You can search "I Heart Bikes" on the waterfront. There is one at Dal that is free for Dal students but they rent as well. May be cheaper. They are limited hours so you can search that web site as well for hours.
You can search "I Heart Bikes" on the waterfront. There is one at Dal that is free for Dal students but they rent as well. May be cheaper. They are limited hours so you can search that web site as well for hours.
"Under Nova Scotia’s Motor Vehicle Act it is mandatory for folks of all ages to wear a helmet while cycling, skateboarding, scootering, in-line or roller skating. Failing to wear a helmet risks a fine of $151.25 for a first offence. Parents also risk fines if they let their children under 16 do these sports without a helmet. In addition to giving you a ticket if you aren’t wearing a helmet, police have the power to seize your bike, skateboard, scooter, in-line skates or roller skates, and keep them for up to 30 days."