


文章来源:环球邮报于2015-11-20 13:28:50
据Global News报导,尽管时间很短,加拿大政府已承诺对每名来加难民进行严格安全筛选。通常来说,寻求庇护者需要经过数轮审批和筛选。
登记意味着对难民安排面试,调查他们过去和现在与军事活动的联系、其它相关信息和未来计划。UNHCR表示,每名难民可能还要接受反诈骗程序,如虹膜扫瞄(iris scanning)。

文章来源:2015年12月6日 加拿大国际广播 http://www.rcinet.ca

引用文章:加拿大接受叙利亚难民 单身男子被排除在外

联合国难民署加拿大代表Furio De Angelis 称:“难民中有些谣言,有人说‘加拿大人来接我们啦’,还说这是个很大的计划。但我们必须要说清楚,加拿大人的确准备接收大量难民,但不是每一个人都符合条件。”

文章来源:2016-09-22 15:25 来源:澎湃新闻

最后编辑: 2018-09-14


最后编辑: 2018-09-14

A Time Line
1776: 3,000 Black Loyalists, among them freemen and slaves, fled the oppression of the American Revolution and came to Canada.
1781: Butler’s Rangers, a military unit loyal to the Crown and based at Fort Niagara, settled some of the first Loyalist refugees from the United States in the Niagara peninsula, along the northern shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
1783: Sir Guy Carleton, Governor of the British Province of Quebec, and later to become Lord Dorchester, safely transported 35,000 Loyalist refugees from New York to Nova Scotia. Some settled in Quebec, and others in Kingston and Adolphustown in Ontario.
1789: Lord Dorchester, Governor-in-Chief of British North America, gave official recognition to the “First Loyalists” – those loyal to the Crown who fled the oppression of the American Revolution to settle in Nova Scotia and Quebec.
1793: Upper Canada became the first province in the British Empire to abolish slavery. In turn, over the course of the 19th century, thousands of black slaves escaped from the United States and came to Canada with the aid of the Underground Railroad, a Christian anti-slavery network.
Late 1700s: Scots Highlanders, refugees of the Highland Clearances during the modernization of Scotland, settled in Canada.
1830: Polish refugees fled to Canada to escape Russian oppression. The year 1858 marked the first significant mass migration of Poles escaping Prussian occupation in northern Poland.
1880-1914: Italians escaped the ravages of Italy’s unification as farmers were driven off their land as a result of the new Italian state reforms.
1880-1914: Thousands of persecuted Jews, fleeing pogroms in the Pale of Settlement, sought refuge in Canada.
1891: The migration of 170,000 Ukrainians began, mainly to flee oppression from areas under Austro-Hungarian rule, marking the first wave of Ukrainians seeking refuge in Canada.
1920-1939: The second wave of Ukrainians fled from Communism, civil war and Soviet occupation.
1945-1952: The third wave of Ukrainians fled Communist rule.
1947-1952: 250,000 displaced persons (DPs) from Central and Eastern Europe came to Canada, victims of both National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism, and Soviet occupation.
1950s: Canada admitted Palestinian Arabs, driven from their homeland by the Israeli-Arab war of 1948.
1950s-1970s: A significant influx of Middle Eastern and North African Jews fled to Canada.
1951: The United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees was created.
1956: 37,000 Hungarians escaped Soviet tyranny and found refuge in Canada.
1960: Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, whose grandfather was a German refugee of the Napoleonic Wars, introduced Canada’s first Bill of Rights.
1960s: Chinese refugees fled the Communist violence of the Cultural Revolution.
1968-1969: 11,000 Czech refugees fled the Soviet and Warsaw Pact Communist invasion.
1969: Canada signed the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and its Protocol, agreeing not to return a person to their country of origin if that person had grounds to fear persecution.
1970s: 7,000 Chilean and other Latin American refugees were allowed to stay in Canada after the violent overthrow of Salvador Allende’s government in 1973.
1970-1990: Deprived of political and religious freedom, 20,000 Soviet Jews settled in Canada.
1971: After decades of being denied adequate political representation in the central Pakistani government, thousands of Bengali Muslims came to Canada at the outbreak of the Bangladesh Liberation War.
1971-1972: Canada admitted some 228 Tibetans. These refugees, along with their fellow countrymen, were fleeing their homeland after China occupied it in 1959.
1972-1973: Following Idi Amin’s expulsion of Ugandan Asians, 7,000 Ismaili Muslims fled and were brought to Canada.
1978: Coming into force of the Immigration Act of 1976, which recognized refugees as a distinct class of immigrants. These changes also allowed Canadian citizens to privately sponsor refugees.
1979: Iranian refugees fled Iran following the overthrow of the Shah and the imposition of an Islamic Fundamentalist regime.
1979 -1980: More than 60,000 Boat People found refuge in Canada after the Communist victory in the Vietnam War.
1980s: Khmer Cambodians, victims of the Communist regime and the aftershocks of Communist victory in the Vietnam War, fled to Canada.
1982: The Constitution of Canada was amended to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
1985: Singh decision at the Supreme Court of Canada whereby rights under the Charter were extended to asylum seekers; led to the creation of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB).
1986: The United Nations awarded Canada the Nansen Medal for its outstanding humanitarian tradition of settling refugees.
1989: The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada and new refugee determination system began work on January 1, 1989.
1990s: By the 1990s, asylum seekers came to Canada from all over the world, particularly Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa.
1992: 5,000 Bosnian Muslims were admitted to Canada to escape the ethnic cleansing in the Yugoslav Civil War.
1999: Canada airlifted more than 5,000 Kosovars, most of whom were Muslim, to safety.
2002: Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into force and set out main principles and features of the refugee protection program
2004: The Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the United States is established for responsibility sharing in processing refugee claims from nationals of third countries.
2006: Canada resettled over 3,900 Karen refugees from refugee camps in Thailand.
2008: Canada began the process of resettling more than 5,000 Bhutanese refugees over five years.
2010: Refugees from more than 140 countries were either resettled or were granted asylum in Canada.
2011: Canada expands its refugee resettlement programs by 20% over three years.
2012: Significant reforms were made to the asylum determination system under the Balanced Refugee Reform Act (BRRA) and the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act (PCISA), including implementing the Refugee Appeal Division at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
2015: Close to 6,600 Bhutanese refugees arrived in Canada. Canada completes a seven-year commitment and welcomes more than 23,000 Iraqi refugees. Canada commits to and begins resettling 25,000 Syrian refugees.
2016: Canada resettled a historical number of refugees, welcoming over 46,000 newcomers and completing its commitment to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February.
2017: Canada announces historical increases in multiyear resettled refugee admissions targets, as well as new commitments for resettling refugees from Africa and the Middle-East.
2018: Canada resettled more than 1,300 survivors of Daesh in 2017 and 2018.

