狞太紧你不是叫嚣最好用英语同鄙人一较高低吗? 看你是个无知无识无章无法的女流之辈, 没有同你较真免你出洋像; 众人暴打你时见你可怜又放了你一码. 你居然恩将仇报, 无缘无故地到这为坛友提供建议的帖子里来反咬我一口. 既然你要讨打, 咱们就来决一雌雄吧.
Now let's begin to argue in English. Here is a warning for Avantar in case that he is seduced by your bitching talent. You need to translate the following warning into Chinese to show me that you are qualified to argue with me in English. If you are not able to do so, you had better shut up and get lost and never appear again in front of me.
"It is easy to get in a bitch but it is hard to get out." A serious warning for Avantar who is so sexually hungry that he may be seduced into a disaster.
"A bitch is a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter bitching on whoever, whatever, wherever, whichever or whatsoever over and over again, or rather whining about them, therefore destroying the point they were trying to make and making herself look like a complete bitch because no one is listening to her."