斯坦福 IT

黑色英语电影 Notorious(美人计)中英文字幕


最后编辑: 2019-11-26

T.R. Devlin 加里·格兰特
Alicia Huberman 英格丽·褒曼
Captain Paul Prescott 路易斯·卡尔亨

为了不被纳粹同伙知道自己曾泄漏了机密,塞巴斯蒂安在母亲的授意下给莉亚服用了慢性毒药,企图让她在不知不觉中死去。莉亚后来虽然察觉了这个秘密,但连逃出的力气都没有。迪普发觉情形不对,来到塞巴斯蒂安家探听情况,并利用塞巴斯蒂安母子不能向纳粹同伙泄漏秘密的弱点,成功把莉亚救了出来 。
最后编辑: 2019-11-26
找到了英文剧本啰,太长了无法发送耶 ,呵呵。

Notorious Script

Is there any legal reason why

sentence should not be pronounced?

- No, Your Honor.

- Yes. I have something to say.

You can put me away. But you can't

put away what's going to happen...

to you and to this

whole country next time.

- Next time we are going to...

- I wouldn't say anymore.

We'll leave that for the appeal.

It is the judgment of this court

that the defendant, John Huberman,

having been found guilty of the crime

of treason against the United States...

by the jury of this court for the

southern district of Florida at Miami,

be committed to the custody

of the United States attorney general...

for imprisonment in an institution

of the penitentiary type...

for a period of years.

And the defendant

may be forthwith remanded...

to the custody

of the United States marshall.

- Court is now adjourned.

- Here she comes.

- Just a minute, Miss Huberman.

- Hold it, Miss Huberman.

We'd like a statement from you,

Miss Huberman, about your father.

For instance, do you think

your father got what he deserved?

Could we say you're pleased your

father is going to pay the penalty...

for being a German worker?

Let us know

if she tries to leave town.

Would you care to pause for

some refreshments, Mr. Hop... kins?

Alicia, were you really followed by

a policeman? It sounds very exciting.

- I'm going to shoot it out

with them tomorrow.

- He's had enough.

- So have you.

- Don't be silly. The important

drinking hasn't started yet.

Everybody here's

got a stuffed fish hanging on the wall.

Where'd they get it?

Never seen a fish.

How about you, handsome?

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

Oh, it doesn't matter.

I like party crashers.

- He's not a party crasher.

I brought him.

- Oh.

- I wouldn't mind

being followed by a cop.

I hate low, underhanded people

like policemen pussyfooting after you.

Because I'm a marked

woman, you know.

I'm liable to blow up

the Panama Canal any minute now.

- Do you want some ice in it?

- No, thank you.

It's not becoming for a lovely girl

like you to be worried about policemen.

- You won't be tomorrow.

- Oh, really?

- We sail at : .

- Really? We just sail away, huh?

Show me a fish,

and I'll show you a liar.

- What this party needs

is a little gland treatment.

- No fish.

We'd better start breaking up, Alicia.

I have to be on board at : .

One week in Havana, and this whole thing

about your father will have blown over.

- Do you love me, Commodore?

- You're a very beautiful woman.

I'll have another drink

to appreciate that.

- Where are you going?

- Fishing.

- This time of night?

- How about you? Still drinking?

- What's the difference?

- You know something? I like you.

Well, I'll see you

on board, Alicia, : .

Oh, l-I'll

have to think that over.

You don't have to pack.

We can pick up some things in Havana.

I think I'll have to leave him

here to dry out a little.

I'm very sorry you all have to go.

It has been a perfectly hideous party.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- Good night, dear.

- Good night.

There's one more drink

left apiece.

- Shame about the ice.

- What is?

- Gone.

- Who's gone?

The ice.

Why do you like that song?

Because it's a lot of hooey.

There's nothing like a love song

to give you a good laugh.

That's right.

It's stuffy in here, isn't it?

Might be.

What about...

we have a picnic?


It's too stuffy

in here for a picnic.

- Wanna finish that?

- Shame to leave it.

You're quite a boy.

- My car is outside.

- Naturally.

- Wanna go for a ride?

- Very much.

What about your guests?

