2018-04-09 Mail out application documents
2018-04-11 Application Received
2018-04-20 Received Application Number
2018-04-20 Linked to Account successfully
2018-06-27 Met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor and forwarded to CPC-Ottawa
2018-07-18 Medical Examination Request
2018-07-24 Medical Exam
2018-07-26 Upload Travel History, Police Certificate, CV
2018-07-31 Medical Exam passed
2018-08-23 Received Letter: Invitation to Pre-arrival services
2018-08-27 Received Ready for Visa letter
2018-08-29 Mail Passport to VFS in Beijing
2018-08-31 VFS received
2018-09-21 Received Passport and landing paper
2018-04-11 Application Received
2018-04-20 Received Application Number
2018-04-20 Linked to Account successfully
2018-06-27 Met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor and forwarded to CPC-Ottawa
2018-07-18 Medical Examination Request
2018-07-24 Medical Exam
2018-07-26 Upload Travel History, Police Certificate, CV
2018-07-31 Medical Exam passed
2018-08-23 Received Letter: Invitation to Pre-arrival services
2018-08-27 Received Ready for Visa letter
2018-08-29 Mail Passport to VFS in Beijing
2018-08-31 VFS received
2018-09-21 Received Passport and landing paper
最后编辑: 2018-09-21