

If you have diamonds in your backyard worth of millions of dollars, but will be worthless after 5 years. Will you dig it up and sell it or keep it buried for 5 years?

Even don't mention the equalization payments program. Alberta is part of Canada. What's wrong to allow Alberta prosperous?

这件事唯一可责备的,正如原文所说,是媒体和政客。作为亚裔,我们应该反对的是媒体在没有任何事实的基础上挑明是"亚裔"这一种族; 在这件事中我们被渲染成种族歧视的施害者,社会欠我们一个道歉。但是,我们绝不能把矛头指向一个小孩,不能跟着社会一起犯错。

挑明亚裔/中国人是太正常不过了, 看看这个论坛上对穆斯林的言论应该不能说是"友好"吧? 既然华人喜欢发表仇视穆斯林的言论, 那穆斯林一有事就想到华人不上很正常的反应?

在这点上各位应该学学白人, 必须政治正确啊
靠,我为都有的贴都点赞!大家开心了 吧?
他们有可能是真实相信女儿受害而作出的真实反应? 所以,没有错误?
小土豆也有可能是真实相信小孩受害而作出的真实反应? 所以,没有错误?
媒体也有可能是真实相信小孩受害而作出的真实报道? 所以,也没有错误?。
你说一说? 谁有错误?
社会错误了,纳税人错误了? 要纳税人赔偿吗?

To answer your questions directly. Depend on which province you are in, you may get from $166 to $2,573 from the income Equalization payment program. The major contributor is Albert. In 2015-2016, the number is bigger.

Equalization per citizens 2016-2017

Provinces / Per Citizen / Total

  • PEI / $ 2 573 / $ 380 millions
  • NB / $ 2 259 / $ 1,708 billions
  • NS / $ 1 822 / $ 1,722 billions
  • Manitoba / $ 1 328 / $ 1,736 billions
  • Quebec / $1 206 / $ 10,03 billions
  • Ontario / $ 166 / $ 2,304 billions
这孩子才十一岁 处于各种原因编出这个事情倒是也不奇怪 骗骗老师 家长学校玩玩就行了 可是面对这些媒体记者还能这样镇定自若的回答问题 继续编下去 就很奇怪了
按道理说一个小孩撒谎到这个层面会心慌 害怕吧 躲避了 可是并没有 不得不佩服这孩子或者


To answer your questions directly. Depend on which province you are in, you may get from $166 to $2,573 from the income Equalization payment program. The major contributor is Albert. In 2015-2016, the number is bigger.

Equalization per citizens 2016-2017

Provinces / Per Citizen / Total

  • PEI / $ 2 573 / $ 380 millions
  • NB / $ 2 259 / $ 1,708 billions
  • NS / $ 1 822 / $ 1,722 billions
  • Manitoba / $ 1 328 / $ 1,736 billions
  • Quebec / $1 206 / $ 10,03 billions
  • Ontario / $ 166 / $ 2,304 billions

Could you please go through this with me in detail? I don't even know what this is. Btw, I just noticed it is per citizen, and as I am not the citizen, not sure if I am in...or could be beneficial by what you said...
比如那个 @snowman 一天到晚地干拉起鸡巴插沟子的事,身为 minority in minorities,天天在这里骂政治正确,在歪着嘴喊左b。

How other people fuck is none of your business! It is not something you should judge. Just like nobody should judge you by the color of the skin.
最后编辑: 2018-01-17



Thx. However, it seems I did not receive such payment or so-called Equalization payment program. Have I been enrolled automatically? Or at the end of the day, it is the same as other payments such as OTB for those low income residents as kind of the social welfare. For 2016, I filed nearly 100K tax...so I am confused what on earth this is....
Thx. However, it seems I did not receive such payment or so-called Equalization payment program. Have I been enrolled automatically? Or at the end of the day, it is the same as other payments such as OTB for those low income residents as kind of the social welfare. For 2015, I filed nearly 100K tax...so I am confused what on earth this is....

It is paid to the province to support public expending, such as health care etc.
挑明亚裔/中国人是太正常不过了, 看看这个论坛上对穆斯林的言论应该不能说是"友好"吧? 既然华人喜欢发表仇视穆斯林的言论, 那穆斯林一有事就想到华人不上很正常的反应?

在这点上各位应该学学白人, 必须政治正确啊


It is paid to the province to support public expending, such as health care etc.

Ic, gotcha, not bad...I think that's why my accountant did not mention this to me during my one-on-one kick off meeting for review my tax filing...

But thanks anyway, at least learn some new stuff, good stuff..
Ic, gotcha, not bad...I think that's why my accountant did not mention this to me during my one-on-on kick off meeting for review my tax filing...

But thanks anyway, at least learn some new stuff, good stuff..

I thought you are an expert in financial sector and may file your return by yourself. Go to know you got an accountant.


I thought you are an expert in financial sector and may file your return by yourself. Go to know you got an accountant.

Well, not that tho. I like giving specific things to different specialists to do it for me as they are professional. I did finish the Level 1 tax course from H&R Block while I came here in 2015, but that is just because I am interested in and doesn't mean I am good at it. The FI which I am banking with has offered me an accountant and lawyer for free...so I always use such services. But one thing I always bear in mind, never ever trust only one opinion, trying to seek the second one. And at this time, knowing more or less of such relevant kinds of stuff seems important to me which at least I can discuss with the professionals not just like signing a POA without anything that I can control or challenge...
最后编辑: 2018-01-17




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