跟你同场考,我是3月26从邮局发的快递,4月中收到收件通知的。昨天突然收到考试通知。 你也没有显示IP也没有转local 就直接考试啦
贝 贝儿的幸福 212 2015-06-25 #501 lucknow 说: 跟你同场考,我是3月26从邮局发的快递,4月中收到收件通知的。昨天突然收到考试通知。 点击展开... 你也没有显示IP也没有转local 就直接考试啦
H happy canadian 1,403 2015-06-25 #503 lucknow 说: 跟你同场考,我是3月26从邮局发的快递,4月中收到收件通知的。昨天突然收到考试通知。 点击展开... 握手握手!加油复习!希望都顺利哦!
H happy canadian 1,403 2015-06-25 #505 van-maya 说: 我看考试信是22号签发,我23号收到,24号网上显示发信了。现在的效率!供大家参考。 点击展开... 恭喜!考试信都来了!
Y yoyo_deng 64 2015-06-25 #506 happy canadian 说: 温哥华现在考试场次蛮多的,我9号考,还是第二场。 我也是昨天拿到书开始看,比在网上看爽多了,条理清晰,布局合理。建议还是看实体书,又可划重点做笔记,加强记忆。 点击展开... 请问在理里order 书呀?
happy canadian 说: 温哥华现在考试场次蛮多的,我9号考,还是第二场。 我也是昨天拿到书开始看,比在网上看爽多了,条理清晰,布局合理。建议还是看实体书,又可划重点做笔记,加强记忆。 点击展开... 请问在理里order 书呀?
Y yoyo_deng 64 2015-06-25 #509 嗯嗯,看到了。已经ordre啦,谢谢哈!对了多久可以收到书呀? happy canadian 说: cic的网上order的。考试资料那里。 点击展开...
H happy canadian 1,403 2015-06-26 #511 yoyo_deng 说: 嗯嗯,看到了。已经ordre啦,谢谢哈!对了多久可以收到书呀? 点击展开... 温哥华七八天,安大略寄过来的。
随遇而馣 1,357 2015-06-29 #513 We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。
We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。
E eu89 32 2015-06-29 #514 随遇而馣 说: We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。 点击展开... 发现你跟我竟然是同天转到local的。不过我是3月份申请的。 看来你的考试信肯定会比我的要早!加油!
随遇而馣 说: We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。 点击展开... 发现你跟我竟然是同天转到local的。不过我是3月份申请的。 看来你的考试信肯定会比我的要早!加油!
贝 贝儿的幸福 212 2015-06-29 #515 随遇而馣 说: We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。 点击展开... 为什么我还没IP啊是不是弄丢了我的case.我比你还早收到email,你都转local了我还没Ip
随遇而馣 说: We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。 点击展开... 为什么我还没IP啊是不是弄丢了我的case.我比你还早收到email,你都转local了我还没Ip
随遇而馣 1,357 2015-06-29 #516 贝儿的幸福 说: 为什么我还没IP啊是不是弄丢了我的case.我比你还早收到email,你都转local了我还没Ip 点击展开... 赶快打电话问问吧,你的case确实不正常。
随遇而馣 1,357 2015-06-29 #517 eu89 说: 发现你跟我竟然是同天转到local的。不过我是3月份申请的。 看来你的考试信肯定会比我的要早!加油! 点击展开... 谢谢!希望大家都早点儿收到考试信。
H happy canadian 1,403 2015-06-29 #518 随遇而馣 说: We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。 点击展开... 我哪一个步骤都正好比你早一个月。 估计你7月22日前能收到考试信,可是考试在考试信发出后15天左右,你还是要退票啊。
随遇而馣 说: We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 27, 2015. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on May 27, 2015. We started processing your application on June 18, 2015. Your file was transferred to the office responsible for your area on June 25, 2015. The office responsible for your area will contact you. 哈哈,搞不好我真的可能7月22号之前收到考试信呢,继续祈祷,希望不用退机票哦。 点击展开... 我哪一个步骤都正好比你早一个月。 估计你7月22日前能收到考试信,可是考试在考试信发出后15天左右,你还是要退票啊。
H happy canadian 1,403 2015-06-29 #519 polimston 说: 我的EACS显示"Decision made"。 要收到宣誓的节奏吗? 点击展开... 是的,恭喜!
随遇而馣 1,357 2015-06-29 #520 happy canadian 说: 我哪一个步骤都正好比你早一个月。 估计你7月22日前能收到考试信,可是考试在考试信发出后15天左右,你还是要退票啊。 点击展开... 估计是这样,我就是祈祷一下,希望奇迹发生,万一呢。
happy canadian 说: 我哪一个步骤都正好比你早一个月。 估计你7月22日前能收到考试信,可是考试在考试信发出后15天左右,你还是要退票啊。 点击展开... 估计是这样,我就是祈祷一下,希望奇迹发生,万一呢。