最后编辑: 2018-09-14









最后编辑: 2018-09-14

文章来源:环球邮报于2015-11-20 13:28:50
据Global News报导,尽管时间很短,加拿大政府已承诺对每名来加难民进行严格

引用文章:加拿大接受叙利亚难民 单身男子被排除在外


现在的事实就是: 阿里不是妇女儿童,没有家庭,是个单身青年,加拿大政府却让他进来了。为什么会放他进来?警方说他有家庭,这不是事实。他是跟随哥哥的家庭进来的,他能算和哥哥一个家庭吗,小孩18岁以上都不能算家庭成员跟随父母一同移民了,这个28岁的兄弟怎么能算?这是愚弄百姓。

对涉嫌谋杀加拿大女孩申小雨的叙利亚难民Ibrahim Ali如何通过加拿大难民筛选机制进入加拿大一事开展独立调查,以检讨加拿大难民筛选机制保护加拿大国民的可行性和有效性。

A Time Line
1776: 3,000 Black Loyalists, among them freemen and slaves, fled the oppression of the American Revolution and came to Canada.
1781: Butler’s Rangers, a military unit loyal to the Crown and based at Fort Niagara, settled some of the first Loyalist refugees from the United States in the Niagara peninsula, along the northern shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
1783: Sir Guy Carleton, Governor of the British Province of Quebec, and later to become Lord Dorchester, safely transported 35,000 Loyalist refugees from New York to Nova Scotia. Some settled in Quebec, and others in Kingston and Adolphustown in Ontario.
1789: Lord Dorchester, Governor-in-Chief of British North America, gave official recognition to the “First Loyalists” – those loyal to the Crown who fled the oppression of the American Revolution to settle in Nova Scotia and Quebec.
1793: Upper Canada became the first province in the British Empire to abolish slavery. In turn, over the course of the 19th century, thousands of black slaves escaped from the United States and came to Canada with the aid of the Underground Railroad, a Christian anti-slavery network.
Late 1700s: Scots Highlanders, refugees of the Highland Clearances during the modernization of Scotland, settled in Canada.
1830: Polish refugees fled to Canada to escape Russian oppression. The year 1858 marked the first significant mass migration of Poles escaping Prussian occupation in northern Poland.
1880-1914: Italians escaped the ravages of Italy’s unification as farmers were driven off their land as a result of the new Italian state reforms.
1880-1914: Thousands of persecuted Jews, fleeing pogroms in the Pale of Settlement, sought refuge in Canada.
1891: The migration of 170,000 Ukrainians began, mainly to flee oppression from areas under Austro-Hungarian rule, marking the first wave of Ukrainians seeking refuge in Canada.
1920-1939: The second wave of Ukrainians fled from Communism, civil war and Soviet occupation.
1945-1952: The third wave of Ukrainians fled Communist rule.
1947-1952: 250,000 displaced persons (DPs) from Central and Eastern Europe came to Canada, victims of both National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism, and Soviet occupation.
1950s: Canada admitted Palestinian Arabs, driven from their homeland by the Israeli-Arab war of 1948.
1950s-1970s: A significant influx of Middle Eastern and North African Jews fled to Canada.
1951: The United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees was created.
1956: 37,000 Hungarians escaped Soviet tyranny and found refuge in Canada.
1960: Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, whose grandfather was a German refugee of the Napoleonic Wars, introduced Canada’s first Bill of Rights.
1960s: Chinese refugees fled the Communist violence of the Cultural Revolution.
1968-1969: 11,000 Czech refugees fled the Soviet and Warsaw Pact Communist invasion.
1969: Canada signed the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and its Protocol, agreeing not to return a person to their country of origin if that person had grounds to fear persecution.
1970s: 7,000 Chilean and other Latin American refugees were allowed to stay in Canada after the violent overthrow of Salvador Allende’s government in 1973.
1970-1990: Deprived of political and religious freedom, 20,000 Soviet Jews settled in Canada.
1971: After decades of being denied adequate political representation in the central Pakistani government, thousands of Bengali Muslims came to Canada at the outbreak of the Bangladesh Liberation War.
