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回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师
—— 使馆的回航导弹,大家看下,是套话么?Dear Lemon25:
Please be advised that your application is currently undergoing a standard background check, this is a legal requirement prior to visa issuance and cannot be avoided. Please remain very patient as this process may take 6-12 months to complete.
Applications will be delayed if the Visa Office has to take extra steps to assess your case. If you have already done the medical examination it is possible those medical results might expire and if this happens, we will contact you if a new medical examination is required.
Our office will contact you with instructions when your application reaches the end of the background check.
To monitor the status of your application please go to our Case Status web page: http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/internet-case-status-request-en.asp
Yours sincerely,
Visa and Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China
Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
Email: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Consent & Disclaimer: By supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party.