nasdaq 回归家园:) 1,583 2018-08-28 #2 3⃣️级貌似不够啊… 移民局网站上的语言要求是: If you are between the ages of 18 and 54 on the date you sign your application, you must meet the Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4 (CLB 4) or higher in speaking and listening.
3⃣️级貌似不够啊… 移民局网站上的语言要求是: If you are between the ages of 18 and 54 on the date you sign your application, you must meet the Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4 (CLB 4) or higher in speaking and listening.
AVANTAR 1,633 2018-08-28 #5 https://secure.paragontesting.ca/In...OST/View/e67c8e1a-b44a-4ee2-9a76-60314ac7ceb0
加 加拿大老熊 5,365 2018-08-28 #7 Sunshinelee 说: 曾在Link有3级的英语水平,能否符合入籍考试需要? 点击展开... 3级不够。入籍只要求听说,听说两项都达到4级就可以了