这个………有点太突然,还是按步就班的好。 我4.2 email,到现在什么都没有更新,没动静了… 你在我前面10天收确认信, 你的没IP, 我的也没有。 同在多伦多, 估计多伦多没有这么快 。。。。
maggiecookies 280 2015-05-31 #341 sunshine-happy 说: 这个………有点太突然,还是按步就班的好。 我4.2 email,到现在什么都没有更新,没动静了… 点击展开... 你在我前面10天收确认信, 你的没IP, 我的也没有。 同在多伦多, 估计多伦多没有这么快 。。。。
sunshine-happy 说: 这个………有点太突然,还是按步就班的好。 我4.2 email,到现在什么都没有更新,没动静了… 点击展开... 你在我前面10天收确认信, 你的没IP, 我的也没有。 同在多伦多, 估计多伦多没有这么快 。。。。
vanlife1029 83 2015-05-31 #343 可能和刚满居住时间有关,我的时间超出要求近一年,所以不要着急哦 calvin_xue 说: 第一条很可能,我也是立马寄出的。第二条觉得应该不是,我寄前特别去移民中心交给咨询员检查,她说不要放多余的,反而会起疑心。第三条无法认证我也是和女儿。第四条应该不存在。 点击展开...
可能和刚满居住时间有关,我的时间超出要求近一年,所以不要着急哦 calvin_xue 说: 第一条很可能,我也是立马寄出的。第二条觉得应该不是,我寄前特别去移民中心交给咨询员检查,她说不要放多余的,反而会起疑心。第三条无法认证我也是和女儿。第四条应该不存在。 点击展开...
悠 悠然2012 42 2015-06-02 #347 我来更新啦,状态已经转local 了 We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 2, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 10, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 28, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you
我来更新啦,状态已经转local 了 We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 2, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 10, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 28, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you
贝 贝儿的幸福 212 2015-06-02 #348 悠然2012 说: 我来更新啦,状态已经转local 了 We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 2, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 10, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 28, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you 点击展开... 我五月五号收到email的,现在还没动静
悠然2012 说: 我来更新啦,状态已经转local 了 We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 2, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 10, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 28, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you 点击展开... 我五月五号收到email的,现在还没动静
2011canada 428 2015-06-02 #350 2011canada 说: 我也汇报一下,4月24日(周五)UPS寄出,4月27日(周一)CIC签收.我的情况简单,2011年9月短登,2012年4月长登至今,期间没有任何的出入境. 我老婆2012年6月下旬才长登,算了一下,她6月16日满1095天,如果6月17日快件寄出,18号可能收到,如果19号实行新政,那可就是史上最惊险的入籍申请 点击展开... 早上收到CIC确认信,供参考!
2011canada 说: 我也汇报一下,4月24日(周五)UPS寄出,4月27日(周一)CIC签收.我的情况简单,2011年9月短登,2012年4月长登至今,期间没有任何的出入境. 我老婆2012年6月下旬才长登,算了一下,她6月16日满1095天,如果6月17日快件寄出,18号可能收到,如果19号实行新政,那可就是史上最惊险的入籍申请 点击展开... 早上收到CIC确认信,供参考!
V van-maya 255 2015-06-02 #352 vanlife1029 说: 今天信箱刚刚收到CIC的信,通知6.18号去考试! 3.27 收到 - 4.30 转local - 6.18 考试,现在公民审核真的好快呀 点击展开... 跟着你的火箭速度来了:4月8号收到,5月25转local,等考试信!
vanlife1029 说: 今天信箱刚刚收到CIC的信,通知6.18号去考试! 3.27 收到 - 4.30 转local - 6.18 考试,现在公民审核真的好快呀 点击展开... 跟着你的火箭速度来了:4月8号收到,5月25转local,等考试信!
pplljane 1,212 2015-06-02 #354 niexingege 说: 我4月15号邮寄的regular mail,现在还没有收到email,正常么? 点击展开... 按理一般收到一个月左右给回复,应该快了吧,我也在等
2011canada 428 2015-06-02 #355 niexingege 说: 我4月15号邮寄的regular mail,现在还没有收到email,正常么? 点击展开... 我是4月27日cic签收.
J janny000 34 2015-06-02 #356 我也转LOCAL了,, We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 1, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 13, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 5, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 27, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you.
我也转LOCAL了,, We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 1, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 13, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 5, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 27, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you.
随遇而馣 1,357 2015-06-02 #357 niexingege 说: 我4月15号邮寄的regular mail,现在还没有收到email,正常么? 点击展开... 童鞋啊,不是我说你,这种信怎么可以寄regular mail呢?寄的快慢先不说,寄没寄到自己都没法掌握啊。 最后编辑: 2015-06-03
niexingege 说: 我4月15号邮寄的regular mail,现在还没有收到email,正常么? 点击展开... 童鞋啊,不是我说你,这种信怎么可以寄regular mail呢?寄的快慢先不说,寄没寄到自己都没法掌握啊。
2011canada 428 2015-06-02 #358 随遇而馣 说: 童鞋啊,不是我说你,这种信怎么可以寄regular mail呢?寄得快慢先不说,寄没寄到自己都没法掌握啊。 点击展开... 淡定哥!
V van-maya 255 2015-06-02 #359 janny000 说: 我也转LOCAL了,, We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 1, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 13, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 5, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 27, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you. 点击展开... 我们几个步骤都是前后几天。
janny000 说: 我也转LOCAL了,, We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 1, 2015. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on April 13, 2015. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on May 5, 2015. Your file was transferred to the Citizenship Vancouver office on May 27, 2015. The Citizenship Vancouver office will contact you. 点击展开... 我们几个步骤都是前后几天。
M Mary2010 562 2015-06-02 #360 niexingege 说: 我4月15号邮寄的regular mail,现在还没有收到email,正常么? 点击展开... 我的申请4月27号签收,现在没任何消息。