斯坦福 IT


回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

natural wastage 自然损耗
net worth to assets ratio 资本净值与负债比率
net worth to fixed capital ratio 资本净值与固定资本比率
net working capital 营运资金净额
new arrivals新进款项
n.(名词)A printed report giving news or information of interest to a special group.
业务通讯:给特殊团体提供新闻或有利信息的书面报导(esp 公司)
no claim bonus n. (因前一年未发生索赔而享受的)保险金优惠
no claim discount 无赔偿折扣
no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠
no custom format exists n. [计]无自定义格式
no effects 无存款(银行在空头支票上的批语)
no funds 存款不足(银行退回空头支票时用语)
no exchange surrender 免结汇, 不结汇
parsimonious adj. 吝啬的, 节俭的
no frills 朴实无华的,商品或服务只提供必要功能与作用的。
nominal amount 面额, 象征性数额
nominal capital 法定股本 =authorized share capital
core activity 核心业务
no shower 订定而没有露面的人
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obscene money 不义之财
octopus smart card 香港八通卡
office administer=office assistant 也就是俗称的secretry
office complex 商业写字楼社区
office hours=business hours
offset v弥补, 抵销
fringe benefits designed to offset low salaries.用以补偿低工资的额外福利
one stop shopping
on approval供试用的(看样试用后决定是否购买), 包退包换的
off the shelf 现货供应 不用定制的
off year 小年, 非大选年
offal n. 碎屑, 残渣, 废弃物, 垃圾, (猪、牛、羊等屠宰后的)头, 尾, 下水
preprimer <美>学龄前儿童读物,低幼读物
on a barter basis adv. 以易货方式
on-hold music 电话等待接听时的背景音乐
open plan office =开放式办公室 without cubicles
OEM abbr.(略语) Original equipment manufacturer.
A company that purchases computers or other complex components from manufacturers, adds other hardware or software, and sells the systems, often for specific applications.
原件设备制造商:从制造者中买回计算机或其它复杂元件,然后配以其它硬 件或软件并出售整个系统(该系统经常有专门用途)的公司
To farm out (work, for example) to an outside provider or manufacturer in order to cut costs.
n.(名词) The procuring of services or products, such as the parts used in manufacturing a motor vehicle, from an outside supplier or manufacturer in order to cut costs.外部采办,外购:为缩减开支从外界供货商或制造商那里获得服务或产品(如制造机动车的零件)
outstanding account [未清]帐款 未付帐单, 未结算帐目
outstanding capital stock 流通在外股本, 净发股本
outstanding capital stock 流通在外股本, 净发股本
outstanding of deposits 存款余额
overbook vt 超额订出,预订过多
overcapacity 生产能力过剩
The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.管理费用,经常费用:企业的管理费用,包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用
Overhaul To examine or go over carefully for needed repairs.
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

平面设计处:Graphic Design Division
广告处:advertisement Division
品牌规划处:trademark planning Division
市场部:market department
各营销大区:each large section of marketing
业务部:business department
各分公司:each branch company
设备处:facility division
动力工程处:power engineering division
质量管理处:quality control division
各研发部:each research and invention department
中心实验室:central laboratory
外联处:exterior communication division
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

企划部:Enterprise Planning Department
营销中心:marketing center
人力资源部:human resources department
储运部:warehousing and transportation department
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
监察委:supervision committee
研发中心:research and invention center
行政部administrative department
财务部:financial department
审计部:audit department


回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

easy money
低息 贷款


回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

企划部:Enterprise Planning Department
营销中心:marketing center
人力资源部:human resources department
储运部:warehousing and transportation department
生产中心:production center
供应部:supply department
监察委:supervision committee
研发中心:research and invention center
行政部administrative department
财务部:financial department
审计部:audit department

