

最近收到了移民局的邮件,问还想不想来加拿大,本人还是想让他们来的,但是疫情现在这个情况,又觉得旅途中还是不安全, 但是我母亲的护照还有半年就到期了,现在国内护照一直不给续签,现在左右为难,不知道给如何回复移民局。 来吧怕不安全,不来吧,一是不知道移民局那里还能不能拖很久,而是万一到时候护照到期了疫情还是不见好转,国内也不给续签,想来也来不了,纠结。还请论坛里的高人不吝指教,不胜感谢
护照过期 可以重办护照 只是现在国内的办证机构要申请人提供更多的资料 还要求做公证说明不是出国旅游

国内出入境要求“非必要不旅行 ”,更新护照确实比之前费劲
城市是南昌。 最后有没有公证不太清楚,不过听说公安局当场就会审批,如果提交的材料没问题,2周后就能拿到新护照。新护照已经拿到了。
体检可以再延期,web form去申请
谢谢 写啥理由呢?是不是申请延期就会通过呢?
体检可以再延期,web form去申请
谢谢 写啥理由呢?是不是申请延期就会通过呢?

只需在web form 通知IRCC目前疫情未结束,出行有风险,IRCC会通情达理

This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada under the Parents and Grandparents program.

We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as a permanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable or unwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, you may do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, please notify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to date information we have on next steps.

Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address your correspondence to: CPC Mississauga.

只需在web form 通知IRCC目前疫情未结束,出行有风险,IRCC会通情达理

This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada under the Parents and Grandparents program.

We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as a permanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable or unwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, you may do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, please notify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to date information we have on next steps.

Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address your correspondence to: CPC Mississauga.
谢谢 谢谢 🙏🏻 我这就去发webform

只需在web form 通知IRCC目前疫情未结束,出行有风险,IRCC会通情达理

This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada under the Parents and Grandparents program.

We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as a permanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable or unwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, you may do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, please notify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to date information we have on next steps.

Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address your correspondence to: CPC Mississauga.
你好 请问发了weform 移民局不给回复怎么办




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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