不要说CBC, 就是十岁前从国内出来的二代,差异我们也是能判断出来的
Take my comment as compliment. I dont care if you are cbc or not. 我只注意到你中文很好。别的,无所谓。
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
中英文都很棒, 还很有辩才, 和阿蛮差不多时间出现, 给论坛带来新鲜血液, 希望成为这里的常客。之前对您很敬佩,但因您给的建议引,最后闹出这么大的事情,本指望您站出来说两句公道话,结果却选择袖手旁观,是为了明哲保身吗?希望能给出一个答复。
一点儿不幼稚, 比我写得好多了, 我是大妈一枚。后生可畏。my god, 怀疑完了出身又置疑年龄 我的东西写的都还是比较幼稚吧,没有大师 的作品意味深长,值得揣摩。
不熟的 我还是称呼monsieur madame mister大师所言极是,确实之前在英文论坛都是以ID相称,没什么特别称呼,除非一个人是Dr.或者professor之类的。
Great minds discuss ideasmy god, 怀疑完了出身又置疑年龄 我的东西写的都还是比较幼稚吧,没有大师 的作品意味深长,值得揣摩。
文笔成熟老练暗藏辛辣,my god, 怀疑完了出身又置疑年龄 我的东西写的都还是比较幼稚吧,没有大师 的作品意味深长,值得揣摩。
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
大家 基本上是不可能的感谢佩奇的夸赞,如果我的小帖子能给大家带来快乐,那么我将很欣慰,多谢关注
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
my god, 怀疑完了出身又置疑年龄 我的东西写的都还是比较幼稚吧,没有大师 的作品意味深长,值得揣摩。
原来法文也是強项对老一些的男士可能会称Sir。Madame这个称呼我自从French immersion学校上完了就没喊过了,一般简称Ma'am
如果我没记错的话, Ma'am是英语中的称呼.对老一些的男士可能会称Sir。Madame这个称呼我自从French immersion学校上完了就没喊过了,一般简称Ma'am
Jane Fonda 和Jack Emerson是daycare的老师在聊天,你3岁,突然有问题要问Jane, 怎么称呼她?
“老师,我要尿尿”Jane Fonda 和Jack Emerson是daycare的老师在聊天,你3岁,突然有问题要问Jane, 怎么称呼她?
叫teacher 像中国孩子刚移民来加拿大时第一次面对加拿大老师的时候不知道如何称呼而生涩蹦出来的一个称呼,绝对不是常态幼儿园叫老师Teacher,高班叫Mr. X或Mrs. X
叫teacher 像中国孩子刚移民来加拿大时第一次面对加拿大老师的时候不知道如何称呼而生涩蹦出来的一个称呼,绝对不是常态
你比较特别,大家都散了吧。要不要我晒出幼儿园第一天戴的cone形状的帽子,家长volunteer的纪念照 。还有Grade 1 的 field trip, Grade 2 的Pokemon trading card?
晒吧,孩子,想晒就晒要不要我晒出幼儿园第一天戴的cone形状的帽子,家长volunteer的纪念照 。还有Grade 1 的 field trip, Grade 2 的Pokemon trading card?
我孩子4,5岁在daycare时,直接叫名字“Jane”,即不叫Ms, Mrs, 更没听说过Teacher.Jane Fonda 和Jack Emerson是daycare的老师在聊天,你3岁,突然有问题要问Jane, 怎么称呼她?
没想到这个楼上5页了。反正吧当一回周叔就说两句吧。alexw32小哥的中英文水平都远好过俺这理科生了,但是俺这个人心大想法简单化,更愿意像徽州女人选择相信是CBC,直到找到不相信的证据,所谓疑罪从无是吧?要不要我晒出幼儿园第一天戴的cone形状的帽子,家长volunteer的纪念照 。还有Grade 1 的 field trip, Grade 2 的Pokemon trading card?
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
The person who has been actively helping me, standing up for me amidst this entire argument, xingyaoou, pointed out that the people on this forum have been isolating me, which at first I didn't quite believe, since prior to this event most of the feedback I received on this forum have been quite positive, but upon closely reading the following statements made by various users, my feelings have been shifted, and I can't help but agree with what she said.
Any right-minded person can figure out what's being insinuated here, that the person they're speaking of is probably lying, he's devious, fraudulent, has likely been fooling everyone to gain attention, or for some other unspeakable reason.
