楼主,我现在有一张AMEX的true earning。现在想升级到AMEX的其他信用卡,楼主能否推荐一下。这样的话还能拿开卡奖励吗?谢谢啦
没必要把True Earning升级,保留它就行,餐馆3%还是不错的。用我签名里面的推荐链接申请即可。多谢多谢。
AeroplanPlus suite of cards from
American Express have had some slight sign up bonus changes that went into effect today. The
public (non-referral) offers on the Platinum and Gold card have gone down to 30,000 and 20,000 respectively but are once again Aeroplan Distinction eligible for applications made by August 31st. Like the previous time this should hold true for cards applied via the refer-a-friend program where the bonus still remains at 51,000 for the Platinum version and 30,000 with no annual fee in the first year for the Gold version.