

28日参加了入籍考试。先面试,然后发考题。参考书就是discover canada,在线的PDF文件地址是:
MP3格式声音文件的在线收听和下载 (可以存在MP3里,没事的时候听听)

1 考试通知信 (如果你上网查了没有寄到,他们不重寄,你带着第一次寄给你的带有case No 也就是client ID号码的那封信也可以,记住最重要的是要有Client Id的号码,这个号码是要填在答题纸上的 )
2 移民纸
3 所有的护照(现在使用的和已经过期的)
4 驾照,健康卡 (记住带SIN卡,如果你没有驾照的话)
5 枫叶卡

1 where do you come from?
2 what is your citizen?
3 do you have a job? do you work? where do you work? location?
4 what are you studing? (if you are a student.)
5 when did you first come to canada? when were you landing?
6 have you been out of canada in last 4 years? where did you go? why you go back to china?
7 is your husband (wife) in canada? Do you have kids?
8 do you have any problem with police or your immigration?

基本上所有的问题都在那本discove canada里有原文,所以,把书通读一遍,然后做题,把下面的在线练习的题目都能做到100%正确的话,保证你通过。。


1 where did aboriginal people come from ?
The ancestors of Aboriginal peoples are believed to have migrated from Asia many thousands of years ago.

2 how do you vote in an election?
by secret ballot.

3 what should you do if you didn't received your voter information card?
call your local elections office to ensure that you are on the voters’ list

4 about quebec
Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada.

5 the relation ship with US: (这道题是4个答案中选一个错误的描述)
Canada export only a little to US.

6 how are the cabinet chosen?
by the prime minister.

7 official language of canada
French and English

8 which province with the most people?

9 prairie provinces?
Alberta manitoba saskatchewan

10 What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?
it connect the west and east. also become a powerful symbol

11 the women’s suffrage movement
women achived the right to vote.

12 equal right under the law
The law in Canada applies to everyone, including judges,politicians and the police

13 when you take oath. you pledge to:
obey the law and fulfill your duty.

14 which freedom are protected by Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Freedom of thought, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech

15 The citizens in each electoral district elect one member of house of commons

16 what are the responsibility of municipal government?
Recycling Programs and firefighting.

17 who has the right to vote?
canadian citizen, at least 18 years old.

18 Parliament has three parts
the crown, the Senate and the House of Commons.

19 how the government form after an election?
the party which win the most seats in house of commons become the party in power.

20 vimy day:
The Canadian Corps captured Vimy Ridge in April 1917 in the fist world war,,with 10,000 killed or wounded, securing the Canadians’ reputation for valour as the "shock troops of the British Empire."


http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/ (选择安省,新试题,)

http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/ (这是温哥华的,你可以点全部试题,然后只回答前面的107道就可以了)

http://www.apnatoronto.com/canadian-citizenship-quiz.html (这个非常好,10个part,每个20题)


1 prime minister:
2 the leader of official opposition party :
3 governor general :
4 the premier of ontario:
5 the lieutenant general of Ontario:
6 the mayor of toronto :




Mar 20/2012


28日参加了入籍考试。先面试,然后发考题。参考书就是discover canada,在线的PDF文件地址是:
MP3格式声音文件的在线收听和下载 (可以存在MP3里,没事的时候听听)

1 考试通知信 (如果你上网查了没有寄到,他们不重寄,你带着第一次寄给你的带有case No 也就是client ID号码的那封信也可以,记住最重要的是要有Client Id的号码,这个号码是要填在答题纸上的 )
2 移民纸
3 所有的护照(现在使用的和已经过期的)
4 驾照,健康卡 (记住带SIN卡,如果你没有驾照的话)
5 枫叶卡

1 where do you come from?
2 what is your citizen?
3 do you have a job? do you work? where do you work? location?
4 what are you studing? (if you are a student.)
5 when did you first come to canada? when were you landing?
6 have you been out of canada in last 4 years? where did you go? why you go back to china?
7 is your husband (wife) in canada? Do you have kids?
8 do you have any problem with police or your immigration?

基本上所有的问题都在那本discove canada里有原文,所以,把书通读一遍,然后做题,把下面的在线练习的题目都能做到100%正确的话,保证你通过。。


1 where did aboriginal people come from ?
The ancestors of Aboriginal peoples are believed to have migrated from Asia many thousands of years ago.

2 how do you vote in an election?
by secret ballot.

3 what should you do if you didn't received your voter information card?
call your local elections office to ensure that you are on the voters’ list

4 about quebec
Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada.

5 the relation ship with US: (这道题是4个答案中选一个错误的描述)
Canada export only a little to US.

6 how are the cabinet chosen?
by the prime minister.

7 official language of canada
French and English

8 which province with the most people?

9 prairie provinces?
Alberta manitoba saskatchewan

10 What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?
it connect the west and east. also become a powerful symbol

11 the women’s suffrage movement
women achived the right to vote.

