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回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

sometimes i hanged out on the native guys' web sites. guys said there if you want eroll the toronto university, it must be 170 for entering it. for UBC, 160 is sufficent. there are some different professiones in law school, each proffesion has it's own entering score. graduating from pacific proffesion will secure us aquiring the opportunity to take part in the lawyer examination in all of the country, encluding USA, it require higher entering mark. another proffesion which need lower mark only execute the lawyer occupation in Canada and some parts of American,such as NewYork.
unfortunately. the ability of native guys in NY, the comprehension of togue and intonation, is much better than we foreign guys.
so, agree with upstair, learning here and going back to China or hongkong.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

sometimes i hanged out on the native guys' web sites. guys said there if you want eroll the toronto university, it must be 170 for entering it. for UBC, 160 is sufficent. there are some different professiones in law school, each proffesion has it's own entering score. graduating from pacific proffesion will secure us aquiring the opportunity to take part in the lawyer examination in all of the country, encluding USA, it require higher entering mark. another proffesion which need lower mark only execute the lawyer occupation in Canada and some parts of American,such as NewYork.
unfortunately. the ability of native guys in NY, the comprehension of togue and intonation, is much better than we foreign guys.
so, agree with upstair, learning here and going back to China or hongkong.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗


"诸多失望"---for example???

I am just curious. I am changing my career into Law because I am disappointed by my current job.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

sometimes i hanged out on the native guys' web sites. guys said there if you want eroll the toronto university, it must be 170 for entering it. for UBC, 160 is sufficent. there are some different professiones in law school, each proffesion has it's own entering score. graduating from pacific proffesion will secure us aquiring the opportunity to take part in the lawyer examination in all of the country, encluding USA, it require higher entering mark. another proffesion which need lower mark only execute the lawyer occupation in Canada and some parts of American,such as NewYork.
unfortunately. the ability of native guys in NY, the comprehension of togue and intonation, is much better than we foreign guys.
so, agree with upstair, learning here and going back to China or hongkong.

Sorry I do not quite understant your "higher mark" and "lower mark"--what they are?

Do "different professions" mean different majors???I heard Law Schools do not recruit students based on majors???

As far as I know, even you are a Toronto graduate (or any other canadian law schools), there is still some limitation on you if you want to practice law in USA. You can only take the bars in some states (3 maybe), but not all of them.

Would you share the guys' website?
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

first, tofel is required for me, at least.因为我没有在英语国家有教育背景,这是安省法学院入学考试指导手册上说的.

"因为我没有在英语国家有教育背景,这是安省法学院入学考试指导手册上说的."----I did not know that. Did you already immigrate to Canada? Actually, US law schools do not require TOEFL. You may consider it if you wish to.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

I am still now in China. My immigration application now is in the final stage. I am not famaliar with US law school. I just said that for the law schools (altogether 6) in Ontaria, Canada, they requires TOFEL.
US is not so attractive to me, due to financial reasons.

Once again, so glad to see you guys here.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

i cannot remember the name of web site on which i got the information of different major,by the way the profession is the same mean of major, of law school.
i can obviously remember the parts we excute the lawyer career depends on the major we selected.
there are some web site here, may help guys a little bit.
the first one is a official guide for entering law school
second is some guys who have conversation about how to aquire 160, some advisement seem tremendously helpful.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

我曾经在某基层法院工作过10年的时间, 办理过一些案件,我认为由于毕业于科班,基层法院的法官,尤其是年轻法官的敬业精神和法律素养有相当的水准.基层法官无一不在超负荷的工作,背负着巨大的精神压力.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗


我也不年轻了.但是移民后不念书,又能做什么呢?最好的职位是律所的legal assisstant,或是转行.做不了的,到时只能打labor了.

回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

wll_zhangx :

TO 大家:
最后编辑: 2007-10-16
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

有学法律的在这儿考了个law assistant,读两年的college,毕业后工作了.收入40000加币一年,工作性质相当于国内的律师助理.
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

有学法律的在这儿考了个law assistant,读两年的college,毕业后工作了.收入40000加币一年,工作性质相当于国内的律师助理.


1. "不知道这个前十名是班级还是本专业的概念" --I heard law schools do not have different "专业". All students take the same classes in the first year. For the following two years, they may choose their favorable focus. But all grades will be curved among the whole class. Is that right?

2. "加拿大法学院每年申请与招生的比例在2:1左右."--I feel the ratio is even lower than 1:5(招生:申请), some shools are even 1:10.

3. "有人说在法学院能学到前十名的成绩"-- top 10 or top 10%?
回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

回复: 有准备移民加国念法律的吗

this is a good major, and i encourage all of u to pursue it. also, this is the most interesting major i know in the field of social sciences.
i study now in a law school, and i just enjoy it.
u take six courses each semestre, and u can finish very quickly.
it's not difficult like u think. u work hard and u can get a straight a.




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