1971-1972: Canada admitted some 228 Tibetans. These refugees, along with their fellow countrymen, were fleeing their homeland after China occupied it in 1959.
1972-1973: Following Idi Amin’s expulsion of Ugandan Asians, 7,000 Ismaili Muslims fled and were brought to Canada.
1978: Coming into force of the Immigration Act of 1976, which recognized refugees as a distinct class of immigrants. These changes also allowed Canadian citizens to privately sponsor refugees.
1979: Iranian refugees fled Iran following the overthrow of the Shah and the imposition of an Islamic Fundamentalist regime.
1979 -1980: More than 60,000 Boat People found refuge in Canada after the Communist victory in the Vietnam War.
1980s: Khmer Cambodians, victims of the Communist regime and the aftershocks of Communist victory in the Vietnam War, fled to Canada.
1982: The Constitution of Canada was amended to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
1985: Singh decision at the Supreme Court of Canada whereby rights under the Charter were extended to asylum seekers; led to the creation of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB).
1986: The United Nations awarded Canada the Nansen Medal for its outstanding humanitarian tradition of settling refugees.
1989: The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada and new refugee determination system began work on January 1, 1989.
1990s: By the 1990s, asylum seekers came to Canada from all over the world, particularly Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa.
1992: 5,000 Bosnian Muslims were admitted to Canada to escape the ethnic cleansing in the Yugoslav Civil War.
1999: Canada airlifted more than 5,000 Kosovars, most of whom were Muslim, to safety.
2002: Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into force and set out main principles and features of the refugee protection program
2004: The Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the United States is established for responsibility sharing in processing refugee claims from nationals of third countries.
2006: Canada resettled over 3,900 Karen refugees from refugee camps in Thailand.
2008: Canada began the process of resettling more than 5,000 Bhutanese refugees over five years.
2010: Refugees from more than 140 countries were either resettled or were granted asylum in Canada.
2011: Canada expands its refugee resettlement programs by 20% over three years.
2012: Significant reforms were made to the asylum determination system under the Balanced Refugee Reform Act (BRRA) and the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act (PCISA), including implementing the Refugee Appeal Division at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
2015: Close to 6,600 Bhutanese refugees arrived in Canada. Canada completes a seven-year commitment and welcomes more than 23,000 Iraqi refugees. Canada commits to and begins resettling 25,000 Syrian refugees.
2016: Canada resettled a historical number of refugees, welcoming over 46,000 newcomers and completing its commitment to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February.
2017: Canada announces historical increases in multiyear resettled refugee admissions targets, as well as new commitments for resettling refugees from Africa and the Middle-East.
2018: Canada resettled more than 1,300 survivors of Daesh in 2017 and 2018.


转载:“有这么一个国家,一上访,就是疯子;一上街,就是闹事;一揭露,就是造谣。 一理论,就是诽谤;一提议,就是煽动;一批评,就是颠覆;一提美国,就是卖国。 一说台湾,就是分裂;一维权,就是抗法;一反抗,就是谋杀;一投票,就没有资格;一选举,就是敌对势力”。


一些华人移民确实不知道and 也不想学习了解接受难民是加拿大文化与责任之一;

其他几个见到讲实话真话的 就飙脏的ID是舆论引导员的马甲们,这些舆论引导员根本不会care Chinese Canadian的移民生活,他们反而会挑拨煽动族裔仇恨、这会让Chinese Canadian在加拿大的变得更孤立 更易遭受排挤。



静如瘫痪 动如癫痫


可是你也知道叙利亚现在是战乱国家。这些难民逃出叙利亚的时候,叙利亚政府所控制的领土还没有ISIS控制的领土多。在这种背景下,你所谓的申请者的“与军事组织的联系、历史、精神状况”等等,又如何核实呢!就算你有自己的一套办法去核实,我斗胆断言,对方想work around,也是非常容易的。






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