raised eyebrows among his friends when he signed Chart-er 0 8. 他签署了0 8宪后,在朋友当中引起了注目。
  1743. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission. 先斩后奏。直译是:获得原谅易,获得许可难。也可以说成:Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission. 还有缩写成:EAFP.
  1744. The project will get the go-ahead from the boss soon. 老板很快就会批准这个项目。go-ahead 同意,批准
  1745. Don’t worry. The proposals are now on the table. 不用担心,这些计划正在讨论中。
  1746. Talking to top leaders will go nowhere because they all cover one another’s backs. 这些人官官相护,你告到高官也没有用。cover one another’s backs, 互相袒护,互相掩护
  1747. This has become a political football. 这成了政治足球,大家都踢来踢去。
  1748. I have no idea what they want with me. 我不知道他们为何与我过不去。注意want with me 与want from me 意思不一样。I have no idea what they want from me. 我不知道他们想要从我这里得到什么。
  1749. He berated a officer. He is a stick, by-the-book leader. 他严词责备了一位官员。他是个一丝不苟,照章办事的领导。by-the-book 照章办事,
  1750. He is getting the groove on music. 他喜欢上了音乐。He grooves on the music. 他对这类音乐很感兴趣。


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1751. 这里有三个类似的成语,都是聊胜于无的意思:Half a loaf is better than no bread at all. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. 用通俗的话来讲就是:Something is better than nothing. He had asked for a new trumpet but got a used one--oh well, half a loaf is better than none. 他想要一只新的小号,但却只得到了一只二手的,不过聊胜于无。
  1752. His in-your-face personality led to clashes with other people. 他直来直去的性格导致他常与人冲突。in-your-face 源于两个拳击手互相虎视眈眈,互不相让。
  1753. odd为常用词,用好它也蛮有趣:
  a) He is facing long odds of defeating the other candidates. 他要击败其他候选人几乎是不可能的事。long odds 很难的事,也可以说:long hard odds。
  b) The odds of their success are slimmer and slimmer when the team has lost this game. 他们输了这场球赛后,要成功的希望是越来越渺茫。
  c) They are bouncing back against all odds. 他们排除了万难,死里复生。
  d) Odds and ends of my trip to Tibet 西藏之旅拾零 odds and ends 是一常用词组。
  e) They are at odds with each other. 这句话的意思是:They are squabbling, or fighting, or quarreling.
  1754. Your email address was successfully white listed. 你的电子邮箱已经成功被列为重点户。这个词从black list发展而成,上了黑名单的人或物就是要被禁止的,上了white list就是优秀的人或物了。
  1755. What he told you didn’t have the ring of truth. 他跟你讲的没有半点事实。
  1756. U.F.O. or simply UFO stands for “unidentified flying objects”. UFO的意思是“不明飞行物体 ”。Teacher X: Where is your homework? Student: Sorry, Teacher, I was abducted by UFO aliens last week. 你的作业呢?对不起,老师,我上周被UFO外星人给绑架了。
  1757. She ditched school. 她逃学了。She is a drop-out. 她辍学了。
  1758. It’s always darkest just before the dawn. 黎明前总是最为黑暗。
  1759. That was then and this is now. 此一时彼一时。
  1760. Government operations tend to discourage the human spirit---to discourage efficiency, innovation, competition, cheerfulness. 政府部门的运作往往会磨灭人的精神---就是导致效率低下、无欲望创新、阻碍竞争、打击乐观。


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1761. In my way, you can get twice the work done in half the time. 照我的方法,你定可事倍功半。这个句型也可发展出这样的句子:It's half the work and twice the fun. 乐倍功半。也可以说:get twice the result with half the effort。
  1762. 中国做托的现象普遍。英语的说法是stagecraft,或者staging,就是演戏的意思。“托儿”也可以说:faux buyer (假买主) Faux buyers are a big thing in the game. 这场骗局中,托儿起着至关重要的作用。
  1763. 告诉别人不要白日做梦有几个说法:Don’t day-dream. Stop your wishful thinking. 或者Don’t count chickens before they are hatched. 在鸡蛋还未孵化的时候,不要计算有多少只鸡。 类似的说法还有:Don't put the cart before the horse.
  1764. wish on a falling star 流星愿 I made a wish upon a falling star that you would return to me soon. 我看到了一颗流星,便许了个愿,愿你回到我身边。
  1765. pie in the sky, pie-in-the-sky:遥不可及的幻想。 His dream of being hired as an editor proved to be pie in the sky. 他当编辑的梦想证明不过是竹篮打水一场空。
  1766. Your head is in the clouds. 你真是有点云里雾里。
  1767. Clavin edged out other applicants for the job. 克莱文战胜了其他求职者获得了这个岗位。比较make the cut: He made the cut out of 15 applicants for the job.
  1768. down-low 低调,谨慎,沉默,Keep this stuff on the down low for now. 此时此刻不要再提这件事了。Man I gotta tell ya something but u gotta keep it on the down low. 老兄,我得告诉你些事,但你得保证不告诉别人。
  1769. He is keeping mum on his position on this controversial issue. 他在这个富有争议的问题上保持沉默。
  1770. It always gets worse before it gets better. 你遇到情况不妙时,你就可以这样来鼓励或安慰自己:好运来临前一刻总是最倒霉。