In the internet world, being credulous and believing whatever is being said by strangers is unwise, but making implied accusations based on mere hypothesis and poor logical deductions is being irresponsible, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Had the statements been made in a neutral or positive way, I wouldn't make a fuss of it, instead I would be quite happy to share some of the techniques which me and my family employed to allow a CBC to gain a relatively high level of proficiency in Chinese, but clearly that's not the scenario here. What's happening is that not only people are doubting my claims about being a CBC, they are so confident in their judgment that from their words it's not hard to sense a biased attitude and strong prejudice.
People seem to have no problem accepting the fact that a complete foreigner like DaShan can learn Chinese so well that the guy made a career out of performing Chinese stand-up comedy, but they do seem to be very highly skeptical over the fact that an actual Chinese descendant can have what it takes to learn the language well enough, major concerns were raised upon witnessing above average writing skills from the person, ironic isn't? As ludicrous as is sounds, it doesn't stop people from posting follow up comments affirming their doubts, except for one people who happens to have more sympathy and faith in people.
I've been to many forums in the past, I've always been welcomed and have engaged in highly positive conversations with people, I don't want to, and should not have to endure such unreasonable and unsubstantiated doubts and implicitly negative comments. The reason people come to online forums is to have fun, share ideas, tell stories, and most importantly, to converse with each other in a polite and respectable manner that promotes friendship and evokes positive emotions.
If these conditions cannot be met, then it's totally pointless to stay, as if our real life doesn't have enough lemons, who wants to go online and take some extra beating???
Please, for those of you who have too much spare time and need to find a way to kill time, engaging in gossip is not the most productive way, especially when a person's character and reputation is at stake.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, 我年纪轻轻还有工作要忙,不能及时回复望见谅。再见
时间太紧,家庭煮妇到煮饭点了,重点说一句,Alex , 我真的很喜欢你,很高兴当你的阿姨。我喜欢你的文字,喜欢通过你的眼看到的世界;喜欢你的坦诚,喜欢你的阳光,喜欢你的初生牛犊不怕虎的生鲜劲……我喜欢一棵树,一朵花,不会去质疑树的土壤对不对,花开得早或晚,我喜欢你,是因为你就是你。因为你是这样的你,这样活泼可爱的年轻人,所以我喜欢。希望你别太在意那些无聊的纠缠,把那些无关紧要的质疑当风吹过。开开心心发你想发的帖,论坛虽是一个大江湖,但你可以只看自己想看的风景。
真正的cbc,平时玩的应该是 reddit
真正的cbc,平时玩的应该是 reddit
我觉得楼主属于got the best of both worldscbc的概念,不光是语言C,最主要是思维也C
真正的cbc,平时玩的应该是 reddit
我正在找风口 准备飞一下没怎么关注这件事。不过楼主大可不必对此当回事,“木秀于林,风必摧之”。
本想发悄悄话回复一下,结果找不到button, 错按了“取消关注”
Alex, 我觉得你还是找合适的地方聊天。 看了几页主题,刷屏的应该都是中老年。这个说这里是中老年群居的地方还是很客观的评价。青年人往往对事情接受的快而且转变的快。但中老年就会很纠结,反而很难释怀。所以有的人对你怀疑,主要是一种对事情的纠结。中国老话都是吃饱了撑的,而中老年特别是一些退休的往往这样。别纠结了,他们对你的态度就是反映他们的生活。何必计较?之前(现在也还上)去的都是英文的青年论坛,但凡有靠谱的华语青年论坛我一定去。
Alex, 我觉得你还是找合适的地方聊天。 看了几页主题,刷屏的应该都是中老年。这个说这里是中老年群居的地方还是很客观的评价。青年人往往对事情接受的快而且转变的快。但中老年就会很纠结,反而很难释怀。所以有的人对你怀疑,主要是一种对事情的纠结。中国老话都是吃饱了撑的,而中老年特别是一些退休的往往这样。别纠结了,他们对你的态度就是反映他们的生活。何必计较?
应该对他们表示同情,天天都是发负面新闻,怀疑别人都是一些心理都不太健康的。人需要释放,是有益的,但你看看那几个几乎天天刷屏,你就可想而知。 在现实中,学习,工作,实践吧。