Statement of the motion 103 this week, the house of commons will be discussing the motion 103, which condemns islamophobia and mandates the standing committee of Canadian heritage in order to study the discrimination against Muslims Canadians, as well as the other religious groups And racial. I will be voting in favour of the motion 103. To the glow of the shooting of mass of Islamic cultural centre of Quebec last month, where six Muslims have lost their lives and 19 others were injured while they were praying in their mosque , it is appropriate and important that the Canadian parliamentarians are studying the issue of prejudice and discrimination against Muslims and against Islam. Some have suggested that the motion 103 provides to give special treatment to Muslims. This is not the case. The house of commons has a long tradition in the effect of adopting motions denouncing the discrimination and hatred against groups in particular, especially religious minorities. For example, in recent years, the house of commons has adopted motions of the same kind about Jews (22 February 2016), the yazidis (25 October 2016) and Coptic Christians in Egypt (17 October 2011). Others have stated that the motion 103 was going to drag the regime of Sharia law. It's yet another falsity. The Motion 103 directs us in any way possible and imaginable to Sharia law. I'm not in favor of Sharia law, and I don't ever vote for something that would bring us there. Still others have suggested that this motion would restrict the freedom of speech in Canada. These arguments are based on the assumption that in denouncing islamophobia, the motion banned at the same time any criticism of radical Islamic terrorists as well as Islam. This is not at all what this motion said. By Denouncing Islamophobia, the motion denounces simply discrimination and prejudice against Muslims and people of the Islamic faith. Nothing more, nothing less. The Motion 103 will not prevent person to criticise Islam or Islamic terrorists. On the other hand, some Canadian laws restrict freedom of expression. In particular, section 319 of the criminal code limit freedom of expression in criminalizing incitement or the promotion of hatred against an identifiable group. This restriction, to my point of view, constitutes a limit too restrictive for freedom of expression in a free and democratic society. She has also created fear among Canadians respectful of the law as to their ability to criticise legitimately terrorism and religion. If I'm elected leader of the conservative party and then prime minister, my government will repeal section 319 of the criminal code. The hate speech is on the rise in Canada, especially in social media. By contrast, the right way to combat the hate speech is by freedom of expression, and not by the criminal code. It is for this reason that I have a thorough beating denounced all speech that arouses hatred and fear. I believe that freedom of expression is one of the fundamental rights upon which our democracy. This is why I have previously supported and praised the draft law c304, who foresaw repeal the provisions against the hate speech of section 13 of the Canadian law on the rights of the person. Freedom of expression, although it is not unlimited, remains a fundamental right in our free and democratic society. To the fullest extent possible, no speech should not be restricted to ensure a vigorous public debate and to avoid that this debate is taking place in secret. It is for this reason that I would like to repeal section 319 of the criminal code.