If your sponsored relative(s) has (have) not already done so, your relative(s) must provide an original
Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B UPFRONT) signed by a Panel Physician or an E-Medical Upfront
Medical Notification information sheet. Your relative(s) must complete the medical examination
and, once completed, forward this information directly to the visa office noted above along with a copy
of this letter. If you have not already submitted a medical, your application has been transferred to the
visa office noting this deficiency. Your relative must forward the medical information directly to the visa
office to allow continued processing of his/her application.
看信里的说法,是要交体检结果和这封信的拷贝。 但是我记得以前大家都是要等体检通知,拿着体检通知去体检中心的,对不?那我还要不要等体检通知呢? 而且体检结果,医生是给你个人的,还是体检中心自己上交到签证中心的呢?