注:1)邀请人身份证复印件正反面或护照资料页及永久居留证复印件/Copy of Chinese ID or Passport
Data Page and Resident permit;
2)邀请人与被邀请人之间的家庭成员关系证明原件和复印件(Q1、S1、S2)/Copy of Certificate
of kinship between the inviting party and the invitee(s);
3)被邀请人名单(超过1人需提供)/List of the invitee(s) if there is more than one invitees;
4)如系寄养,无须提供此邀请函/There is no need to provide this invitation if the applicant is a child
in foster care.
注:1)邀请人身份证复印件正反面或护照资料页及永久居留证复印件/Copy of Chinese ID or Passport
Data Page and Resident permit;
2)邀请人与被邀请人之间的家庭成员关系证明原件和复印件(Q1、S1、S2)/Copy of Certificate
of kinship between the inviting party and the invitee(s);
3)被邀请人名单(超过1人需提供)/List of the invitee(s) if there is more than one invitees;
4)如系寄养,无须提供此邀请函/There is no need to provide this invitation if the applicant is a child
in foster care.