川普不要难民 杜鲁多发文:加拿大要 红遍网络!

你怎么知道他们根本不接受? 难道要完全放弃自己的信仰, 全盘白化吗?
你去richmond看看, 有多少中国人在这里生活了几十年, 却还是英语基本不会, 这算是接受这里的文化吗?
加拿大本来就是多元文化的国家, 不是自己的文化被接受就应该, 别人的文化就需要放弃.
在法制的框架下, 保持自己的宗教信仰自己的文化传统, 这是理所当然的.


融入的标准是什么? 难道要放弃自己的文化传统, 放弃自己的宗教信仰, 完全白化, 才是融入吗?
穆斯林在加拿大生活, 不遵守加拿大的法律吗? 不按照加拿大的社会规则生活行事吗? 人家连语言都比你顺溜. 融入主流社会的程度, 比华人强多了.
不说英语的华人, 还远不只住在richmond的老人家.
融入的标准是什么? 难道要放弃自己的文化传统, 放弃自己的宗教信仰, 完全白化, 才是融入吗?
穆斯林在加拿大生活, 不遵守加拿大的法律吗? 不按照加拿大的社会规则生活行事吗? 人家连语言都比你顺溜. 融入主流社会的程度, 比华人强多了.
不说英语的华人, 还远不只住在richmond的老人家.

昨天床铺发微信了, 说recreation给我发个红包, 就一分钱,
太差劲了, 这么一分一分的发红包, 怎么能让我们美国great again? 

Google一下, 这里有篇报道, 点以下链接要小心, 会弹出窗口让你like他们,
内容我贴出来, 你看看就好.


Last night, Justin Trudeau held a press conference to announce the big news he is converting from Christianity to Islam.
In 15 minutes, Trudeau explained why he is making this being decision in his life:</p>
After meeting thousands of new Syrian refugees, listening to their stories and learning more about the Muslim faith, I have learned to love Islam and the people of Islam. Islam promotes peace, not violence and is in fact more peaceful that Christianity. I feel like this is the religion I belong with and I should identify as.
His wife Sophie and children are very supportive of his decision though we do not know if they too will be converting.
Google一下, 这里有篇报道, 点以下链接要小心, 会弹出窗口让你like他们,
内容我贴出来, 你看看就好.


Last night, Justin Trudeau held a press conference to announce the big news he is converting from Christianity to Islam.
In 15 minutes, Trudeau explained why he is making this being decision in his life:</p>
After meeting thousands of new Syrian refugees, listening to their stories and learning more about the Muslim faith, I have learned to love Islam and the people of Islam. Islam promotes peace, not violence and is in fact more peaceful that Christianity. I feel like this is the religion I belong with and I should identify as.
His wife Sophie and children are very supportive of his decision though we do not know if they too will be converting.
Google一下, 这里有篇报道, 点以下链接要小心, 会弹出窗口让你like他们,
内容我贴出来, 你看看就好.


Last night, Justin Trudeau held a press conference to announce the big news he is converting from Christianity to Islam.
In 15 minutes, Trudeau explained why he is making this being decision in his life:</p>
After meeting thousands of new Syrian refugees, listening to their stories and learning more about the Muslim faith, I have learned to love Islam and the people of Islam. Islam promotes peace, not violence and is in fact more peaceful that Christianity. I feel like this is the religion I belong with and I should identify as.
His wife Sophie and children are very supportive of his decision though we do not know if they too will be converting.





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