父母团聚移民申请中 可以领CERB吗?


按照移民局网站官方说法,是没有影响,不算social assistance。

How financial benefits affect family sponsorship

Can I sponsor my spouse, parent or grandparent if I’m receiving a Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) payment?
Yes, if you’re receiving CERB you’re still eligible to sponsor, as long as you meet all the requirements. CERB would not be considered social assistance.

Is CERB considered social assistance?
The Canada Emergency Response Benefit payments (CERB) are not considered social assistance. Receiving CERB won’t make you ineligible to sponsor your spouse, parent or grandparent.

If I collect EI or CERB during the undertaking period as a sponsored permanent resident, will it cause my sponsor to go into default?
No, neither EI or CERB would cause the sponsor to default if you collect these benefits during the undertaking period.
However, if you collect social assistance during the undertaking period, that would cause your sponsor to default and they would have to be repay the amount.
最后编辑: 2020-04-21




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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