From 1885, Chinese migrants were obligated to pay a $50 "entry" or "head" tax before being admitted into Canada. The Chinese were the only ethnic group to pay a tax to enter Canada. By 1900, in response to agitation in British Columbia, the Liberal government further restricted Asian immigration by raising the head tax to $100. Politicians greeted this decision with angry derision in British Columbia and demanded it be increased to $500. The federal government appointed a Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration (1902), which concluded that the Asians were "unfit for full citizenship ... obnoxious to a free community and dangerous to the state." After the 1903 session of Parliament passed legislation raising the head tax to $500, 从1885年开始,中国移民需要支付50刀的人头税才能被准许进入加拿大。中国人是唯一一个需要支付人头税的种族。到20世纪初,出于应对BC省的反对,自由党政府加强了对中国移民的限制,把人头税涨到100刀。BC省的政客对联邦政府的决定很愤怒,要求把人头税涨到500刀。联邦政府成立了一个皇家委员会以管制中国和日本的移民,最后判定,“亚洲人不适合享受全部的公民权。。。和自由的社会不想匹配,并且对国家安全造成危害”。在1903年后的议会决议中,人头税涨到了500刀,
In Vancouver, restrictive covenants prevented the Chinese from buying property outside the Chinatown area until the 1930s. 在温哥华,地契禁止中国人在中国城以外的地方购买房地产,这种情况一直延续到20世纪30年代。