12 equal right under the law
The law in Canada applies to everyone, including judges,politicians and the police

13 when you take oath. you pledge to:
obey the law and fulfill your duty.

14 which freedom are protected by Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Freedom of thought, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech

15 The citizens in each electoral district elect one member of house of commons

16 what are the responsibility of municipal government?
Recycling Programs and firefighting.

17 who has the right to vote?
canadian citizen, at least 18 years old.

18 Parliament has three parts
the crown, the Senate and the House of Commons.

19 how the government form after an election?
the party which win the most seats in house of commons become the party in power.

20 vimy day:
The Canadian Corps captured Vimy Ridge in April 1917 in the fist world war,,with 10,000 killed or wounded, securing the Canadians’ reputation for valour as the "shock troops of the British Empire."


http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/ (选择安省,新试题,)

http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/ (这是温哥华的,你可以点全部试题,然后只回答前面的107道就可以了)

http://www.apnatoronto.com/canadian-citizenship-quiz.html (这个非常好,10个part,每个20题)


1 prime minister:
2 the leader of official opposition party :
3 governor general :
4 the premier of ontario:
5 the lieutenant general of Ontario:
6 the mayor of toronto :




Mar 20/2012

Ng goi sai
28日参加了入籍考试。先面试,然后发考题。参考书就是discover canada,在线的PDF文件地址是:
MP3格式声音文件的在线收听和下载 (可以存在MP3里,没事的时候听听)

1 考试通知信 (如果你上网查了没有寄到,他们不重寄,你带着第一次寄给你的带有case No 也就是client ID号码的那封信也可以,记住最重要的是要有Client Id的号码,这个号码是要填在答题纸上的 )
2 移民纸
3 所有的护照(现在使用的和已经过期的)
4 驾照,健康卡 (记住带SIN卡,如果你没有驾照的话)
5 枫叶卡

1 where do you come from?
2 what is your citizen?
3 do you have a job? do you work? where do you work? location?
4 what are you studing? (if you are a student.)
5 when did you first come to canada? when were you landing?
6 have you been out of canada in last 4 years? where did you go? why you go back to china?
7 is your husband (wife) in canada? Do you have kids?
8 do you have any problem with police or your immigration?

基本上所有的问题都在那本discove canada里有原文,所以,把书通读一遍,然后做题,把下面的在线练习的题目都能做到100%正确的话,保证你通过。。


1 where did aboriginal people come from ?
The ancestors of Aboriginal peoples are believed to have migrated from Asia many thousands of years ago.

2 how do you vote in an election?
by secret ballot.

3 what should you do if you didn't received your voter information card?
call your local elections office to ensure that you are on the voters’ list

4 about quebec
Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada.

5 the relation ship with US: (这道题是4个答案中选一个错误的描述)
Canada export only a little to US.

6 how are the cabinet chosen?
by the prime minister.

7 official language of canada
French and English

8 which province with the most people?

9 prairie provinces?
Alberta manitoba saskatchewan

10 What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?
it connect the west and east. also become a powerful symbol

11 the women’s suffrage movement
women achived the right to vote.

12 equal right under the law
The law in Canada applies to everyone, including judges,politicians and the police

13 when you take oath. you pledge to:
obey the law and fulfill your duty.

14 which freedom are protected by Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Freedom of thought, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech

15 The citizens in each electoral district elect one member of house of commons

16 what are the responsibility of municipal government?
Recycling Programs and firefighting.

17 who has the right to vote?
canadian citizen, at least 18 years old.

18 Parliament has three parts
the crown, the Senate and the House of Commons.

19 how the government form after an election?
the party which win the most seats in house of commons become the party in power.

20 vimy day:
The Canadian Corps captured Vimy Ridge in April 1917 in the fist world war,,with 10,000 killed or wounded, securing the Canadians’ reputation for valour as the "shock troops of the British Empire."


http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/ (选择安省,新试题,)

http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/ (这是温哥华的,你可以点全部试题,然后只回答前面的107道就可以了)

http://www.apnatoronto.com/canadian-citizenship-quiz.html (这个非常好,10个part,每个20题)


1 prime minister:
2 the leader of official opposition party :
3 governor general :
4 the premier of ontario:
5 the lieutenant general of Ontario:
6 the mayor of toronto :




Mar 20/2012

Find out if you have the language proof for citizenship: Step 2​

Did you submit language test results when you applied for permanent residence? (required)

Which language were you tested on? (required)
If you were tested on both English and French, choose one.

Which test did you take? (required)

*International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic

We only accept IELTS General Training for citizenship applications​

If you only have your IELTS academic results, find other language proof you can submit.
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS), general training, not the academic version You must have a score of:
    • 4.0 or higher in speaking and
    • 4.5 or higher in listening. (Note: If the test was done before November 28, 2008, we will accept a level 4 or higher)




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