Starfrit 的面条机。

刚收到e-mail 信息,starfrit 今天特价,满100减50。于是乎我就进他家的网站八卦一下,看到我想买的面条机,不贵159刀,赶紧下单抱一个,有8个模具,最后一个好像是饺子皮,不确定哦。不知道好不好用,用了再告诉大家吧。

Promotion of St-Jean-Baptiste

Today June 24, 2020 ONLY

How? 'Or' What?
Use the discount code STJEAN in your basket

What does it include?
Applicable on all products at regular prices. The discount is applicable on the first $ 100 tranche to obtain the $ 50 discount.

How to apply the discount:
• Click on the shopping basket icon and choose "view and modify the basket"
• In the basket, under the list of items, click on "apply a reduction code"
• Enter the code for the current promotion and click on "apply discount"
• You will notice that the total of the order will be modified with the discount
看起来不错,就怕买来这些最后一年用不了几次,可惜了 :D
同问,想起家里还有个手摇面条机,用了一次就尘封角落, 还有榨汁机,爆米花机,高压锅,空气炸锅等等命运也差不多。。。
最后编辑: 2020-06-24
刚收到e-mail 信息,starfrit 今天特价,满100减50。于是乎我就进他家的网站八卦一下,看到我想买的面条机,不贵159刀,赶紧下单抱一个,有8个模具,最后一个好像是饺子皮,不确定哦。不知道好不好用,用了再告诉大家吧。

Promotion of St-Jean-Baptiste

Today June 24, 2020 ONLY

How? 'Or' What?
Use the discount code STJEAN in your basket

What does it include?
Applicable on all products at regular prices. The discount is applicable on the first $ 100 tranche to obtain the $ 50 discount.

How to apply the discount:
• Click on the shopping basket icon and choose "view and modify the basket"
• In the basket, under the list of items, click on "apply a reduction code"
• Enter the code for the current promotion and click on "apply discount"
• You will notice that the total of the order will be modified with the discount
多谢信息!这个买满100减50需要coupon code吗?进去网站瞧了瞧,没看到说满100减50。
这个搅拌器的 塑料coupling 很容易坏, 我家的坏了二个的, 从国内买的件


  • 15930325084654082378251194536115.jpg
    788.4 KB · 查看: 9
多谢信息!这个买满100减50需要coupon code吗?进去网站瞧了瞧,没看到说满100减50。

Coupon code:STJEAN, 按下面指示操作就行。
Promotion of St-Jean-Baptiste

Today June 24, 2020 ONLY

How? 'Or' What?
Use the discount code STJEAN in your basket

What does it include?
Applicable on all products at regular prices. The discount is applicable on the first $ 100 tranche to obtain the $ 50 discount.

How to apply the discount:
• Click on the shopping basket icon and choose "view and modify the basket"
• In the basket, under the list of items, click on "apply a reduction code"
• Enter the code for the current promotion and click on "apply discount"
• You will notice that the total of the order will be modified with the discount

刚收到e-mail 信息,starfrit 今天特价,满100减50。于是乎我就进他家的网站八卦一下,看到我想买的面条机,不贵159刀,赶紧下单抱一个,有8个模具,最后一个好像是饺子皮,不确定哦。不知道好不好用,用了再告诉大家吧。

Promotion of St-Jean-Baptiste

Today June 24, 2020 ONLY

How? 'Or' What?
Use the discount code STJEAN in your basket

What does it include?
Applicable on all products at regular prices. The discount is applicable on the first $ 100 tranche to obtain the $ 50 discount.

How to apply the discount:
• Click on the shopping basket icon and choose "view and modify the basket"
• In the basket, under the list of items, click on "apply a reduction code"
• Enter the code for the current promotion and click on "apply discount"
• You will notice that the total of the order will be modified with the discount




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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