
今天ONLINE检查发现Application Information部分多了生物采集部分,还没收到相关邮件,难道要做指纹采集?父母曾经在加拿大住过两年。
  • Biometrics Number:
  • Date of Biometrics Enrolment:
  • Expiry Date:
网上link要以申请人的身份link,我们是sponsor的话link会看不到的。另外,不要等收信了,直接打去CIC问个明白吧,我到现在一直没收到电邮FN,但打去CIC他们找到我的申请,还在线上给了我application number,早知道早点打,不用干着急这么久了
体检中心会直接上传体检结果,我们自己可以把体检回执上传表示已经体检了,个人觉得重要的是体检结果,回执不传应该也没影响。无犯罪公证,旅行记录需要自己上传,按照ONLINE TOOLS上面的做就可以了。
网上link要以申请人的身份link,我们是sponsor的话link会看不到的。另外,不要等收信了,直接打去CIC问个明白吧,我到现在一直没收到电邮FN,但打去CIC他们找到我的申请,还在线上给了我application number,早知道早点打,不用干着急这么久了
谢谢,这个消息太好了。请问是打的 1-888-242-2100这个电话吗?
On-Line Services
FAQ | Security
Permanent Residence
  1. We received your application for permanent residence on April 11, 2018.
  2. We started processing your application on July 18, 2018.
  3. We sent you correspondence on July 18, 2018. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.
  4. We sent you medical instructions on July 18, 2018. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
  5. Medical results have been received.
On-Line Services
FAQ | Security
Permanent Residence
  1. We received your application for permanent residence on April 11, 2018.
  2. We started processing your application on July 18, 2018.
  3. We sent you correspondence on July 18, 2018. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.
  4. We sent you medical instructions on July 18, 2018. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
  5. Medical results have been received.
但會不會是link了 account的才會連接上看到呢?看了會不會就算我link上了?我一直沒link,因為想郵件都發去我顧問那。




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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