不会吧,4个月才刚开始processing啊。上半年申请的时候4个月已经受到卡了。 对呀,不知为什么这么慢,我们就回国几周而已。
xuxiaodi 766 2018-10-11 #161 soleil_lee-太阳李 说: 不会吧,4个月才刚开始processing啊。上半年申请的时候4个月已经受到卡了。 点击展开... 对呀,不知为什么这么慢,我们就回国几周而已。
L LeeRenesmee 4 2018-10-12 #163 janewu2008 说: 我也是同一天收到的,打了电话,说是卡刚做好,在安排寄了,周期是6周,你可以打电话去问一下,但是我家人的还没有开始做卡 点击展开... 我的显示complete了。简直太不容易了,也是打电话催的。10号寄出来了哈
janewu2008 说: 我也是同一天收到的,打了电话,说是卡刚做好,在安排寄了,周期是6周,你可以打电话去问一下,但是我家人的还没有开始做卡 点击展开... 我的显示complete了。简直太不容易了,也是打电话催的。10号寄出来了哈
soleil_lee-太阳李 I ❤ SH 24,153 2018-10-12 #164 xuxiaodi 说: 对呀,不知为什么这么慢,我们就回国几周而已。 点击展开... 跟你离开加拿大多久没关系,他就是这么慢。
J janewu2008 3 2018-10-13 #165 LeeRenesmee 说: 我的显示complete了。简直太不容易了,也是打电话催的。10号寄出来了哈 点击展开... 我的显示是11号寄的,是不是下周就可以周收到了?
R Ripley 9 2018-10-20 #169 犹豫不定 说: 6月16日 寄出 6月22日 收到,10月9日 IP 10月14日DM 10月19日收到 点击展开... 请問您新卡的expiry date?
I Itsmyid 364 2018-10-21 #170 犹豫不定 说: 6月16日 寄出 6月22日 收到,10月9日 IP 10月14日DM 10月19日收到 点击展开... 请问住了多少天?我就五年里就90天不在加拿大不知道能不能快点...
梦 梦里雪飞扬 1,961 2018-11-02 #175 我7月24日平信寄出,10月22日收到邮件通知。上网查询Decision Made状态。今天查到Complete状态,30日寄出了,应该很快会收到。
宝兴里 1,159 2018-11-02 #176 kidcoalman 说: 我今天进去移民局网站查询,显示查询不到了,前几天一直都可以查询得到,各位有没有遇到啊。帮忙回答下,谢谢 点击展开... 用背面的枫叶卡号码查不到就说明新卡已经在制作了,生成了新的号码,应该很快就会收到了。
kidcoalman 说: 我今天进去移民局网站查询,显示查询不到了,前几天一直都可以查询得到,各位有没有遇到啊。帮忙回答下,谢谢 点击展开... 用背面的枫叶卡号码查不到就说明新卡已经在制作了,生成了新的号码,应该很快就会收到了。
宝兴里 1,159 2018-11-02 #177 Ripley 说: 問一個特別傻的問題⋯⋯ 各位已收到新卡的朋友,新卡上的效期是依據DM?製卡日?还是与舊卡有関? 感謝! 点击展开... 应该是制卡日期
R runyu88 184 2018-11-03 #178 记录一下自己和儿子的枫叶卡更新状态,10月29日CIC上查,已经为 DM状态,目前没有变化。 Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on August 13, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on October 28, 2018. We started processing your application on October 28, 2018.
记录一下自己和儿子的枫叶卡更新状态,10月29日CIC上查,已经为 DM状态,目前没有变化。 Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on August 13, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on October 28, 2018. We started processing your application on October 28, 2018.
Sophie.Jin 229 2018-11-06 #179 给大家些参考,7月29寄出申请表 Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on August 2, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on October 24, 2018. We started processing your application on October 24, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on October 31, 2018. 目前还没收到新卡,打电话问要7到10个工作日,但现在Canada Post罢工估计也会影响些许
给大家些参考,7月29寄出申请表 Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on August 2, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on October 24, 2018. We started processing your application on October 24, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on October 31, 2018. 目前还没收到新卡,打电话问要7到10个工作日,但现在Canada Post罢工估计也会影响些许
R runyu88 184 2018-11-07 #180 接#178楼 今早查,状态已为:Complete! Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on August 13, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on October 28, 2018. We started processing your application on October 28, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on November 6, 2018.
接#178楼 今早查,状态已为:Complete! Permanent Resident Card We received your application for a permanent resident card on August 13, 2018. We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on October 28, 2018. We started processing your application on October 28, 2018. Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on November 6, 2018.