我想起来自己工作有个最不好的事就是没有异性聊天 你不是有很多异性客户吗
sabre 85,059 2016-04-23 #44 IloveHalifax 说: 原來你即爱男也爱女,双性人。 点击展开... I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand.
IloveHalifax 说: 原來你即爱男也爱女,双性人。 点击展开... I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand.
木头的耳朵 2,262 2016-04-23 #46 sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... 色即是空,空即是色
sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... 色即是空,空即是色
风平浪静 6,499 2016-04-23 #48 nickelnaire 说: 你男的还是女的啊,论坛上平时感觉不错的几个ID,都不知道是男是女 点击展开... 哦,可能没你认识的ID多,我感觉不错的都自以为知道性别的。比如你:女;老贝:男;
waren 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。 14,366 2016-04-23 #49 sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... you're a robot.
sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... you're a robot.
哈法 30,058 2016-04-23 #51 waren 说: you're a robot. 点击展开... Even robot has a gender. TV Show:"Humans" is very interest TV show.
哈法 30,058 2016-04-23 #52 sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... Well I am not interesting what ARE you, and don't want to try understanding what ARE you either.
sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... Well I am not interesting what ARE you, and don't want to try understanding what ARE you either.
F Flo_lin 736 2016-04-23 #53 sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... transgender?!
sabre 说: I’m not a woman / I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand. 点击展开... transgender?!