After Judgment – Guide to Getting Results
I’ve been granted judgment in my Small Claims Court action. Will the court collect the money for me?
There are a number of procedures available to the parties, but it is up to the parties to commence the different enforcement procedures available.
What can the creditor do as soon as judgment is given to collect the money owed under the judgment?
You can start taking enforcement steps immediately after judgment is given. However, whether your judgment was made by a judge after a trial or settlement conference, or whether it was obtained by default, the best place to start is often with a simple written request for payment. You can send a letter to the debtor (the one who owes the money) asking for prompt payment. Be
sure to include the address where payment can be made. Set a reasonable deadline, taking into account whether payment will likely come by mail, and any other circumstances you may know about. Keep a record of the payments you receive.
If the letter asking for payment is unsuccessful and/or you are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement with the debtor, you will have to take other steps to enforce your judgment. Generally, the faster the creditor acts, the better the results will be.
The next step you take will depend on the information you have about the debtor's assets and ability to pay. If you have sufficient information, you can take an enforcement step immediately. If you do not know where the debtor banks, what assets he or she has, or where he or she may work, you could begin the enforcement process by requesting an examination hearing.
You should read the entire guide before deciding what methods of enforcement will work best in attempting to collect your judgment.