不过不知道研发中心是不是research and invention center了
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

additional warrant money 追加保证金
advance money 预收或预付款
antecedent money 押金
back money 拖欠款, 过期未付款
bank deposit money 银行存款资金
bargain money 定金, 定钱
blood money n. 付给凶手的酬金, 给被害人家属的抚恤金, 为防止报复而给出的钱, 因将凶犯交给警察所得的奖金(尤指凶犯被处死刑时)
bogus money 伪币
broken money 零钱
call money n. 活期借款, (随时可要求借款人偿还)
cancellation money 解约金
conscience money n. 心安钱, 赎罪金 n. 赎罪金(为求得心安而付的钱)
copy money 稿费; 版税
errant money 游资
volatile money 游资
hot money n. 游资,(为追求高额利润而流动的)短期流动资金
funny-money n. 膨胀的通货
head money n. 人头税
hard money 硬通货, 硬性[紧俏]货币
important money 大笔款项(美俗称大钞)
margin money 保证金 预收保证金
premium money 奖金, 保险费
white money 银币
wildcat money 准备不足而发行的纸币
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

paper jam 卡纸
paper tray 纸盒 (打印机)
paper over
To put or keep out of sight; conceal:隐藏:使不被看到;掩饰:
He papered over a deficit with accounting gimmicks. 在帐上耍花招来掩饰亏空
bank paper n [总称]钞票, 纸币, 银行票据
commodity paper 商品票据(特指有货权凭证的票据)
white paper 白皮书(英美政府关于某一问题的官方报告)
working paper n. 工作底稿
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

不过不知道研发中心是不是research and invention center了

IBT,你太有才了,你真是火眼金睛,发现了错误。这是我拼写错了。应该是RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT :wdb10::wdb20:
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

par value n. 票面价值,面值,平价
par value stock 面额股票
passbook存款簿, 银行存折
pastry cook n. 糕点工,糕点业者
pay a premium for 付佣金
pay as you go 帐单到期即付, 量入为出
pay by installments 分期付款
pay duty 纳税
pay for a dead horse 花冤枉钱
pay for one's footing 缴纳入会费
pay money down 付现款
pay one's way through school 凭自己赚钱完成学业, 半工半读
pay student 自费生
pay roll 工资清单, 薪工清单 工资薪金总额
pay slip 工资单
pay the difference 付差额金
payable account 应付帐款
payable at sight 见票即付(指支票等)
payable on demand 见票即付(的票据)
payment against arrival of documents 单到付款
payment against documents through collection 托收项下的凭单付款, 凭单托收付款
payment against presentation of shipping documents 凭运单付款
payment aganist documents credit 凭单据付款信用证
payment at a certain time after sight 见票后若干日付款
payment at a fixed future time 规定的将来日期付款
payment at sight 见票即付, 即期付款
payback period 回收期, 偿还期
payment by instalments 延期付款
payment in arrears 拖欠款项
payment of balance 付给尾数, 支付余数
payment on terms 定期付款

a back pay [美]拖欠的工资, 欠薪
annual pay 年薪
call-back pay 加班费
idle time pay 停工时期工资
portal-to-portal pay n. <美>根据上班时间所给付之工资
redundancy pay 遣散费
release pay 遣散费
take-home pay 扣税后的实得工资
payee收款人, 领款人
paying guest (家中的)寄膳宿者
paying proposition 赚钱企业 赢利企业 赚钱生意
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penalty envelope [美](其上印有“私人不得擅用, 违者必罚”字样的)免费邮递公文的信封
penalty schedule 罚规 惩罚条例
slackerism 逃避责任的行为
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

An annuity payable indefinitely. 终身年金:无期限地可获得的年金或养老金
annuity : The annual payment of an allowance or income.年金:津贴或收入的年度支付
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

discounted cash flow 按现值计算的现金流量
discounted notes 贴现票据
discount on bills sold on condition of repurchase 附有回购条件票据的贴现
discount of accounts receivable 应收帐款的短期贴现信贷
discount amortization 债券发行贴水的摊销
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

A pictorial representation of numerical data or relationships, especially a graph, but having each value represented by a proportional number of pictures.Also called pictogram
统计图表,象形图:用图画表现数字的信息或关系,尤指图表,但用有比例的一定数字的图画来代表每种价值也作 pictogram
A bar graph of a frequency distribution in which the widths of the bars are proportional to the classes into which the variable has been divided and the heights of the bars are proportional to the class frequencies.矩形图,直方图:一种用来表示频分布的图表长方形的高表示相应的频率分布
account flow chart 会计流程图解
circular chart 圆[扇]形图
cubic chart 立体图
floor chart 平面布置图
marginal profit chart 边际利润图表
pie chart 圆形分格统计图表
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

leveraged buyout 〈经〉融资收买,融资买入
leveraged lease 〈经〉融资租赁
financial leverage 财务杠杆作用
commercial leverage 商业上的调节手段
multiplier leverage 乘数财务杠杆作用
operating leverage 营业挺率, 营业杠杆作用
optimum leverage 最适资本结构




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