Canada (map)
Average hourly wage rate
Both full- and part-time employees
Both sexes
15 years and over
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)4 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Current dollars
Total employees, all industries 5 24.51 25.19 25.72 26.16 26.92
Goods-producing sector 6 26.61 27.22 27.61 28.01 28.74
Agriculture 7 16.38 17.27 17.50 18.09 19.59
Forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas 8 9 34.99 35.76 37.00 37.98 38.46
Utilities 36.92 37.68 37.58 40.03 41.03
Construction 26.84 27.88 28.49 28.73 29.05
Manufacturing 24.66 25.02 25.29 25.50 26.34
Services-producing sector 10 23.94 24.65 25.24 25.68 26.44
Wholesale and retail trade 18.60 19.36 19.65 20.20 20.79
Transportation and warehousing 24.10 24.93 25.29 25.88 26.59
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing 27.94 28.74 29.61 30.00 31.08
Professional, scientific and technical services 30.85 31.50 33.01 32.92 33.56
Business, building and other support services 11 18.57 18.88 18.96 19.47 20.91
Educational services 30.94 31.67 32.65 32.73 33.40
Health care and social assistance 25.38 25.91 26.55 27.17 27.51
Information, culture and recreation 23.27 24.31 24.14 24.28 24.90
Accommodation and food services 14.14 14.32 14.38 15.04 15.90
Other services (except public administration) 21.13 21.80 22.18 22.40 23.42
Public administration 33.03 33.97 34.77 35.25 36.40