刚查了查网, 这个市长叫: Naheed Nenshi。
是个坦桑尼亚人, 东非。(俺对坦桑尼亚的印象就是宝石好多多哟!红宝石, 绿宝石, 钻石, 坦桑尼亚石头, 哇
不过他是移民二代,原则上讲是加拿大人, 在多伦多生的, 然后卡尔加里上的学。。。
Calgary Street Church and accusations of anti-Christian bigotry[edit]
The City of Calgary has ongoing friction with the Calgary Street Ministries since 2005, although this relationship has existed prior to Nenshi taking office, Nenshi is accused of being an anti-Christian bigot by journalist
Ezra Levant. He wrote an article condemning Nenshi after members of the church trespassed in city hall to Christmas carol and were escorted out in 2012.
The church accused Nenshi of anti-Christian-Judeo discrimination.
[208] Nenshi partook in the lighting the fifth light of the menorah ceremony in 2011 as the Calgarian Jewish community celebrated the 23rd Menorah lighting ceremony.
[209] Other groups are free to celebrate at City Hall and other venues on city property provided they apply for permission such as agreeing not to celebrate during business hours.