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1771. peep 有两个基本的意思:
  a) 动词的意思是“偷窥,偷偷瞧一眼”,peeping Tom 有偷窥癖的人。
  b) 名词的口语意思是,小声。你跟人断交时就说,You won’t hear a peep out of me. 你休想再听到我的任何消息。I don't want to hear a peep out of you. 我再也不想理你了。You wouldn't have heard a peep from Obama. 奥巴马从此绝不会再提此事。peep 作名词时,一般用于否定句。
  1772. All the hand wringing over me shows a serious case of double standards. 对我如此刁难清楚地说明这带有严重的双重标准。double standard 双重标准:The American media has an enormous double standard on the human rights issue. 对于人权问题,美国的媒体有着严重的双重标准。
  1773. throwaway cups 一次性的纸杯,throwaway 用完即扔的东西。显然这个词就是throw away 衍生。throw away 扔掉,浪费,throwaway children living on the streets 街头流浪儿She threw away the chance of a brilliant career when she got married. 她结婚后便放弃了前程似锦的职业。Let’s throw away the rule book. 让我们打破这些条条框框吧。
  1774. beat a dead horse, 做无用功,白费力气,重提已定了性的问题。"I'd like to talk with you again about what happened." Reply: "Oh, come on. Let's not beat a dead horse." “我想跟再谈谈发生的这事情。”“得了吧,我们不要再提此事了好不好!”Don’t mention it anymore, and you are just beating a dead horse. 不要再提这事了,你只是徒费口舌。这个成语中最早的用法是flog a dead horse, 鞭打死马。
  1775. I am so hungry I can eat a horse. 我饿得不得了,就是一头马我也能吃了。不过要注意,马以前在欧美是像牛猪肉一样为食物,但是最近欧美越来越视马为宠物(pet),是宠物就不能吃,例如,欧美人无法想象东方人为什么会吃狗。最近,美国国会立法,不允许屠宰场杀马,也不许将马作为食品出口到墨西哥去屠宰。所以现在这句话改成了I am so hungry that I can eat like a horse.
  1776. straight from the horse’s mouth, 最可靠的消息。赛马前,人们千方百计地打听那个马的胜算最高,一般来说,小道消息的可靠来源是那些喂马的人等等,但是如果你能从马嘴里直接套到消息,那岂不最权威?
  1777. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 对任何礼物都当感谢,对任何帮助都当感恩。对礼物不要挑剔。从马的牙齿人们可以很容易判断马的年龄,如果别人送你一匹马,你却去查这马是不是还可以去干活,这说明你是个不懂感恩的人。
  1778. Don’t put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。(不要把车放在马前面。)
  1779. Iron horse,火车头,也就是 the locomotive。现在Iron horse 已经成为很多商标的名称。
  1780. dark horse,underdog, 都是黑马的意思。注意,a black horse, 那就是真正的黑颜色的马。


