1 想请教如果是中专护理科毕业后转念完硕士但是healthcare management 非本护理科这样在蒙城可以直接考照吗? --i don't think so. the entry level is the college diploma of nursing. you could refer to this website http://www.santemontreal.qc.ca/rh/pub/fr/default.asp to see wheter u match the job requirements holding your master degree in the healthcare management.
2 Traning念英文然后去别省考执照可以吗? -- it depends. as far as i know, in Ontario, even a lpn requires college diploma, while training certificate is only evaluated as "DES": secondary school diploma.
3 MCgill 附属医院是否可以不用说法文? --as far as i know. hospital documents are all written in french. both french and english are must.