They'll crawl out

under their own steam.

L- I'm going to drive.

Tha-That's understood.

- Don't you need a coat?

- You'll do.

Wait a minute. Let me put this on you.

You might catch cold.
最后编辑: 2019-11-27
- How am I doing?

- Not bad.

- Scared?

- No.

Oh, no, you're not scared

of anything, are you?

Not too much.

- This fog gets me.

- That's your hair in your eyes.


What does the speedometer say?


I'm gonna make 80

and wipe that grin off your face.

I don't like gentlemen

who grin at me.

- A cop.

- What?

A policeman

is chasing us. Look.

Oh, they make me sick.

He wants to talk to you.

Drunken driving. My second offense.

Now I go to jail.

Whole family in jail.

Who cares?

Havin' a time to yourself,

aren't you?

People like you

ought to be in bed.

- Drunk, huh?

- Just a minute, officer.

No arguments, mister.

You ain't got a leg to stand on.

Sorry, but you didn't speak up.

- That's all right.

- Sure you can handle her?

- No trouble.

- Well, you oughta know.

Where's the ticket?

He didn't give me a ticket.

What was your name?


When you showed that cop

something, he saluted you.

- Did he?

- I saw him.

Why, you double-crossing buzzard!

You're a cop!

All right, we'll argue later.

Get away from my car!

Get out of my car!

- I'm gonna take you home.

- You're not gonna take me home at all!

- Ooh!

- Move over.

- Come on.

- Ow!

Get out of my car,

federal cop!

Crashing my party, just like

that buzzard with the glasses!

Leave me alone! You're trailing me

to get something on me.

Get... out!

Gonna calm down?

Good. Now, move over.


L... I'm not gonna le...


You'd better drink that.

All right.

Go on, drink it.

Finish it.

Feel better?

What do you care how I feel?

You... You copper.

What's this all about, huh?

- What's your angle?

- What angle?

- About last night.

- Just wanted to be friends.

Friends, yeah.

So you could frame me, hmm?

- No, I've got a job for you.

- Oh, yeah? Don't tell me.

There's only...


There's only one job that

you coppers would want me for.

Well, you can forget it, Mr...

- Devlin. Devlin.

- What?

I am no stool pigeon,

Mr. Devlin.

My department authorized me

to engage you to do some work for us.

It's a job in Brazil.

Oh, go away.

The whole thing bores me.

Some of the German gentry who were

paying your father are working in Rio.

Ever hear of

the I.G. Farben Industries?

I tell you,

I'm not interested.

Farben has men in South America,

planted there before the war.

We're cooperating with the Brazilian

government to smoke them out.

- My chief thinks

that the daughter of a...

- Of a traitor?

Well, he thinks you might

be valuable in the work.

They might sort of trust you.

And you could make up a little

for your daddy's peculiarities.

- Why should I?

- Patriotism.

That word gives me a pain.

No, thank you.

I don't go for patriotism...

or... or patriots.

I'd like to dispute that with you.

Waving the flag with one hand

and picking pockets with the other.

That's your patriotism.

Well, you can have it.

We've had your bungalow

wired for three months.

"Conversation between John Huberman

and daughter Alicia,

: p.m., January

at Miami Beach, Florida."

Some of the evidence

that wasn't used at the trial.

- I don't want to hear that.

- Relax, hard-boiled, and listen.

...money in it, Alicia.

I told you before Christmas

I wouldn't do it.

You don't use your judgment.

You can have anything you want.

- The work is easy.

- I'll not listen, Father.

This is not your country, is it?

My mother was born here.

We have American citizenship.

Where is yourjudgment?

In your feelings, you are German.

You've got to listen to me.

You don't know what we stand for.

I know what you stand for!

You and your murdering swine.

I've hated you

ever since I found out.

My daughter,

don't talk to me like that.

Stay on your side of the table!

- Alicia, put your voice down.

I hate you all.

And I love this country.

Do you understand that?

I love it.

I'll see you all hanged before

I'll raise a finger against it.

Now, go on and get out of here,

or so help me, I'll turn you in.

Don't ever come near me or speak to me

again about your rotten schemes.




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