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1781. The report was not crying wolf. It was spot on. 这个报告并不是在喊狼来了。而是有的放矢。She is just like the boy who cried "wolf." 她不过就是那个喊狼来了的孩子。
  1782. So let's set the record straight. 立存此照,以正视听。
  1783. It can ward off illness. 这能预防疾病。这比用prevent 来得口语化。
  1784. Russian intelligence has a long history of staging such sex stings, or honey-traps. honey-trap 美人计,美男计,温柔陷阱。俄国特工设美人计的历史非常悠久。She works as a honey trap earning £300 a night testing men's fidelity. 她的职业就是300英镑一晚,设美人计,考验男人是否忠诚。
  1785. 现在全国到处都是各种各样的“吧”,“吧”是从bar音译而来。这个词很小,但蛮有用。
  a) 酒吧
  b) a bar of soap 一块肥皂
  c) The "Browning Automatic Rifle" 布朗宁步枪,缩写为BAR,The suppression team raked the bunker with BAR fire to keep the German's heads down, while the attack team moved in for the kill. 火力分队对敌人的碉堡用布朗宁步枪进行了猛烈的射击,打得德军抬不起头来,保护了进攻分队的挺进,最终把敌人一举歼灭。
  d) 阻碍,The obstacle bars us from reaching the goal. 障碍物挡住了我们无法达到目标。
  e) He has set the bar very high. 他给大家树立了一个崇高的榜样。
  f) 视而不见,忽视,I saw you at the shops this morning, but you fully barred me. 上午我在商店看见你了,但你理都没理我。Why did you bar me the other night? 那天晚上你为什么不和我说话?
  g) behind the bar He is behind the bar. 他在坐牢。The accused person stood at the bar. 被告站在被告席上。
  h) It is best for people to bar sellers from selling illegal substances.对大众而言,最好的办法是禁止毒品买卖。
  i) He tried to kiss Janey but she barred him. He got nothing.他想吻季妮一下,但她躲开了,他是一无所获。
  1786. He was briefly flummoxed. 他有那么片刻感到不知所措。
  1787. I just got hoodwinked out of $20. 我刚被骗了20美元。hoodwink 蒙混,欺骗。hoodwinker, 骗子。He says he didn’t feel hoodwinked. 他说,他并没有上当受骗的感觉。He was hoodwinked into buying the useless mnemonics. 他受骗买了毫无用处的记忆法。
  1788. Nothing would exist in the end; time will get rid of our pain, our glory, and us ourselves. 最终一切都会烟消云散,时间会抹去我们的痛苦,我们的光荣,以及我们每一个人。当有人想不开时,或许你可以用这样的句子去安慰她/他。
  1789. First he flipped, then he flopped, then he flipped again. 他先是改变了立场,后来又改回来,再又改了过去。flip flop 也可以连起来用,就是一个人的立场变来变去,一个人拿不定主意。flip flop 又作拖鞋解释:I hate flip flops and crocs. 我不喜欢拖鞋和凉鞋。
  1790. That wonderful opportunity completely ducked out of my life. 我生命中失去了那次美好的机会。 Are you trying to duck out of your responsibility? 你是不是想逃避责任呀?duck out 逃避,失去。


回复: 英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级)

1791. It takes a steely-eyed shopper to avoid the temptations and find the real savings. 只有备有金钢火眼的消费者才能避免消费陷阱,找到合算的东西。
  1792. 有个电视剧,名为Same drama, different day.还有首歌,名为Same thing, different day. 表达的都是一个意思:日子不同,生活老套!同样的有:Same Old Stuff Different Day. 缩写为SOSDD. 有人问,你好吗?你发牢骚说:Same old stuff, just a different day… Still here, still bored. 只是换了一天,一切照常,还吊在这里,仍旧无聊。根据这个句型,有人收到了许多垃圾邮件时说:Same junk mail, different day.
  1793. a perpetual student 一个老是毕不了业的学生,要么是不能按时毕业,要么是毕了业找不到工作而赖在学校。That guy is a perpetual student. 那个老兄老是赖在学校。
  1794. diploma mill 文凭公司,最新的丑闻是一个小学老师一年发表了八篇全国一等奖的论文,一问,都是网上花80元买来的。这些卖文凭的公司英文就是diploma mill. That so-called college is fake, and a diploma mill. 那个大学是个假的,是个文凭公司。diploma mill 也叫degree mill 学位公司。 (1792-1794)
  1795. 我们天天写电子邮件,有个栏目为BCC 和CC,CC 是carbon-copy, 复写,复写本,副本,Jane wears the same T-shirt as her classmate. She is trying to carbon copy her. 简妮穿了件班上同学一模一样的T衫,她就是想模仿她。He is a carbon-copy of his brother. 他长得跟他哥哥像,简直就是一个模子里出来的。Be yourself, don’t just be a carbon copy of another person. 活出真我,不要一味去模仿别人。blind carbon-copy 隐蔽群发,简写为BCC, 如果是CC,收到邮件的人会知道还有谁在群发单上。Please CC me on any replies. 请将所有的回复都给我送一个抄本。
  1796. copy-cat, 一个小孩学着另一个小孩说话,就叫copy-cat. Don’t be a copy-cat. 不要去抄袭别人的东西。香港尖沙咀很多印度人手拿一个表喊着说,Copy, Rolex. 劳力士,复制表。
  1797. 赝品可以说是fake, 也可以说是replica,又译为复制品。西安卖的兵马俑都是replica. 如果你花了大价钱买了replica,就是买了赝品,如果你只花了一点点钱,就是买了复制品,得看上下文。
  1798. The Olympic Games are a force for good. They are a catalyst for change, not a panacea for all ills. 奥林匹克运动会是一股推动善的力量,是改革的催化剂,而不是解决一切社会问题的万能药。
  1799. You don’t need to take him too seriously. 你大可不必把他当回事。
  1800. You never, ever want to do that again. 绝对、绝对不要再干这事了。将never, ever 一起连用,表示强调。You should never, ever use these passwords. 这些密码你绝对不能用(例如生日等数字)。

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