
Your right honorable,

Thank you for leading Canadian through the Covid 19, hope you and Sophie and all family have been well. I am writing today to express pro-democracy Chinese community’s concern over Hong Kong’s situation.

First of all, thank you for making a joint declaration with Western allies over Hong Kong’s National Security Law, and promptly suspended extradition treaty to protect Canadians. I really appreciated your leadership and I can’t be more proud to be Canadian. In my humble opinion, there are more Canadians can do to support Hong Kong people

We suggest that we share international responsibility with our allies like U.K. and Australia. They have announced amendment of their immigration policy to receive pro-democracy HK people, so should we. Wherever is humanity crisis, there is Canada. Jewish holocaust during WWII, Vietnamese refugees in 1970s, Tiananmen Square 1989, until Mddl East recently, we have always been there, because this is who we are, let alone Hong Kong is home of 300,000 Canadians.

Hong Kong people will not be a burden to Canada, instead, they will help make this country strong and free, like all immigrants. Needless to say, Hong Kong people has brought tremendous prosperity to Canada since the mid-1980. You spent a lot of time personally and professionally in Vancouver, you have seen it. There are three things that they will certainly do for our country 1) They will bring in billions of capital to help rebuild our economy 2) Hong Kong people has enjoyed the best education in the world, the human capital is all we need to transform into smarter economy 3) During year long protest against the tyranny, the bravity and moral power they demonstrated shows great similarity to Canadian values. It’s not only we are helping them, but also we need them

We need to act quickly before the iron fist of China reach them like they have done to Canada’s two Michael. Please help, let Canada be Canada

patriotically yours

Ng Tak-Han


Your right honorable,

Thank you for leading Canadian through the Covid 19, hope you and Sophie and all family have been well. I am writing today to express pro-democracy Chinese community’s concern over Hong Kong’s situation.

First of all, thank you for making a joint declaration with Western allies over Hong Kong’s National Security Law, and promptly suspended extradition treaty to protect Canadians. I really appreciated your leadership and I can’t be more proud to be Canadian. In my humble opinion, there are more Canadians can do to support Hong Kong people

We suggest that we share international responsibility with our allies like U.K. and Australia. They have announced amendment of their immigration policy to receive pro-democracy HK people, so should we. Wherever is humanity crisis, there is Canada. Jewish holocaust during WWII, Vietnamese refugees in 1970s, Tiananmen Square 1989, until Mddl East recently, we have always been there, because this is who we are, let alone Hong Kong is home of 300,000 Canadians.

Hong Kong people will not be a burden to Canada, instead, they will help make this country strong and free, like all immigrants. Needless to say, Hong Kong people has brought tremendous prosperity to Canada since the mid-1980. You spent a lot of time personally and professionally in Vancouver, you have seen it. There are three things that they will certainly do for our country 1) They will bring in billions of capital to help rebuild our economy 2) Hong Kong people has enjoyed the best education in the world, the human capital is all we need to transform into smarter economy 3) During year long protest against the tyranny, the bravity and moral power they demonstrated shows great similarity to Canadian values. It’s not only we are helping them, but also we need them

We need to act quickly before the iron fist of China reach them like they have done to Canada’s two Michael. Please help, let Canada be Canada

patriotically your

Ng Tak-Han
有一个词叫做“话语权”,看似不如飞机大炮厉害,实则威力无穷。 这里,有五毛和缺西自干五基于利益在争夺话语权、大打给别人洗脑的舆论战。性别、地域、族群等领域都是如此。洗脑可以洗得你自愿过度奉献,奉献完之后还要为你的主子辩护。 独立思考会帮助你“以我为主”而不是被别人牵着鼻子走的湾区蠢驴。

On behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence.

Please be assured that your comments have been carefully reviewed. In your correspondence, you raise an issue that falls within the portfolio of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Foreign Affairs. I have therefore taken the liberty of forwarding your email to Minister Champagne for information and consideration.

Thank you for taking the time to write.

J.P. Vachon
Executive Correspondence Services
for the Prime Minister's Office
Services de la correspondance
de la haute direction
pour le Cabinet du Premier ministre
是发生战争了, 还是发生重大自然灾害了?
扔汽油弹捅警察 被警方通缉的逃亡分子
那不是难民 是暴徒

而那些真正的难民, 正是许多华人鄙视而拒绝的.
在这里这自由都没有, 多憋屈啊
在这里这自由都没有, 多憋屈啊
這就對了,我的信已經暗示很明顯了,差點畫公仔畫出腸了。樓上那個angry 50 cents沒看清楚。他們是負責憤怒的,他們才不管你什麼內容





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