Does EI affect parents sponsorship? Oct 5, 2020
Note: Maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. You can still sponsor, if you're eligible, while on these benefits. Other payments, such as employment insurance and federal training allowances, are not considered income.
How financial benefits affect family sponsorship Oct 7, 2020
If you collect the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), you’re still eligible to sponsor your spouse, parent, grandparent, child or other relative as long as you meet all the requirements to be a sponsor.
CERB isn’t considered social assistance. Collecting CERB won’t make you ineligible to sponsor.
EI and CERB won’t cause you to default
If the person you sponsored collects Employment Insurance (EI) or the CERB during the undertaking period, it will not cause you to default.
However, if the person you sponsored collects social assistance during the undertaking period, you have to repay the amount. If you don’t, you’ll be in default of your undertaking.
COVID-19 border measures have ended as of October 1, 2022 for all travellers entering or returning to Canada by air, land or sea.