大 大智 36 2018-06-12 #42 我六月25号在移民局网站上计算居住时间才能住够,枫叶卡六月18号过期,准备七月1号递交申请,我订好了七月三号回国的机票, 在国内两个月,这种情况能申请PRTD签证回来吗?烦请各位大神出处主意!
soleil_lee-太阳李 I ❤ SH 24,153 2018-06-20 #44 我妈申请枫叶卡更新,2/28 Sydney收到,3/28收到第一封acknowledge letter. 今天 6/20 CIC “My Account”里面显示申请approved,同时还显示了新卡的有效期到2023/06/15结束。CIC Status今天显示Complete了。没有出现过Decision made. 6/21收到卡。 We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 28, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 28, 2018. We started processing your application on March 28, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 19, 2018. 最后编辑: 2018-06-26
我妈申请枫叶卡更新,2/28 Sydney收到,3/28收到第一封acknowledge letter. 今天 6/20 CIC “My Account”里面显示申请approved,同时还显示了新卡的有效期到2023/06/15结束。CIC Status今天显示Complete了。没有出现过Decision made. 6/21收到卡。 We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 28, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 28, 2018. We started processing your application on March 28, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 19, 2018.
C cc_mm 82 2018-06-23 #50 cc_mm 说: 我不知道.....我是昨天才第一次上CIC网站查的,状态就是DM 点击展开... Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 26, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 24, 2018. We started processing your application on March 24, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 18, 2018.
cc_mm 说: 我不知道.....我是昨天才第一次上CIC网站查的,状态就是DM 点击展开... Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 26, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 24, 2018. We started processing your application on March 24, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 18, 2018.
Z zigzagda 1,688 2018-06-26 #53 cc_mm 说: Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 26, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 24, 2018. We started processing your application on March 24, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 18, 2018. 点击展开... correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application 这个什么?
cc_mm 说: Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 26, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on March 24, 2018. We started processing your application on March 24, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on June 18, 2018. 点击展开... correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application 这个什么?
C cc_mm 82 2018-06-27 #54 zigzagda 说: correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application 这个什么? 点击展开... 就是一封邮件和好像还有一个平信,说已经接受你的申请,开始正式处理了,balalala...上面有申请档案号(UCI)方便你以后在CIC网站上查询
zigzagda 说: correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application 这个什么? 点击展开... 就是一封邮件和好像还有一个平信,说已经接受你的申请,开始正式处理了,balalala...上面有申请档案号(UCI)方便你以后在CIC网站上查询
Anshanjiangbin 13 2018-06-28 #57 momokocat 说: 我3月14號寄出,網查3月16收到,也沒有其他信息 点击展开... 雨纷纷 说: 3月15申请被收到,今天6月28收到新卡 点击展开... 在这之前,你的邮箱有收到受理号没?谢谢 雨纷纷 说: 3月15申请被收到,今天6月28收到新卡 点击展开...
momokocat 说: 我3月14號寄出,網查3月16收到,也沒有其他信息 点击展开... 雨纷纷 说: 3月15申请被收到,今天6月28收到新卡 点击展开... 在这之前,你的邮箱有收到受理号没?谢谢 雨纷纷 说: 3月15申请被收到,今天6月28收到新卡 点击展开...
shitou2005 3,136 2018-06-28 #58 kkiilltt 说: 3月12日寄出信件,网上只查到3月15日收到信件,其它没有任何信息。 点击展开... 我们时间差不多,我是3.16签收的,无出入境,去年就过期了,近期没打算回国,就拖到3月才寄出,现在连邮件都没收到
kkiilltt 说: 3月12日寄出信件,网上只查到3月15日收到信件,其它没有任何信息。 点击展开... 我们时间差不多,我是3.16签收的,无出入境,去年就过期了,近期没打算回国,就拖到3月才寄出,现在连邮件都没收到
K kkiilltt 39 2018-06-28 #60 shitou2005 说: 我们时间差不多,我是3.16签收的,无出入境,去年就过期了,近期没打算回国,就拖到3月才寄出,现在连邮件都没收到 点击展开... 邮件我也没有收到,就只是网查3月15日收到申请。
shitou2005 说: 我们时间差不多,我是3.16签收的,无出入境,去年就过期了,近期没打算回国,就拖到3月才寄出,现在连邮件都没收到 点击展开... 邮件我也没有收到,就只是网查3月15日收到申请。